In the bible,the lord says nobody knows when the world will come to an end.And people who are saying this, stop scaring the cra* out of people and chrstians should know about this.And anyway,(sarcastically) Oh "big deal" the planets are going to allign!What does that have to do with anything?Thats not going to do anything
Why everyone is freaking out over this, let me just say it now. THE MAYANS DID NOT PREDICT THE END OF THE WORLD THEY JUST STOPPED MAKING THEIR CALENDER. I can't even remember how many times i've said that now, but think about it, the mayans were around for awile, and they carved their calander on a stone, right? What happens when you run out of room on said stone? You can't expand on it, you leave it full until you need new dates on it. Their calender already went 1000 years ahead of them. Our calenders don't even do that. There was no need to continue making it. And, think of this, how would the world be destroyed in 2012. What disaster BESIDES nuclear warfare en mass could do that? Asteroid: No, we could see that coming and just nuke the thing. Flood: Not enough water: Disease: Out of 7 billion people, you don't think that some of us would have a natural immunity to it? Mass starvation due to lack of food on earth for everyone: When enough people died, there would be enough food for those left. Sun going supernova: As Kyozou kindly explained, that won't be happening for another billion years at least. I ran out of ideas for mass disasters, so stew on what i've already said.
If humans keep going hte way they are, I'd say that we'd create enough technology to be able to find another world that can sustain us, and when earth is in danger of being ahnillated by the sun, by then we'll be gone or leaving. Humanity is a fuckin' strong species. we proved that we dont need to be strong to kill the strongest things on the planet. we need our brains. and thats it. and if god tries to stop us, we're gunna shove our brains up his ass and show him what the fuck humans are made of....FLESH AND BLOOD BITCH!
2012 is widely known as a popular trademark of the Mayan Civilizations Caldendar -- According to some translations it is said that the Mayans depicted an evil, a warlock evil b00m that kills us all. Etc etc etc.
Other people think it has to do with the stars and planets because something weird happens.
Its like the day the Gov. told America we ran out of oil...I'm glad I wasn't there to here that BS.
Whether or not I bring my religion into this, its complete fallacy and if there really was any backboned evidence to show that I'm going to die on that day we'd be making space shuttles.
NOTE: Nuking an Asteroid WOULD NOT save us. It could, but then you'd just have a billion, ginormous chuncks smashing into the earth. Fun stuff
Note: Disease = Out of 7 Billion People -- NONE of us are immune to Smallpox, Approx 90-99% of the world is NOT ever since the vaccinations. But now we aren't vaccinated, and if someone broke the leak on contained Smallpox and it grew for a long enough period, we'd have a pandemic.
Starvation: That occurs anyway, the world is balanced on power. Unless Humans go fling-whoppin crazy and use the world to its every last bit and extent to die its not happenin', and I'm sure that won't happen.
Supernova of the sun = Five Bill. Years, 2012 is not connected to that.
So finally, Either the Mayans saw Jesus/Abraham/Mohammad/Buddha/Brahma/Etc. through some special revelation of God/Gods and they predicted the end of the world based on that, they ran out of stone to put the calendar on, or they're amazing mathematical advancements made them figure that this closeness of the planets = The gods way of making them DIE. What did they know?
They were advanced, they were learning. They didn't have a wheel. Its not like they knew rocket science, guys. 2012 = My Graduating Year, and there is no way that I'm going to die halfway into it. (At least, Not because the planets align and I go boom because of a carved calender from 2000 Years ago)
ok in 2012 the planets will allign which scientists believe may cause a polar shift. Now this polar shift itself wont kill us but a sun burst may come Earths way. The sun goes through a 12 year cycle of low to high sun bursts every day and in 2012 it will be the high point of this cycle. So there is a "higher" chance of the world ending in 2012 if and only if the poles shift because of this alingment.(the sun will also be in the center of the galaxy at this time which may or may not have a giant black hole in it so that could kill us too)
I don't believe anything in the bible so there is no need to worry that the world will end in 2012. If you believe that... It's like believing that UFOs exist because there's no evidence that any of those miracles happened. True some of the things in the bible were true but the world will end in 2012 is one of the many fake things.