O.K., I saw this, and had to put my two cents in. In my opinion, after playing all three platforms for a prolonged ammount of time, that Xbox is better. Wii... Well, what can I say about the Wii? It was, essentially, a flop. Yes, it's fun every once in a while, but it can't compete with Kinect. Or, even the Playstation Move. I had a Wii for my 12th birthday. I played it for 3 months, new games, and accesories ate my money like no other. And after those three months, I wanted to take an axe to my Wii. It just gets too boring after prolonged playing.
Xbox- 1
PS3-- 1
Wii-- 0
Wii, is out. Now the PS3.
The PS3 is a great console. I will not lie about that. But I'll start with it's cons, instead of the pros. The PS3's disc reading thingy, it can easily get something in it, and never come out. The touch sensitive buttons, to turn on, off, and open/close, can glitch. Yes, I know there is another model without those, but still. I had a PS3, with that. After a full year of playing my heart out, it had to happen, it died. But not permanentley, no. Just, for a few weeks, then it decided to work again, and erase all of my memory on MW2 (8th prestige, and most of the prestige challenges done.). Sorry for putting contempt into my analysis, but it has to happen with my experiences. The controllers, yea, they are good, but flimsy, thin, and non-conformative. The joysticks aren't in there good (if you own a PS3, you know what I'm talking about). And then the online. Okay, I don't want to sound biased, but Xbox Live, is better. If you don't agree, you are ignorant, and sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. It is, and PSN is good and all, but, when did Xbox Live get hacked so badly, they had to take down the whole network, and rebuild it? And then, get hacked again, when you take the safeguards down? Sorry for bringing that up, but it was inevitable. O.K., summarization:
Wii- No
PS3- Good
Xbox- Undiscussed
If you are still reading this, good job. Xbox. Xbox, Xbox, Xbox, Xbox. Wow, okay. Let's talk about the system.
It is a very sturdy console, with a nice curviture, just to add looks (but doesn't help to fit it anywhere.). If we are talking about the Arcade, or the Elite, there are so many things to say about each in part. So, I will talk about the Arcade, since I am a proud owner of one.
It's loud. Yes, the PS3 is much quieter. But when you see the Xbox insignia flow across the screen, you love it. It does great reading discs, it doesn'tt grab them. (Looks over at the Nintendo guys) But you just place it on a tray. That's awesome, not complicated, simple.
The sync for the controllers, is much easier than Wii. The cords. Well, not much good to say about the cords. They are thick, bulky, and annoying.
The hardrive system is great. Just going back to Memory cards from PS2/PS1, I love that. the PS3 definitely should have memory cards just like its predecessors.
The controllers. They are strong, sturdy, and a little rage doesn't hurt them. The buttons are convex, instead of flat, easier pushing. The joysicks are concave, to keep from slipping.
Did you ever hear about the test, where they dropped a PS3, an Xbox, and a Wii, off of a roof? Let's just say the Xbox didn't die as much.
Okay. Summary=
Wii -0
PS3 -1
Xbox -2
There you go. If you read this whole thing, I give you a voucher for an imaginary cookie. That is my opinion, from my brain, laid upon the computer screen. Thank you, and goodbye.