In the bible,the lord says nobody knows when the world will come to an end.And people who are saying this, stop scaring the cra* out of people and chrstians should know about this.And anyway,(sarcastically) Oh "big deal" the planets are going to allign!What does that have to do with anything?Thats not going to do anything
I think on December 21 2012 at 11:11 P.M., I'll roll in my sleep and wake up my sister in the other room with a nice loud fart. By the way, I don't believe this will cause the end of the world, but I may be mistaken...We might go to Taco Bell that night...
I dont think it'll end either, but I was watching The Universe episodes on and completely randomly they said the next major solar flare would occur in 2012!?!
Not that it could or would wipe out the whole Earth
What I would like to know is if the world's going to end, 'how'? The sun isn't supposed to become a red giant for at least a couple million years. I don't see the end of the world being caused by man. Though we are changing the environment in vast and sometimes drastic ways, I doubt it will only take 3 years for it to become so bad that the entire world ends. The only way I think the world could possibly end in 3 days is if an alien invasion takes place, or if we get struck by a ginormous meteorite. And I don't think anyone could 'fortell' those events.
Humans can only guess or say that they have predicted the future. why are we even believing what a much older and primitive people have "redicted"?
Humans can only guess or say that they have predicted the future. why are we even believing what a much older and primitive people have "redicted"?