This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
PS3 has the biggest library, it has the best customer support, it has the best controllers(IMO), it has the best hardware, it has the best software(IMO), and PSN is faster than Live.
I could easily say that about the Xbox 360 or PS3 if I wanted to, but it's wrong to say something like that if you don't have any evidence to back it up.
Now you could say that I'm not telling the truth, just because I don't have a picture of my Xbox perfectly used and my Wii collecting dust, but I will tell you this.
I have had my Xbox for just over 2 years now, and my family decided to get a Wii to have more fun all together. I have had the wii about 6 months, and it hasn't been used in about 4 months. The Xbox is played by my brother and my sister, where the Wii is played by none.
You might not call this evidence, but its what I experienced.
Xbox360 has the best Online Community, and the best chatting opportunities..
Yeah with 8 and 9 year old kids... Also ever notice how everyones voice sounds extremely nerdy while playing any game on an xbox... Or is that just the people to?
ps3 becasue to me its a computer that can do almost anything. said when u wanna listen to free music hell i can go on and on but i dont wanna
A gamer is defined(IMO) as someone who plays games on a regular bases, and lacks the ignorance that the normal person would have. A rolling gamer only play the "high rolling" games, normally FPS games, and normally only MP ones. Real gamers, by definition(IMO) play any and all games, as long as they think they are good, and value a good single player, something almost all Xbox exclusives lack.
X-BOX FOREVER! Some games suck, but you can play Fable and all other epic game. Wii is more-of-a family gaming console, and PS3 and X360 are for hardcore gamers. Therefore, that's my reason...
The Wii only has 2 games that have Wi-Fi chat enabled, and the PS3 is much too expensive. Also, much more people play XBL so you aren't gonna be sayin' "COME ON! FIND ME A MATCH ALREADY!"