Now, before i say anything,I am not racist against him.I am part black myself.The only reason why Obama is president is he is black.If it were a white person with the same beliefs,they would not be president today.
Obama didnt win because of his skincolor. i mean he had the afroamerican community after him, but there are a lot of people who didnt elect him because he is black. so there is neither a race advantage nor disadvantage in this elections. in my opinion the reasons for obama to win are the following:
1. Republicans lost popularity in during the Bush time. So it was obvious, that no matter which democrat runs for president he is more likely to win.
2. age. mccain was and is way to old to be president, especially young people preferred the younger and more dynamic obama.
3. popularity. obama was more popular than mccain.
4. campaign. obamas campaign was not only the traditional preelection campaign, but he was the first, who used the internet very seriously in his campaign. again he reached al huge group of young and middle aged people from all social classes.
5. promises. he made more and better promises than mccain. how he is keeping them or not is another threads topic.
6. vice. he chose his vice president better than his opponent. he may not be great but is better.
this reasons put together have given obama a serious advantage and brought him all the voices he needed for the win. and he won with a way to huge advantage that it could be explained simply by his skincolor
1. I'd attribute his victory to his amazing speaking skills. No matter whether or not you like the guy, his oratory skills are above and beyond phenomenal.
2. McCain was a continuation of Bush. The approval polls of Bush showed that the public wanted a change (sorry to use that word XD). McCain was not going to change one thing if he won.
3. McCain is old. If he dies in office, Palin takes over. She was an okay VP pick until she started talking. Then it was game over.
4. McCain was not charismatic. He's not someone I'd sit down with and talk to for fun. People like Clinton, Bush, and Obama seem like the types of guys who I would love to crack open a beer, and watch a football game with.
5. The black vote did not make a difference. Blacks and minorities vote Democrat 95%-99% depending on the area. Whether or not Obama was black, he had their vote. The real difference was the moderates. There's always around 40% of the population who will vote Republican, and 40% who will vote Democrat, no matter what. The other 20% need to be swayed. Moderates did not want anything to do with Republicans. The only way the Republicans could have had a chance was by nominating Ron Paul. I see no other way they could have won.
1. I could tell he was talking out his ass. Instead of talking about how he was going to help the country, he promised he would change the country. I don't care what he says he will do, I want to know how he's going to do it. He fooled most of the country, so I can't dissagree with his speaking skills.
2.McCain promised more change than people give credit. McCain spoke out more of his ideas and plans, which many involved waiting. Americans can't wait, so we voted for Obama, who kept his plans to himself and only promised more changes.
3. He was old, but he wasn't THAT old. People feared that he would die without realizing that he was in good health and would have had the best doctors at his side if he needed them. In fact Obama dyed his hair so his age wouldn't show.
4. I think Obama played off the younger generation. McCain focused on being bussiness while Obama focused on looking fun and hip.
5. Statistics can be misleading. Although most blacks and minorities voted Democrat, you didn't factor in how many blacks voted. An insanely huge percentage of blacks voted for Obama. Never have so many blacks voted before.
There were many factors that lead to Barack Obama winning the presidency. The low approval rating of George W. Bush didn't reflect well on the republican party. Many people who would normally vote republican decided that they were to unhappy with the outcome of the last eight years and that it wasn't worth towing the party line anymore. Obama's race was a factor (saddly), there were many people who we're ready to prove that the U.S. has conquered it's racial tensions by putting a mixed race president in the White House, some who haven't voted for a long time or that would not have voted otherwise did. While proof of the conquest of racial tension has yet to be found but it's still a major step for a country where originally only white male land owners had a vote. It also had a lot to do with what people were hearing. Obama loudly promised change to a public that desperately wanted it (and still does). He brought youth and charisma to the campaign and used the resources avalible to him to present his ideas to the masses in ways never before thought of. McCain relied heavily on his experiance and reputation to carry him. While his experiance appealed to many his age did worry some, despite the fact that his camp. made sure the public was informed that he is in excellent health, I think his age served as a remind to many of the a past they were trying so hard to look away from in the hope of laying eyes on a brighter future. Both Campaigns made an attempt to gain some of the advantages they were outstriped on in their choices of VP candidates. Obama choose Biden to bring the appeal of experiance and reputation to his team while McCain choose Palin with the hopes of nabbing some of that much loved youth and charisma for his side. There is no doubt either side got what it was seeking in those respects, along with all the little negatives that came along with the new advantages. McCain became hampered by Palin's lack of experiance and Obama learned that experiance doesn't nessicarily mean that people like you. Neither Biden or Palin display the oratory skill posessed by the Presidental candidates and thus did little to add to the tilt of the campaign other than in providing cannon fodder for the other side. In the end, there were so many factors at play in the last election that chalking it all up to race is pretty much impossible. But it is also impossible to say that it wasn't a factor at all. There were many who would not have voted if there hadn't been the chance to see an African American man as the President. There were also many who had not voted for awhile but choose to in the most resent election because of how dissatisfied they had been with the previous administration. I think while Obama's race was a factor in his election it was far from being the only one. There is a whole tangle of political and historical influences that lead to his election and to say that every person who voted for him did so just because he was black is a bit skewed.
