So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
The animation of explosions are determined by the positions. Not only that but explosion animations seem to have a relation with the targets. There are still several questions I have to figure out. This is probably the most complex issue in the game. I am going to do some research to see if anyone has posted any information about this in the past. I know nozo_ito (I think that's his name) posted about this issue.
Anyways, I know this is probably off topic but what do you think colony 2 will be like?
I actually wish for it to have around the same amount of units but less inlfuence stuff, better performance and a more or less easy upgrading tool that allows WEEKLY balance patches at its launch.
Also, a CLOSED beta would help him (Krin) to get the balance straight.
The idea of the strategy is the use the deploy speed of Fascists to win. I tried this same idea with BTA and had a easier time Upgrading with more units.
I think everyone understands the idea of the strategy. What people don't understand is wasting a lot of resources on an extra forge that a single forge is perfectly capable of using up all by itself. A dual forge idea for capi is a lot more viable than with fascist.
Well from historical events dual builds are primarily used to pinbreak. Which is the most common case if your planning to wait that long. But the real question is why would you pinbreak when you can be the one that pins. The reason why overwhelming through low technology is a bad option is because you can receive the same result through new technology. However the difference is that this new technology can overwhelm the old.