This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
The Wii is only good for a few games, and the whole TV gimmick was really cool... for the first couple of weeks.
I think the 360 and PS3 are tied for many reasons. The PS3's triggers are a bit uncomfortable, you have to pay for XBL, PSN gets hacked more often than XBL, Microsoft doesn't have an awesome partner system like the VITA, and PS3 doesn't have Halo.
You mean the R2 and L2 buttons? I personally like them...when I occasionally go back and play my feels weird with them pressed up against the controller like they used to be
Playstation 3. I refuse to send my vote for a company that took almost 8 years to make a system that wasn't broken. It happened so much that the " red ring of death " is well known.
Meh, I feel like each has something the other needs desperately.
The 360 has WAY too much hype, which pays off when it comes to the online community. Too bad that most of them aren't too "nice". It could use better exclusives and tech capabilities, though.
The PS3 has superior capabilities, and the community on there is pretty good. It's a bit small, but PSHome is a good way to meet a lot of people.
And The Wii? No one actually likes it for serious games...
And where's the PC? It's like those guys never get the credit they deserve...
this is mainly for consoles vag, not really meant for PC. I am always laughing at my friends though, they all have xbox and they are always complaining about the red ring of death. The worst problem I got from my ps3 was the occasional game freeze every blue moon. Xbox does have alot more people but I hear the community is full ******s, no offence. However, when I'm playing on the PS3 I hardly ever have to mute/quit a game because people are glitching or have no sense of a projanity filter for their mouth.
They all have there potential Pros and Cons, the Xbox has Halo, so that is a reason to buy it. However you must pay for membership, which is quite costly. PS3 has free internet,which is always good. You can also press the fire button much faster than a Xbox, however once again it does not have Halo. The Wii is for players who want zelda or a workout mainly, so i would suggest just getting all of them.