This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I think the wii plain out sucks **** but i cant really decide who's better when it comes to the xbox 360 and ps3 but if i had to choose one it would be the xbox 360.
Well, my point of view is that PS3 is the best, because it is a friendly console, easy-to-use, exciting and tons of great games and apps fit perfectly with it. The second console may be Xbox360, because it has better graphic qualities, so its more recomended for waching movies than playing games. The best thing of it is the kinect, which is the most advanced interactive console by far! The last is Wii, due to low graphics quality, old games that everybody got bored of, few games to choose from, and the fact that it is only an interactive console, it cant be both interactive and normal, like PS3 or Xbox360. Anyway, I dont have any of them xD, but Ive experienced the gaming on all! What I have is a PSP3000 and I am purely satisfied!
Defiantly PlayStation 3, Xbox Live bills can stack up while Wii is just plain stupid. Wii does have Super Smash Bros. Brawl and is good for families. Xbox has great features and has many games available like Call of Dudy and Halo. While all three are pretty good ps3 has great graphics no cost and has many games available ps3 ftw.
Well one, 1., 3., and 4., aren't even choices. And two, EXLAIN! I'm guessing you have a love for nintendo and handheld. I would love to see you explain your reasoning behind your choices.
The Xbox 360 has some good games, and the Kinect is a very intuitive approach to movement gaming, but I find games such as Skyrim and Battlefield's graphics and any words in them become hard to see/read, whereas the Playstation 3 has excellent graphics and I can read mission descriptions without squinting. The Wii; not a chance. Nintendo hasn't developed anything good recently, thinking people will just keep buying the Wii and that no other company will copy the the movement gaming element.
PS3 by far. The Wii is more childish and inferior then the PS3's high graphics gaming and large community. But for the XBox 360 I wouldn't know for I've never played much XBox.
I had a Wii but now have a 360 and gave the Wii to my little bro. IMHO the 360 is the better of at least those two 'cause frankly I had tons of trouble finding games I liked for the Wii whereas with the 360 I want more games than I can get. However I will admit some of the games I did actually get for the Wii I liked way more than anything I will ever like on the 360, such as the 2 "no more heroes" games and the 2 "Red Steel" games but other than those I had too hard a time finding good games for the Wii to keep me occupied.