ForumsWEPRGod: Possibly Not a God?

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Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both willing, and able?
then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him god?

  • 276 Replies
272 posts

Arnold Schwarzenegger is God.
There's your answer.

670 posts

I have a lot of respect that. And i don't have a problem with non believers either and i don't try to force my beliefs on others either, I only tell it to people who want to hear.

dido to what you said quickshift ... I really care if I change anyones mind on the internet.... but If someone on here has something to say about God not being true the I will say what I believe, I think he is Real and the only way to heave. but everyone will believe what they want and thats fine wit me.
1,251 posts

Not true.... God is life, he gives life, he does not wan tto take away life he wants everyone to have peace, Satin is Death, He takes away peoples life and puts thoughts in there head, the person may listen to it and then act on it.

What I meant was, and hopefully it wasn't that hard to interpret, sorry if it was. Was that what everyone calls "god" is the reason for injustice and wars in a lot of cases. Take the radical Muslims in the middle east. They have a different interpretation of god, and thinks he wants them to kill Americans and other people they call infidels. Are they right? No, of course not. However how can any other interpretation of god be right then? All religions have a different interpretation depending on how backwards it's leaders are.
670 posts

Take the radical Muslims in the middle east. They have a different interpretation of god, and thinks he wants them to kill Americans and other people they call infidels. Are they right? No, of course not.

your right, it is not right, but they took something and twisted it.

[/quote]However how can any other interpretation of god be right then?

goes back to Fath I guess, God is part of you if you like it or not, you can say that you hate him and you dont believe in him and he will still be there, Now it is hard to know what other interpretation of God is true, But like I said befor God is inside you and he will lead you to the right path.

All religions have a different interpretation depending on how backwards it's leaders are.[quote]

that is kind of true in a way, and I can see why you think that.

hope I did all that right with the quote's if not sry, and if I did not understand what you were saying again then I am sorry
356 posts

I can see why you think it is stuipid.... but in the bible it says that God did try and convince the angel to stay but insted that angel did not want to, He wanted to have his own kindome. The reason God did not disappear is cause even though that angel was evil God still loved him, the reason God let him have his own kingdome was so that we could pick if we wanted to believe in him*God* or not, if you dont believe that Jesus died for you and you dont let him in you heart then you go to Hell, God does not what that.

You realize that the creation of a hell does not also create the choice between belief and disbelief. I could just as well not believe in god if there wasn't some continuous threat of being tortured for all eternity after I died. The choice shouldn't come from fear, it should come from a deep seeded recognition within an individual that the tenets of the religion itself are true and right for them.

Also, I'll put the question of allowing satan to have his own kingdom this way. If you had a son, and he rebelled against you, you would not buy him his own house, and allow him to do anything he wanted. You also would not allow your other children to choose either to live in your house or his, as this would be completely ridiculous and runs the risk of tainting your other children. Thus, you would find some way, whatever way possible to get your son under control. This is considerably more difficult for humans because we aren't all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere at once, but for god, this would be a simply flick of the wrist. Come to think of it, he wouldn't even have to move or speak, just a thought would be enough to quell that angel.

But no. Literally bible believing actually expects one to accept that god consciously made a decision that would dam man to an existence wrought with fear of his actions and fear of damnation. This is not something I could or would ever condone.
1,251 posts

hope I did all that right with the quote's if not sry, and if I did not understand what you were saying again then I am sorry

No I think you got it

that is kind of true in a way, and I can see why you think that.

Then how come you don't think that?
1,251 posts

lol, I was saying a prayer is basically another form of poetry.

670 posts

[/quote]Then how come you don't think that?[quote]

Well in a way I do believe that, But I dont believe that wit mt God *if that makes sence sry if it dont*

random note: I know that my God is the only God, I know that he loves me and that I would not be alive wit out him, I can not live wit out him. He loves everyone and wants everyone to be wit him in heaven.... He loved us so much that he sent Jesus *his only son* to die for all of our sins so that we would not have to die for them.

262 posts

random note: I know that my God is the only God,

Not unlike anyone else who believes in something intangible ... but the word belief is exactly what it means. A belief is something you don't have to prove. However, it would be nice if somehow we could find evidence that there is a God or that Jesus was his son. So far, there is absolutely no evidence of that nature, and I highly doubt there ever will be.
On another note, to say "my God is the only God" is not just vain, it makes it sound as though you believe you have absolute knowledge, just like "God".
356 posts

So Shyla, you don't want to address the last post I made? I am interested to hear what you have to say about it. Also, let me make the point that I am not casting aspersions on anyone who is a christian or anyone of any religion for that matter. Spwah

1,251 posts

I know that my God is the only God, I know that he loves me and that I would not be alive wit out him, I can not live wit out him.

Trust me, you don't know that... No one knows. No one knows anything for sure all you can do is BELIEVE in what you think is logical. Just because a religion says something doesn't make it a fact in any sense of the word. That being said, it's okay to question what you believe, just make sure you don't base it off the comfort of religion and the comfort of going somewhere when you die.... because truly no one knows what happens, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with wondering but don't listen to a religion and think you KNOW what happens when you die.

