So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
Um just heads up but all governments can counter anything and defeat infulence units. It just relies on your skill and knowledge how well u can face those threats. The reason its hard to say your favorite government is cuz they all have their uses. Mostly it depends on your style of gameplay. Most people favor capitalist usually cuz it makes most resources and tdh made it famous. If u want to learn 1v1 capitalist isnt your only option just the most popular. That doesnt mean best.
There is no way you can really prove a player is cheating or not.
Only play against people you know don't cheat and there is no problem. I mean, only play proper 1v1s/2v2s against known pros if you are worried about cheaters.
Right, all governments have a counter for every build there is...Some cases, the counter just hasn't fully been discovered yet. I would say that Mon is now the most popular though as I have noticed that most people I play in 1v1 nowadays is mon 80% of the time.:L
Capitalist multi-tech is using the forge like a generator.
Armory Forge (make one roman to get influence if your ally didn't already do it) Outpost Hospital (this is built only after queen/hover is out)
If the enemy massed scouts upgrade the forge, switch armory to energy and make MK2, if not just upgrade the outpost to the max.
Once you have MK2+Queen+Hover+roman you can counter almost anything. If it is a 1vs2 you will need to defend until you can produce gladiators. Use charge and hold on the queen to fire missiles at their back ranks to stall the opponent if you see medics/snipers/spec opts.
Before you push on armory to energy, no rally autoroman to draw fire, and push your hovers. If enemy already have mass queens you may need to wait until you can make a sphinx, or if your micro is good MK2s can also do it.
Well, it doesn't only sound good on paper, if the enemy do one tech you will shut down their attempt. Only problem is the one cheese that is unbeatable in 2vs2: One player doing 1queen and mass hover and the other doing mk2+roman+medic
very good for 1v2 agenst noobs....but in realitly i agree with gen..that its OK when you can pull it off but few can do that..and becase of the mon craze at the momet alot of influ rushes will beat that as will fast hover or fox. but if you have a good ally this will shut down a forge rusher
Against mon is easy just queen/hover/MK2/roman Against mass hover is hard you need hover+phantom+roman, mod phantom from the armory is your secret weapon if you didn't upgraded the forge.
It is easy to fend off a rush, you just need to know what unit can do what and blow the opposing army apart at fewer numbers.
ok....then take into account they have 2 players ...... one has gone bank spec forge and is rushing with 3 spec teams 7 spred out romans and 5 scouts.. i dont matter how crap the second opponents rush is, as long as he is makeing alot of tier 1 units....that is a build i use... your strat makes air on its own uselles but becase you have a forge it gives you limeted resorces to build post units. you are useless agenst any build where the opposition has more than 2 untis beacause you havet got enough resorces to make a mass of any 1 type...but it has poteantial
im looking for some new strategys that complement the modern game a rush baced build with a pin...and is it just me but althought the "imbalance" means that a post is genraly stronger than forge..i see the majoroty of pro using a forge build...why is this soz for doubble post
simply because we dont have to use post -_-. We use forge because it compliments our style of gameplay. If you want to do post because its more favored go ahead. With pros it doesnt have to be the most favored just the most comfortable.
im looking for some new strategys that complement the modern game a rush baced build with a pin..
There are no such things. I mean there will be multiple stratgies but each one has a counter if microed right. In tourneys you wont be sticking with 1 build unless your super good at it. Most likely you will change it up to counter certain builds or do an entirely diffrent one. Colony is a rock paper scissors game. If you want a build just think of how you can make those combos and make variations to take on other builds.
well im not saying rushes with pins are bad. Its actually what most rely on in 1v1. But theres no such thing as an ultimate strategy to make you better. The current ones we have are fun you just need to work with them