ForumsWEPRObama School Speech Controversy

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5,420 posts

So I didn't see a thread on this yet, but if you some how haven't heard of this yet basically schools are supposed to show a speech from Obama which is supposed to promote education and tell kids to set goals and such. Well some conservatives are calling this some sort of indoctrination from what I can tell and its sadly created a controversy.

Here is a link to the Story:


So for a discussion do you think any of these claims have anything viable about them or are they just pointless? Do you think these claims may have gone too far possibly or not enough(for whatever reason)?

  • 117 Replies
25 posts

I know, its just an opinion buddy.

9,462 posts

I just finished reading the transcript, and didn't see any liberal propaganda, unlike in Reagan's speech.

I was actually a student then and remember seeing Reagen's speeches first hand. I have to wonder was there this kind of controversy over his speeches? If not then why over Obama's?
3,550 posts

i heard obama is black

Your a little late.

As of the speech, I actually want to see it. Just to see what he says. People don't want to watch it because they think it will be political? Wow.
5,420 posts

I was actually a student then and remember seeing Reagen's speeches first hand. I have to wonder was there this kind of controversy over his speeches? If not then why over Obama's?

If he did the same thing in our time he would get torn apart, mainly because he referred to African Americans as "Negro" and then there was some other stuff that sounded like he was trying to sell his presidency in it, as well as discussing religion. Some of it may have been honest mistakes, but the media nowadays wouldn't care anyways I would imagine.
5,420 posts

As of the speech, I actually want to see it. Just to see what he says. People don't want to watch it because they think it will be political? Wow.

Yeah I don't really get it. If people can't handle someone elses opinion then they are obviously either weak minded, not confident in their opinions, or are just not into politics, in which case they shouldn't really care. I mean I watch bits of the O'Reilly factor on Youtube all the time for comedy purposes myself.
1,455 posts

People don't want to watch it because they think it will be political? Wow.

People don't want their kids to watch it because it's political; they don't want the kids blindly accepting a viewpoint without understanding it.
I want to watch it too; I'm interested in what people have to say, even if I don't agree with them. But I wouldn't want my (imaginary) impressionable kids to watch it.
i heard obama is black

Sharp work. :/
325 posts

People don't want their kids to watch it because it's political; they don't want the kids blindly accepting a viewpoint without understanding it.

The transcript is out already. It's not political at all, and while somewhat inspiring for the student in me, not at all interesting for it's political impact. So it's already pretty clear that there's no justification for firestorm about how it was supposed to be brain washing America's youth.
1,455 posts

Hmm, I'll have to check that out.
Sorry, I forgot to clarrify I wasn't saying it necessarily was political. I was explaining things from the viewpoint of the conservative parent, since I was replying to:

People don't want to watch it because they think it will be political?

I speak from a different viewpoint from time to time. Sorry for the confusion.
1,532 posts

huhy first day of school today...wonder bout the video

623 posts

First of all how could you say Bush was a decent president? You are the President, you have an ivy league education! And you sit there for 8 years and not do one thing to better or improve or move our nation forward. It was 8 years wasted, and 8 years we could have been working towards something. Instead we sat and watched Asia grow economically. Frustrates me.

And I think this is so stupid to not watch something because it has a possibility of opinion in it. Everything has opinion in it. Maybe people like that should not go outside, because they might get poisoned with opinions.If you feel that you aren't strong enough to handle listening to someone or are that paranoid then stay at home and cry because thats just ridiculous.

1,416 posts

Conservatives are having strokes over Obama's "Socialist" message of hard work. But when Reagan was elected, he made a speech in a school with Conservative overtones. Things like tax cuts, free markets, Capitalism, etc. Conservatives accuse Obama of being too political in front of students, but they do the same thing! Here's a transcript of Reagan's speech.

4,097 posts


A lot of people seem to act as though Obama isn't THEIR president, but instead as someone who forced his way in. Reality is, he won the majority of votes, so like it or not he's all of our President.


What in the speech would you not want your children to accept without question? He basically said to stay in school and don't give up on yourself. I would understand it of he was going on TV telling kids about his health care plan, but he didn't say anything in this speech that is controversial in the least. People just made such a big deal out of it because they're either 1) delusional and really think Obama hates America or 2) they want attention.


Is it right to throw that in the face of todays conservatives? Most had little or nothing to do with Reagan's speech, and holding that against them is only going to cause more mindless bashing.

Anyway, today in my history class there was a girl who asked about whether or nor we would watch it. When the teacher said that we would later on in the week, she came right out and said that she was not going to watch it, and found it ridiculous that Obama is allowed to go on TV saying things "like that". I was shocked that there are people who seem open minded in normal discussions and debates, who either didn't bother to learn about this speech before refusing to take part, or has been brainwashed by the conservative media. Then there were mutlipl other people talking about how Obama wanted to brain wash us through it as well, and how he is the worst president ever, etc.

I'm not an Obama fan boy or anything, but it's ridiculous to what extent people fear (or at least seem to) this man.

Sorry for typos or weird wording, typing this on my iPod.

1,416 posts

Is it right to throw that in the face of todays conservatives? Most had little or nothing to do with Reagan's speech, and holding that against them is only going to cause more mindless bashing.

Yes, because most conservatives, to this day, still talk about Reagan like he's a god.

9,821 posts


Stalin was the worst person EVER.

Bush was just an okayish president.

Just . . . do weeks of research. You. Will. Need. It.


It's all manufactured outrage . . . no real problem. Kids listen to their parents more then the president anyway. Trust me on that, lol.
1,455 posts

What in the speech would you not want your children to accept without question? He basically said to stay in school and don't give up on yourself. I would understand it of he was going on TV telling kids about his health care plan, but he didn't say anything in this speech that is controversial in the least. People just made such a big deal out of it because they're either 1) delusional and really think Obama hates America or 2) they want attention.

I was only saying if it was political; I managed to read the script for the speech yesterday so I know it wasn't. I was responding to someone who wondered why people wouldn't want to watch it if it was politcal, so I was explaining why it would be a problem hypothetically.

Nobody take this as biased opinion; I speak this as a simple kid. I'm really getting sick of these "stay in school" speeches. Day upon day, every single teacher keeps telling me I have a special quality that I must discover. Did they ever stop to think maybe I REMEMBERED what they said? So from my own perspective, and presumeably the perspective of some of my peers, it would just be plain annoying to sit through it again.

This doesn't attack Obama's character or politcal standpoint. I just hate listening to that every day of my life.
It's all manufactured outrage . . . no real problem. Kids listen to their parents more then the president anyway. Trust me on that, lol.

I fully agree.
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