Obama's race was a factor (saddly), there were many people who we're ready to prove that the U.S. has conquered it's racial tensions by putting a mixed race president in the White House, some who haven't voted for a long time or that would not have voted otherwise did. While proof of the conquest of racial tension has yet to be found but it's still a major step for a country where originally only white male land owners had a vote.
If that is true, and people voted for a black person because he is black and not a good leader, then that to me says we're just taking a step backwards.
Neither Biden or Palin display the oratory skill posessed by the Presidental candidates and thus did little to add to the tilt of the campaign other than in providing cannon fodder for the other side.
I strongly disagree; there have been plenty of interviews and debates with the vice presidents that either ended up in stalemates or epic wins. Palin defiantly hurt the McCain campaign from the way I see it. She couldn't answer questions in a direct way, she tried telling everyone that Africa was a country, and she was made to look like a complete idiot on the media. I saw a clip from the Colbert Report that had an interview with someone asking Biden if what Obama was doing was Marxist, Biden asked "Is this a joke?". All the while Palin was busy trying to convince everyone that Obama was a dangerous socialist trying to take everyone's items...both vice presidential candidates had their ups and downs.
After 8 years of downfall, destruction, and sh*t brought to us by Bush, shouldn't people be happy that Obama is trying to change some things, at-least gas is under $3 now, and were pulling troops out of Iraq and putting them in Afghanistan since Afghanistan is much more of a threat towards the middle east.
If that is true, and people voted for a black person because he is black and not a good leader, then that to me says we're just taking a step backwards.
I never claimed that it was a step forward only that there are some people that would not hesitate to try to use it as a point in the favor of racial tolerance. I do not think a lot of people did vote for him just because he is black. Most people who voted for him probably did so because of the things he said not because of his race. I only wished to express that I don't believe everyone who voted for Obama did so because he was black but I don't think it was a complete non-factor.
Neither Biden or Palin display the oratory skill posessed by the Presidental candidates and thus did little to add to the tilt of the campaign other than in providing cannon fodder for the other side.
I strongly disagree; there have been plenty of interviews and debates with the vice presidents that either ended up in stalemates or epic wins. Palin defiantly hurt the McCain campaign from the way I see it. She couldn't answer questions in a direct way, she tried telling everyone that Africa was a country, and she was made to look like a complete idiot on the media. I saw a clip from the Colbert Report that had an interview with someone asking Biden if what Obama was doing was Marxist, Biden asked "Is this a joke?". All the while Palin was busy trying to convince everyone that Obama was a dangerous socialist trying to take everyone's items...both vice presidential candidates had their ups and downs.
Would you at least agree that neither choice did as much to help their Presidental candidates poll numbers the candidates were hoping?
In a democracy, we are given the choice to vote for whatever reason, if people voted because he was black they had every right to, people probably voted for mccain because he is white but no one cares since he lost. It is fair as long as the votes weren't rigged some how and I doubt they are, now Chidori get over it and support your president.
And it is not because he is black. I mean why would they vote for him because he is black?
Mah brain is back.
I hate to say it, but you're seeing through rose colored glasses here. People are far more gullible then you think, and heavily susceptible to even the smallest things, rather than looking at the big picture. They identify with what he looks like and how he sounds, rather than what he says or does. That's the stupidity of America, and the entire west. Most of us are probably not so gullible (although I wouldn't put money on that), but 95% of America is.
Chidori get over it and support your president.
I no it's not directed at me, but something tells me he's not going to do that. Nor am I.
Afghanistan is much more of a threat towards the middle east.
Afghanistan isn't even in the Middle East. It's geographically in central Asia XD
Now when it comes to the VP's, I have to agree with all of you. They were both horrible choices, so no one cared. Like I said earlier, people looked at who they are voting for, in very small ways. Not who they were with.
As far as I'm concerned, Palin, while not the best choice (a pretty bad one actually), was far from worse then Biden. Biden's an idiot, more so then Palin.
We needed a democrat, for lots of reasons. Would you want another Bush in office? I wouldn't.
I would. But that's just because everyone we were presented with was an idiot (besides Huckabee :P). The only time in US history I think.