Now, before i say anything,I am not racist against him.I am part black myself.The only reason why Obama is president is he is black.If it were a white person with the same beliefs,they would not be president today.
If i lived in a foreign country, such as america is to a black man
America isn't a foreign country to black, they're Americans too.
I highly disagree with a lot of the statements in this thread. Whether race was a factor or not, Obama was still the better choice in my opinion. He has changed a lot, whether you guys know it or not. If you're still ignorant to the entire thing, you need to go research, not just watch the news.
As far as pulling out the troops, okay, let's do that. I give it a month, tops, until America is the new war zone. You can't just pull your troops out, it doesn't work like that.
Afghanistan and Iraq aren't related in any way. Iraq was the UNs' crusade against Saddams' nukes. Afghanistan was Americas' revenge against Al-Qa'ida.
Those are only two reasons, and the most common known. Most Americans are ignorant to why we are actually in war, including a lot of the people in this thread apparently. Reasons for going to Iraq/Afghanistan were: The UN trying to stop the nukes, as was said. The UN trying to stop the start of chemical warfare, and trying to find proof when the Iraqis said they had destroyed it. America and Britain were also trying to gain control of the large oil reserves. After the 9/11 attacks, Osama and his Al-Qaeda were blamed, and America then declared the 'War on Terrorism'. America was also trying to take Iraq so that they could make oil lines, and eventually be able to make peace in the Middle-East. America also attacked and tried to control Iraq, because of they threat they gave American allies, Israel. Most people don't know it, but the war didn't start in March of 2003, like most people believe. America and Britain had secretly been trying to gain control of Iraq's oil, and the UN had been trying to stop the chemical production, since after the Gulf War. There are many, many other reason why America is at war, and a lot of people in this thread really need to go read them, as well as learn a little about politics.
i think, that it really doenst matter, whether obama become president because of his race or not. even if he did, you cannot say, that choosing him was unfair. in a democratic vote, there is no such thing as unfair votes(as long the voting is not manipulated). each individual has the right to vote on every basis he/she finds suitable. if it is race so be it. most presidents, are elected because of sympathy and not because they are the best choice. there is not even a possibility to determine when a president is good or not. it all depends from ones political view.
Eridor was just voicing his opinion like the rest of you.
i agree that for many Obamas race was why many people voted for him just like McCain he was a war hero so a lot of veterans probably voted for him, but for a lot of other people it really was there beliefs.
That's agreeable. I wouldn't want John McCain to talk like he does as the president.
Thanks for the question, you little jerk.
- John McCain, talking to a student who asked him something. I forget what it was, but it was something about presidency. That sure narrows it down a lot!
hey graham thats not the only reason why i thought he won the other reason was because all he said was we will have CHANGE and everyone got all hyped up because of that.Every president will make change.Do you get what im saying?
Because the last president did everything BUT change. It was the same BS that made us lose our already-drained faith in politics, with proposals that state senators could do better in composing. Obama? Oh yes, he did change things. For the better? We will see. When those projects debut, we will see if it was for the better. For Bush? Like 2 good things came out of him, surprisingly.
if you dont know whether or not its for the better, than what makes you believe in him and also what makes you believe he changed any thing?huh, Freakenstein?
I remember that on the night of the election, they showed some statistics on the television for some of the states results that were in, and for all of them they showed, Obama got over 80% of the African Americans who voted. I'd say that white people were intimidated, not on purpose, but in a way frightend of voting AGAINST him, because, at the time, if you said one thing about Obama, everyone jokingly called you a rascist. I can't think of one person iv'e ever met that was a rascist by the way. Also, is it really a big deal to have a president you like/don't like? He can't do anything that congress couldn't veto, so there's really no harm in who becomes president, only benefits.