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So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)


  • 6,563 Replies
468 posts

I think krin tried to balance the imbalance between forge and post by making forge generate more energy than the post generates population

971 posts

trying, I don't think up looked at the resource per minute.

Capitalist gains the same amount from the Forge and the Outpost. Plus they get more then the other gov.

Forge make 24 energy per minute.
Outpost makes 20 manpower per minute.

Lets compare what you can make with the resources excluding money as an issue and BRG.


4 Romans
2 Romans, 2 Scouts
3 Scouts


10 Marines
5 Marines, 1 Chronite Tank
2 Chronite Tanks

Now we have this data, but it's excluding Capitalist. Hold on. 3 minutes later, I have found out Capitalist get 30 energy and 30 manpower per minute. What can these resources make?


6 Romans
4 Romans, 1 Scouts
3 Romans, 2 Scouts
1 Roman, 3 Scouts
4 Scouts


15 Marines
10 Marines, 1 Chronite Tank
5 Marines, 2 Chronite Tank
3 Chronite Tanks

Wow, I never knew 30 resources could make so much. Now I know how Capitalist can throw away units.

OH! Chronite Tanks cost 0 money for Capitalist, because the deploy time is the same as the BRG.

We know now the harvesting actions balances out.

Now onto DracoTheDragon's post.

Um... Hmm... -.-'

Wow, props to DracoTheDragon for making my speechless. I haven't found a post like his in a long time. Ugh...Hold on. I'm going to read it a few more times.

483 posts

If it was possible to make loads of units that compare to those of the war sanc from a generator/solar panel, just imagine how overpowered the fast hover build will become and also those mon builds with armory, forge, solar panel.(This one is hard to counter due to the mod phantom at start and mod sakata later.:L) I just don't think that making it possible to make more units from solar panel will achieve anything.

102 posts

I think krin tried to balance the imbalance between forge and post by making forge generate more energy than the post generates population

well lets try again. If we make forge slightly over powered so what? Its obvious post slightly overpowered isnt ticking many people off. We need something new to keep new players joining and something new for pros to chew, dissect, burn, argue, etc.

ok lets divide Peggsters post.

imagine how overpowered the fast hover build

fast hover build.... Im assuming your talking bank armory, gen, post fully upgraded?

well if gen had access to say...... scramble scouts...... as equal to scramble meds. a bit of air defense against forges phantoms. Compared to forge's already mass amounts of scouts and phantoms. Thats not gonna do much at tier 3. Not to mention its speed hovers. Speed anything that deals with tier 3 rarely has influence past 30. Or we could do something about luck like focused base lazer that aims for the strongest unit with no splash. tiny things can help. Further support for my argument is that Speed hovers isnt exactly an undefeated 2vs2 build. many team strats counter that build. Even if you try doing dual speed hovers, dual forge rush will still take it out because they received the perk also.

mon builds with armory, forge, solar panel

As of now Influence units are what they are.... Pure influence.... If we mix in a tiny bit of resources it will add up. Besides ive seen landslide counters to arm forge solar panal as capitalism. Nothing much to worry about monarchy.

(This one is hard to counter due to the mod phantom at start and mod sakata later.:L)

"if i know whats gonna happen i can counter it"- tdh

Mod phantom start isnt exactly the best. Its an air unit that only attacks ground. Well we can take advantage of this. Of course attacking from the air is a decent option, however scouts would back up the phantoms. So what kills both mod phantoms and scouts? well assuming we are foxering as capitalist we can still use missile, scouts, marines, spec forces, prides, sphinx, saints, and anti air. Bank post arm forge manu is a balanced counter that can counter arm forge gen. the idea is to stall long enough to get anti air. If the monarch reduces their units then the capitalist can retaliate with more scouts. If the monarch pumps out units then the capitalist retaliates with anti air. If the monarch lowers scout count then they have access to buildings at the cost of field advantage. If they pump scouts they have lower chances of even getting a third building. This was well tested between me and tdh.
So lets say this update does happen... and i get gen to counter. 3 scouts. Pretty dangerous except the fact that you ether deprive yourself of mod phantoms to protect from marines, or scouts to defend from air. Its so close it still relies on micro. if your still sketchy about this build think of these 2 other build. Bank post ops and bank post GEN forge

This one is hard to counter due to the mod phantom at start and mod sakata later.:L)

lets see i tackled the mod phantom issue, time for the mod sakata
Like I've said with the bank post arm forge build. It limits the monarchy user to surrendering their mod phantom. Now also keep this in mine.... Its an armory..... 9 money over 10 seconds...... plus monarchy so that's 15 money over 10 seconds. As we both know you need 100 money for a solar panel. so thats 68 seconds? 1 minute 8 seconds? how many tanks could you earn in that time? How many scouts can you earn in that time? how many snipers can you earn in that time? how many phantoms can you earn in that time? how many scouts can you earn in that time? how many romans can you earn in that time? how many times did i say that time? ok enough. theres a big gap in time for that... generator isnt always the best idea. Every now and then if he slips its a good idea. something like spec ops is a much more effective in average combat. Spec ops is much better cause there are no air threats, just anti air and tanks. what could kill both of those? my answer was far snipers. And of course.... the matches still come down to micro.