I'm not trying to make you into an atheist, because I'm not an atheist, I'm an agnostic. I believe that there is some kind of unknown force, be it a God or whatever that had some part in creating the universe... but that doesn't mean I believe in any religion in any way whatsoever.
670 posts

You realize that the creation of a hell does not also create the choice between belief and disbelief. I could just as well not believe in god if there wasn't some continuous threat of being tortured for all eternity after I died. The choice shouldn't come from fear, it should come from a deep seeded recognition within an individual that the tenets of the religion itself are true and right for them.

your right, the chouce shouldn't come from fear, and thats what most churches do now. But thats not how God wants you to believe or know him. He just wants you to know and believe. Im sorry that I am repeating things but the thing is that every question anyone has about God or the bible, all goes back to 2-3 things.

If you had a son, and he rebelled against you, you would not buy him his own house, and allow him to do anything he wanted. You also would not allow your other children to choose either to live in your house or his, as this would be completely ridiculous and runs the risk of tainting your other children. Thus, you would find some way, whatever way possible to get your son under control. This is considerably more difficult for humans because we aren't all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere at once, but for god, this would be a simply flick of the wrist. Come to think of it, he wouldn't even have to move or speak, just a thought would be enough to quell that angel.

Im not all that good wit this story but im going to tell it best I can.

Satan was Gods top angel the left hand man, *he has a name but I dont remember it* But satan wanted all the power of God and one day told God that he would do so much better than He would and that his children do not love him and that he is making his children pick him *god* and that is not free will, so God kicked Satan out of heaven and Satan took some of the angels wit him. So satan made his own kingdom and the he started to mess wit us humans. It says in the bible that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit can only hold of Satans tricks and powers for only a short amount of time. Then that is when Jesus is going to come back.

Trust me, you don't know that... No one knows. No one knows anything for sure all you can do is BELIEVE in what you think is logical. Just because a religion says something doesn't make it a fact in any sense of the word. That being said, it's okay to question what you believe, just make sure you don't base it off the comfort of religion and the comfort of going somewhere when you die.... because truly no one knows what happens, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with wondering but don't listen to a religion and think you KNOW what happens when you die.

Yes I do know that he loves me. I know he is wit me everywere I go. And your right there is nothing wrong wit wondering, and true sometimes you can listen to all the religions out there, but u see i dont listen to a religion. I am christain and I believe that God sent Jesus to die for me, but I dont do what a human says is right in Gods eyes. I believe what God tells me in my heart. May sound stupid to you and im sorry *not really* but Thats me and I dont want to change.

another random note: I dont want to force what I believe on anyone, but I would like to save as many people as I can from going to hell,

Random qustion 4 Lieutenut : If you believe in a God then whats it going to hurt to believe that God sent his only son to die for you?? what do you have to lose?? and if I am right then you will be in heave wit God, If you are right then you will find out then I guess.
121 posts

god is a flying spaghetti monster

262 posts

Satan was Gods top angel the left hand man, *he has a name but I dont remember it*

Well, not really, he was an archangel. Depending on the translation (which version of the bible you read), Satan was known as the "morning star" which which was translated to "light Bearer". In ancient Greece this was known as the name "Eosphorus" and later "Lucifer".

Now, I am no longer a believer, but I still remember these teachings from theology classes many years ago ... you might want to brush up on your Christian theology just a bit more. However, once again, the bible (no matter what version) was written over a span of approximately 1600 years (old and new testament) and is a collection of "short stories" (psalms, proverbs, teachings, books).
There is not any valid proof that the 12 Apostles (from the new testament) even existed at the time of Jesus's life.

Another thing to remember is that there have been a plethora of "saviors" throughout history (which is how most religions start), but most "saviors" have their own selfish agenda. Even in our time we have had saviors ... some that have caused destruction of human life ... examples : Heavens Gate (the group began in the early 1970s when Marshall Applewhite was recovering from a heart attack during which he claimed to have had a near-death experience. He came to believe that he and his nurse, Bonnie Nettles, were "the Two", that is, the two witnesses spoken of in Book of Revelation 11:3 in the Holy Bible.) Charles Manson (he spoke of the group as "the soul" and &quotart of 'the hole in the infinite.'&quot. Both of these men had many followers who believed THEY were the savior, yet they turned out to be psychotic individuals.

Moral of this story? Be careful what you believe in, make sure you are well read within your area of belief so that YOU believe it because you want to, NOT because others tell you to believe that way.
670 posts

Well, not really, he was an archangel. Depending on the translation (which version of the bible you read), Satan was known as the "morning star" which which was translated to "light Bearer". In ancient Greece this was known as the name "Eosphorus" and later "Lucifer".

sry, the bible I was reading out of said that he was... guess I will have 2 get a better type.

and thanks for saying what Satans name was *Lucifer* It would not it in my bible and I could not remember it
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