This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
ps3 is way better than xbox360 quality wise. the ps3 has a more consumer friendly menu, a higher amount of ram, a better graphics device (blu-ray) it has more features that are easier to understand, and a more customizable interface. on the games, the main way to hack the game is to jailbreak your ps3 making it basicly useless for normal play, and this mean to cheat you need an extra $300 instead of 50 bucks, not to mention NO RED RING OF DEATH, only thing xbox wins in is price and some games, which ps3 has great games too, and the xbox only is cheaper bc its assembled in a pos factory for next to nothing with junk parts.
360 has better controller design. and good exclusives, but it's menu is confusing and is lacking in amount of great exclusives. and you have to pay for internet ps3 has great exclusives,free online, and better menu, but misses out on controller design wii is family friendly, but has hardcore gamers often times wanting more.
it really depends which of the above you are looking for, i like ps3 best though because of the better exclusives and menu. plus free internet!
X-box 360 is the best all because things cost more on PS3 and PS3 totally copied x-box with the "free" online, but if that wasn't all, they even copied Wii with the PlayStation Move! X-box didn't copy Wii because they made their own thing; X-box Kinect. My opinion is the X-box is the BEST!
In my opinion, the PS3 is the best considering that the online is free unlike the Xbox, the graphics are much better than both the Xbox and Wii, on the Wii all you really get is the moving aspect whereas in PS3 and Xbox you can play games as well as using yourself as the controller. My Xbox gets damaged quite a lot as well and my PS3 or Wii don't. While I may be biased because I've had the PS3 longer than all of the other two consoles, it's definitely my favorite console.
i've had every game console since i was 4 years old (1998) and the best one is still the PS3 i think it's easier to use, has the best look of all, controller battery lasts waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than xbox360 znd it has never failed on me except for ONCE where i had to simply turn it on and off again...this hasn't been the case for me with PC, 360 or wii
Play station for the amazingly better graphics and the free online the wii is alright but needs better graphics and the reason i say this is once you have seen the graphics on the ps3 everything else is obsolete
personally i have none of this consoles but my friends does so i prefer the 360 and the ps3 Reason: i really like war games and they are pretty bad on wii (in my opinion) then the ps3 is great online and you dont pay but the 360 have bether games for me (exept god of war which is one of my favorite games and only exist on playstatin system if im not wrong)
PC is way by far best because it has a keyboard mouse camera and of course the internet , the expensive computers are worth it ... if it has a great videocard