I just don't think that making it possible to make more units from solar panel will achieve anything.

Will not achieve anything? then whats the worry?

If you change something in an experiment somethings gonna happen. No matter how insignificant it seems. Think of it like a bad day. Its raining, your sick, etc. Imagine all the little things that helps. It stops raining, you have no homework, random person smiles at you(no i dont mean the creeper down the street), you have a pack of your favorite food waiting at home, etc.

Little things will help. So if we are gonna solve this issue we have to experiment and start small. change only one thing at a time.

k time for yos's post

Wow, props to DracoTheDragon for making my speechless. I haven't found a post like his in a long time.


Ugh...Hold on. I'm going to read it a few more times.

rah roh that cant be good :P

again sorry for the long post.... i prefer backing up my theories with hard evidence.... evidence that covers my point and what you are about to say.....
1 posts

peggster is correct... extra influence units in a genorator...espeicaly at tier 1 would only both post AND forge builds stronger..but im not suggesting that seeing as we have overlooked somthing vital...whats to point of lets say a high cost influence unit... this would only give an advantage to a fast hover builder...
what im saying is facist gets very little influnce so top spec influ untis would be next to useless, as would cheep ones becase a forger wouldnt be able to use them for a while. and when they finaly get there hands on would be late game and genraly uselees.

my first idea on this was to just reduce the cost of influ untis in gen compared to other make a unit of simalar power to a pride but for lets say half the price (20 influ)but this would not only compliment the fast hover build yet more. but gen would become a hotspot for for monachy rushers like my build..... (BANK, opps, forge...and if game continues gen. ect.) and rushers who go: gen,forge,.
this might also make alot of facist players switch to mon for a forge build.

anyway my second thought on this matter was that we could put energy untis, with a very slow biuld time so that the units thrive upon facist decreased build time.this unit would be chhep and small, but usefull throughout the game. (mirror of med). so that facists influ hadndy-cap would not be affected. but again tho this would only compliment fast hover, because of spare energy.

so...critira...i have found that whatever we do with the gen it must compliment forge facists and only them. there is no unit that can do this sucsessfuly without also being an aid to fast over unlees we do things like building tier
"unit name"
you need a tier 2 forge before you can acsess this unit.

but id ont like this and it also can be used with a dual build.
no i belive there are 3 main imbalances with forge facists. glads are bad in most ways. romans and scouts cant match tanks and marerins. and bqs and hover combo with one spinx shuts down the entire facility. actualy in genral i think thats the advantages of cap and fac are not that imbalanced.

so if at tier 1 gen instead of a upgrade for the forge(this upgrade should help balance out erly game skirmish).....such as: 20money and 40[/i]energy[i]
this upgrade might be as follows: [i]new technolong means that A25 romans take in 70% less splash from all sorces.(inc. bqs, i dont know quit how this whould work!) and (same price)
eg: scouts gain 15% extra range, life and damage....

u might have to choose only one, im noot quilte sure how this would work!

any way tier 2 is prety much even... and to tier 3.... if when u upgrade the gen to solar pan. the mod was still there but a third upgrade for forge was avalible:

40money 15manpower 65energy
eg: your glad's become stronger becomeing totaly resitant to missiles and and gaining a 20% increace in speed, damage, range, fire rate and price.

plz dont come back to me on priceing or how strong this would make forge..this is an idea for "What to put in gen" not the correct amount and pricing.but the upgrades do make forge and post a prety even match.

a bigger problem is comunists and the overall strenth on mon. i think we have prety much sloved the post forge match..but any suggestions on how commies could be pumped up and caps and mon mabye slightly nerfed??

381 posts

sorry for dounbble the way i am was is my other account

255 posts

Hmm, all interesting, all of it somewhat valid....

I think if you were going to do anything to the forge T1 you should add some sort of Electro cannon(e,g a forge 'c tank' if you wanted to add something to the solar panel it should be 20 influence makes 60 energy...

