i side with pac..as i have already said in a somewhat unclear manner...
. i know that sound like in ss forge is stronger case the poster cant defend air attaks very well. everything i said makes forge sound stronger in this mode but realy air becomes less useful if the enemy goes player 1 post player 2 forge...this on its own defeats imbalance on this mode that if 2 player were to use that same build against players of the same leval they would lose for a limited unit tech tree. as long as that can be said, however great the imbalance is. as long as in 2v2 it is almost always nessasery for both players to use a totaly different tech tree forge will allways have a use....but this can only be said for a few modes and norm is not one of them..therefore it is a unbalanced mode...as is cw and eq and dog fight... do you all understand now?
ok..decoding the complicated bits..in genral what that said was...
key: F=forge P=post
1. in a 1v1 P is stronger than F
2. in P v F 2v2 the same is said.
3. in 2v2 P+F v PvP or F+F. P+F wins.
this means that as long as the third statement is true, (P+F is genraly stronger than P+P and F+F.)then it dont matter the ammount of imbalance between the two because if that is true then having a forge instead of a second post will genraly be a better option then imbalance is regardless. and for 1v1 it dont matter case the game wasnt degined for that.
once again we have overlooked somthing. i dont know if any of you play sonny 2, or more imprtanlty read any of the discution on whitch class is the best. the outcome of most of theise forums is that it dont realy matter what class you use..whats more important is the build and tech tree.
the same can be said for colony. it dont realy if your unit depot is forge or post. what matters is how you play it. this includes: build order,knowlage of counters, macro, micro and your gov. so yes it does come down to skill.
but still forge has a slight handy cap. the only realy big imbalance in the game is the fact comunist is weak.
list of single person for 2v2 strats.
FOXER,cap:bank, post,hosp,opps,upgrade.-rush/pin build
STANDERED-P,cap: bank,post,arm/hosp,hosp/arm,upgrage
FORGER,cap:bank,forge,gen,opps,upgrade.rush/pin build
FAST HOVER,cap:bank,arm(money/man),post,gen, upgrade.
FOXER-MK.II,mon:same as foxer.
DRAGONOV,mon: bank,forge,opps,arm,upgrade-rush/pin build
SP-ORGE,mon: bank, opps, forge, arm, upgrade-rush/pin build
HO-RGE,mon: bank,forge,arm,hosp,upgrade,destroy arm, gen.-rush/pin build
F-RUSH,mon: bank,forge,gen,sol.-rush/pin build
MBA,mon: arm,forge, bank, opps, upgrade.-rush/pin build
STANDERED-F,fac: bank,forge,gen/arm, arm/gen(other one).-rush/pin build
STANDERED-F2,fac: bank,arm/tres, forge, arm/tres/gen, arm/gen/tres, upgrade.
STANDERED-F3,fac: bank, bank, forge, arm, upgrade
TRIPPLE BANK,fac: bank, bank,forge, bank, upgradre...(i know its c***, its one of yossies.)
HO-GRE mkII,fac: same as ho-rge.
AGGRESSIVE-P, commie: bank, bank, post, arm, upgrade, attak.
as you can see there is no lack in good forge builds, i would even go as far to say, forge is mabye to strong when dounbbled with mon.