Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both willing, and able? then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god?
Of course that comment was not directed at you my friend . It was shylagirl i believe she is called
I'm sorry if by quoting you I made you think I was on the opposing side. I was just trying to explain what you wanted her to understand from the wikipedia page in a simpler way. Because I think the reason some people don't accept science is because they don't understand it
Lieutenut: How could it be good besides his morals and philosophy? To be a Jesus freak is to do anything they think is just in the name of him which could include injustices... like how pilgrims killed the native americans if they didn't convert to Christianity (I was promoting my new thread with that last part lol)
very true, and what thread are you talking about ... cause im native american *half cherokee*
Lieutenut: I didn't understand that, could you elaborate a bit more?
what I mean is that I know someone was wit me cause someone other than me say whoever was wit me.
Lieutenut: I know I'll keep breathing because breathing is a natural instinct and it's proven by science.
and why would you trust science .... when science is made by man.
Grandslam: I hate people who are like that. Maybe it was just you coming to your senses. It wasn't Jesus.
then who was it?? and ahy did my real mom see it 2 ??
pickleshack:To believe this goes back to my earlier point. If god wanted us to believe in him and is infinitely intelligent and powerful he wouldn't be such an *** as to allow Lucifer to have his own kingdom. No matter what way you swing it that is just ridiculous.
like I said be4 satan told God that his children would not listen and that h only have him is not free will.
pickleshack:do you not believe that your way to believe in god is the only true way?
I believe that my God is the only God and is the only way to heaven.
pickleshack:You misunderstood me because of my failure to use grammar well. What I was saying was connected to the thing you commented about next, that if god is all powerful, and wants nothing more to have a relationship with us, he obviously has the power to represent himself in a way that would appeal to everyone, not just one type of person who would believe in one specific religion.
Im sorry I did not understand you. But God does do that.
pickleshack:Well no, I don't believe in man implicitly. I trust science that is repeatable and reasonable. Also, what you say relies on the assumption that you believe first, that there is a god and second, that he knows everything. I don't see the wind, and yet I feel it, and if some man came up to me and said "What you are feeling is moving air!" I would believe him. Carbon dating.
im sorry again that I did not understand you ..... and im afraid I do not understand your question right, can you put it in a way a stupid chick will understan it ?? lol
and why would you trust science .... when science is made by man.
How can you trust the bible .... when the bible was made by man.
In fact, it is likely wrong. It was merely oral tradition, storis passed down from elders to children. And then it was compiled and written down when writing was invented. Don't you think quite a lot could've been lost in translation?
You have to realize that the life of Jesus was spread to all different countries and peoples. And yes "some of the parts may have been lost in translation," but it all revolves around the same morals.
you know how you get the "gut feeling" thats what it was, I was only about 5-6 so I was still young and I just knew it was him.
uhhhh not to be mean but I don't think that you could exactly believe in something because of something that happened when you were 5 or 6... When I was 5 I thought eating glue was ok lol
science was made of a thought by man, man is not perfect and donts not know everything. so why believe in it??
ps, you keep saying "FATH" but I think you mean faith lol if not what does "fath" mean?
You have to realize that the life of Jesus was spread to all different countries and peoples. And yes "some of the parts may have been lost in translation," but it all revolves around the same morals.
yes the same MORALS... which are all well and good, and Jesus like I said countless times before on countless threads, is a great PHILOSOPHER and ROLE-MODEL... but that's not a good enough reason to worship him.
uhhhh not to be mean but I don't think that you could exactly believe in something because of something that happened when you were 5 or 6... When I was 5 I thought eating glue was ok lol
eating glue and almost dieing are reall far apart.
okay, but its still made by man and if you were not there when somehting was made you really dont know anything about it.
ps, you keep saying "FATH" but I think you mean faith lol if not what does "fath" mean?
lol sry but that key sometimes does not work, I have to press reall hard so It will work