This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Oh, I'd like to make sure it is clear, that everything I have said in this thread, and come to say, is completely opinion based.
The fact that the PS3 has better hardware is not an opinion. The fact that PS3 has more exclusives is not an opinion. The fact that there are more PSN users than XBL users is not an opinion. Way to make an ignorant statement.
Oh, I'd like to make sure it is clear, that everything I have said in this thread, and come to say, is completely opinion based. [quote]The fact that the PS3 has better hardware is not an opinion. The fact that PS3 has more exclusives is not an opinion. The fact that there are more PSN users than XBL users is not an opinion. Way to make an ignorant statement.
In fact as i said before I think Wii is best, but Xbox and PS3 are good as well, but PS3MOVE and KINECT arent very good. I tried them both. Kinect had worst games ever and wasnt even working. Move worked as well as Wii but it had games which started to bore me after 5 minutes.
The fact that the PS3 has better hardware is not an opinion. The fact that PS3 has more exclusives is not an opinion. The fact that there are more PSN users than XBL users is not an opinion. Way to make an ignorant statement.
I'm the one making an ignorant statement? Listen here, I never talked about the hardware, the ammount of users, or the exclusives, but if you want, I will.
First of all, exclusives? When did Xbox Live get the Accension map pack? Oh, yeah, about a month BEFORE PSN, I, am not the ignorant one in this equation. Buddy. I'm not trying to flame or anything, but don't say something, when you don't even know what you're saying. Please.
The fact that the PS3 has better hardware is not an opinion. The fact that PS3 has more exclusives is not an opinion. The fact that there are more PSN users than XBL users is not an opinion. Way to make an ignorant statement.
I'm the one making an ignorant statement? Listen here, I never talked about the hardware, the ammount of users, or the exclusives, but if you want, I will.
First of all, exclusives? When did Xbox Live get the Accension map pack? Oh, yeah, about a month BEFORE PSN, I, am not the ignorant one in this equation. Buddy. I'm not trying to flame or anything, but don't say something, when you don't even know what you're saying. Please.
Wow... I have no comments for your stupidity. First of all, Ascension is map, not a pack. Secondly, that isn't exclusive, thats just an early release that Microsoft payed Activision to give them because they are losing Live customers. So who's the ignorant one? Oh. thats right, you are.
Well, I think the Wii is a bit like Kinect... good for a week and then you forget it. But PS3 has the best graphics. Xbox has the best community and online. I think its between PS3 and Xbox
The Kinect is like the Wii. Except on the Kinect, you don't have a controller, it's not very responsive, and you get a whole bunch of horrible games. While on the Wii, you get great games, it's responsive, and you have a controller.
PS3 has the best graphics.
With that you're basically saying that the PS3 deserves to win because of the graphics. Terrible argument.
i heard that the new wii that they are making is going to be as(maybe more idk)powerful as the ps3 and 360
I've seen the specs, and the hardware is more powerful, the question is will they utilize it. If the OS is complex, it might take to much processing for any games to be at the level of spectacular, not saying they'll be bad though.