This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Well, i guess ps3 is the winner here, I like the feeling it gives when you play it way more than xbox360 does... I have a wii, and i bought just because it was the new thing to play videogames without pressing any button, just moving! it was (i keep enyojing it:3)real fun, but the idea soon got old, what do you think?
for ps3, i dont like the controls, the controller has both of the sticks on the bottom and the xbox controller has better control because the ls is on top and rs is on the bottom for better thumb action, so i say xbox is way better than ps3 or wii
Okay, I have/have had all of these consoles, pros and cons are clearly set out below;
Wii: Pros: Good games (Mario etc :P) Cons: Bad graphics, hard to hold the controller still, just bad :P
Xbox 360: Pros: Good graphics, the controller is very comfortable, Xbox live is very good, lots of downloadable content (DLC), the whole "dashboard" idea with avatars etc, Kinect, Halo :P Cons: You have to pay for Xbox Live
PS3: Pros: Good graphics (probably the best of the three), Blu Ray, PSN is good (and free!), Playstation Move Cons: No Halo :P
So, in my opinion, the Wii is the worst of the three, but the pros and cons of the 360 and the PS3 kind of weigh each other out, i'll let you decide which is better
I think XBOX and PS3 are practically the same thing. Not a big fan of wii, have to admit. I have a XBOX, once had a PS3 but then sold it for an XBOX because it was a good deal. So I think it comes down to whether you like Kill Zone 3 or not. I am XBOX, I guess.
I agree with Martian, they basically are the same things. With the exceptions of some games are not compatible with both systems i.e. Halo for Xbox or Ratchet and Clank for PS3. And having to pay for Xbox live is also a factor. I'm going to go with PS3.
And as for Wii, it's not really in the competition.
I believe the PC would beat all three of these consoles, but I don't have a gaming PC for games I would like to play, so I use an Xbox 360. Xbox 360 and PS3 both had a lot of work put into them though. They both deserve a thumbs up. The Wii... is... okay.
Xbox 360 Easily. Look... i like the PS3 and it does have some good games (one of my faveourite games includes Ratchet and Clank) but the Xbox is just better as even though you pay for connection to live, it connects way better (less lag) and is way more secure than Nintendo and the PSN network.
my opinoin i think that the xbox360 is the top console b/c the xbox has slightly better graphics than the ps3.but ps3 its free to play online & has a blu ray player xbox u have 2 pay but has kinect so no cotrollers.the wii is ok but the problem is that its not as diverse as other consoles by this i mean when u see a trailer for a new game most of the time it for xbox/ps3 not wii(except brawl its cool).also u need space for the wii or u might break your tv while the end its all about personal taste.