This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
i think the Xbox is great ive played all three and i like them all but the Xbox is the best. I like the Xbox first because it has the best games and the best internet. Next the PlayStation 3 - I like the PlayStation 3 2nd only because I think it has less great games and worse internet. Finally the Wii - I think the Wii is last only because it has less games and with there internet you can't really interact with anyone, well that I know of.
I have played all of the current gen consoles and I personally think that Xbox 360 is the best mainly because it has better exclusive games. PS3 is pretty good, but I'm worried that it'll get hacked another hundred times. Wii to me is fairly obsolete and only has about 1 or 2 good games. The only reason I don't like PC is because everyone there acts all elitist and spends their time trying to flame consoles by saying, "PC MASTER RACE!!!!!!!111one!!".
I like the Wii (I sense flaming) because 1. It was my first console 2. It has Super Paper Mario and Super Mario Galaxy 3. It doesn't harbor annoying online spam***s (looking at you, Call of Duty)
I don't know what you mean dtailz, I've been playing the ps3 for quite a while now and nobody has hacked me. The only issue was when I played CoD and all the hackers in there, so I swtiched to Battlefield.
I Really Enjoy the Wii But the graphics are just Discraseful , PS3 is a Really good Console but the thing is that its not organised with Microsoft so it dosent have alot of games that Xbox Has like MineCraft and A LOT more.
I've been playing the ps3 for quite a while now and nobody has hacked me.
He is talking about the Network in general getting hacked again
PS3 is a Really good Console but the thing is that its not organised with Microsoft so it dosent have alot of games that Xbox Has like MineCraft and A LOT more.
And XBox isn't organized with Sony...plenty of games that are just for the Ps3
would you care to explain what those LOT more games are for the xbox? I've come up with many for the PS3 but can only come up with 3 for the xbox off the top of my head. And when it comes donw to it there aren't any PS3 exclusive games I wouldn't want to go back and play..... infact, I think I'm gunna go play ratchet and clank, or maybe infamous, wish I had little big planet or maybe the new sly game, I'de deffinently be playing them.
You want to know what is sad? Microsoft is the only game sysem creator based in America but their Xbox is prone to failure. Red Ring of Death is now infamous amongst xbox owners, when it happens enough that it has a name, that is sad. Also the discs are pretty easy to scratch and after a while they will get messed up, while on the PS3 the discs are EXTREMELY durable, I have quite a few preowned and new games, and not a single one of them has a scratch. You have to go out of your way to really mess up a PS3 disc to the point it won't play.
That is either because people are careless and do stupid stuff, or their quality control did a horendous job and made them out of cheap material that would break after a few days/months