Although, I think you're all forgetting this game was designed for
2 on 2 so you tell me who wins and chew on this I say.

Who would win in a 2 on 2 assuming both had equal skill(micro/macro/knowledge,etc)

Double post or double forge, I think you'll realize this game is very balanced and that you're all thinking in terms of forge vs post not in terms of forge&ampost vs forge&ampost

These are my thoughts

I welcome debate

Except from YOS


603 posts

well , wat ive found out is that glads pwn prides... and hovers pwn prides.. and glads... but glads can destroy hovers and sakatas in #'s ... another imbalence :Pa

381 posts

i side with i have already said in a somewhat unclear manner...

. i know that sound like in ss forge is stronger case the poster cant defend air attaks very well. everything i said makes forge sound stronger in this mode but realy air becomes less useful if the enemy goes player 1 post player 2 forge...this on its own defeats imbalance on this mode that if 2 player were to use that same build against players of the same leval they would lose for a limited unit tech tree. as long as that can be said, however great the imbalance is. as long as in 2v2 it is almost always nessasery for both players to use a totaly different tech tree forge will allways have a use....but this can only be said for a few modes and norm is not one of them..therefore it is a unbalanced is cw and eq and dog fight... do you all understand now?

ok..decoding the complicated genral what that said was...
key: F=forge P=post
1. in a 1v1 P is stronger than F
2. in P v F 2v2 the same is said.
3. in 2v2 P+F v PvP or F+F. P+F wins.
this means that as long as the third statement is true, (P+F is genraly stronger than P+P and F+F.)then it dont matter the ammount of imbalance between the two because if that is true then having a forge instead of a second post will genraly be a better option then imbalance is regardless. and for 1v1 it dont matter case the game wasnt degined for that.
once again we have overlooked somthing. i dont know if any of you play sonny 2, or more imprtanlty read any of the discution on whitch class is the best. the outcome of most of theise forums is that it dont realy matter what class you use..whats more important is the build and tech tree.

the same can be said for colony. it dont realy if your unit depot is forge or post. what matters is how you play it. this includes: build order,knowlage of counters, macro, micro and your gov. so yes it does come down to skill.
but still forge has a slight handy cap. the only realy big imbalance in the game is the fact comunist is weak.
list of single person for 2v2 strats.

FOXER,cap:bank, post,hosp,opps,upgrade.-rush/pin build

STANDERED-P,cap: bank,post,arm/hosp,hosp/arm,upgrage

FORGER,cap:bank,forge,gen,opps,upgrade.rush/pin build

FAST HOVER,cap:bank,arm(money/man),post,gen, upgrade.

FOXER-MK.II,mon:same as foxer.

DRAGONOV,mon: bank,forge,opps,arm,upgrade-rush/pin build

SP-ORGE,mon: bank, opps, forge, arm, upgrade-rush/pin build

HO-RGE,mon: bank,forge,arm,hosp,upgrade,destroy arm, gen.-rush/pin build

F-RUSH,mon: bank,forge,gen,sol.-rush/pin build

MBA,mon: arm,forge, bank, opps, upgrade.-rush/pin build

STANDERED-F,fac: bank,forge,gen/arm, arm/gen(other one).-rush/pin build

STANDERED-F2,fac: bank,arm/tres, forge, arm/tres/gen, arm/gen/tres, upgrade.

STANDERED-F3,fac: bank, bank, forge, arm, upgrade

TRIPPLE BANK,fac: bank, bank,forge, bank, upgradre...(i know its c***, its one of yossies.)

HO-GRE mkII,fac: same as ho-rge.

AGGRESSIVE-P, commie: bank, bank, post, arm, upgrade, attak.
as you can see there is no lack in good forge builds, i would even go as far to say, forge is mabye to strong when dounbbled with mon.
971 posts

Inflict, out of all the build you listed only one you said was mine. The funny thing is that wasn't how it is done. I will collect all the builds I use and post them later.

in 2v2 P+F does not win. I+I will win every game. When looking at balance you need to look at the 4 govs and their strongest role. Right now Mon+Mon will beat P+P, F+F, and P+F.

468 posts

double post can beat post forge. One person just has to get sphinx while the other gets hovers

you also forgot the missile build

255 posts

Ahh forgive me, I was thinking in terms of builds,

I of course meant to say,

Fascist+Capitalist beats every other combination.

3 posts

Builds don't really matter a lot you guys know. As long as you don't pull a noob build out your timing/micro will help you win lol.

971 posts

I wonder, does Pac. fear a debate with me?

255 posts

I smell a troll...

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