This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
even thought the 3 are very good consoles,it is clear(at least to me)that a 360 is the best option.Particulary,the xbox and the ps3 share almost every tittle,exept for the exclusive ones,of course.Problem is that ps3 games are too much expensive nowadays,and for a low middle class like me xD the 360 was a better option(The wii doesnt convince me enough)
Xbox 360 is by far the best console, although rivaled by the Wii, the 360 has kinect and a wide variety of games unavailable to the PS3 such as halo etc...
I think Xbox 360 all the way. Not only do you get the gaming experience, but you also get security for your online profile. PS3 lacks this. The internet is slow and the security is crap. I believe that the 360 has put gaming to a whole new level
I'm going to have to say PS3. For a few reasons, one, it has more exclusives than most people think (Metal Gear, Uncharted, and more). Another would be it's free playstation plus games, and I like the controller better. The internet is the same and for security I can say that my PS3 account and no-one I knew's account got hacked. While my Xbox360 account got hacked, and so did my friends my brothers, etc. What should be said that 360 and PS3 is pretty much the same other than what I mentioned. Kinect is a stupid, and the PS move is also. Both gimmicks suck, I won't deny that. Wii is only good if you like sequels for the nintendo games with slight improvements and play them with the Gamecube controller if possible.