This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I would have to vote for Playstation 3 over the Xbox 360 and the Wii. First of all the difference between the Xbox and the Playstation is very minor in my opinion, the differences are that the remote controls layout and that the Xbox requires you to pay to go online. Also I find the Wii a bit difficult and unfun due to the fact of having to move the remote in almost the exact position.
I have to go with the PS3 on this one. It has the best looking games out there. It may be more expensive, but in the long run, you'll pay more with X-Box live. Also it may have less games, but nearly all are exclusive and none suck.
I would say that they have the same games and yes there is a price difference but I go for quality. Also I do not think that there are less games than the Xbox 360
Please give reasons, one word answer is just spam, you dear joaodecio. But anyways, I prefer the PS3 too. There's not as many little kids, the console has more power, you can play Blu-Rays and it has a free internet.
They are all good consoles. It really depends on what kind of games you like. If you want FPS, and more American-styled games, go with Xbox. If you want more mature Japanese games, such as Disgaea, or Final Fantasy, go with the ps3. If you want more childish Japanese games, such as Mario, go with the Wii. I might be wrong, but that's what I think. I personally like Sony's stuff.
Also, to point out, PS3 has better PS3- only games. Excluding Halo of course, that game is just epic. Sony has Little Big Planet, Uncharted, Sly Cooper, Gran Turismo, Joe Danger and lots of others. Only two games I want from Xbox are Trails and Halo.
I love the PS3 free online play, tons more games including, but not limited to, infamous, little big planet, the Jak series, Final Fantasy, some other games from the PS2, and more. I also like how simple it is. I am angry about the change for the PlayStation store though, I was used to the old layout and it was a lot less complicated. All in all I just like the PS3 over the Xbox. Now, can you come back at this and say how the Xbox is better? Because I haven't heard anybody say something really convincing.