It didn't seem like the 8th anniversary of 9/11 was very important to people. For example: on the front of the seattle times today, there was a little section on the front pg telling those who read the paper to turn to the 3rd pg to read about the anniversary. Today should of been a day to look back and remember what happened to our country. Does anyone else agree?
Its just really pathetic to ignore all the horrible things that happened especially those committed by the US itself, then have a moment of silence 8 years after the killing of 3000 people
Its just really pathetic to ignore all the horrible things that happened especially those committed by the US itself, then have a moment of silence 8 years after the killing of 3000 people
My god are you in my freaking mind?
And the US have killed literally 10,000s more in a day, than the deaths in 9/11. And you know, I thought it was a wierd coincidence that it was on 9/11 and 9-1-1?
1st of all this is regarding america. so the holocaust and bombing of japan has nothing to do with this. why would americans be mourning over that.
2nd of all, thank you St1ckyh4nd. only 1 teacher talked about it at my school today. and the reason the tower fell was because the fire that the planes caused started to soften the huge metal beams in the building. so the op of the tower just gave way and once the weight of those top 4 floors started coming down, there was no stopping it
true. but that was a lot longer ago then this. plus we weren't the ones being attacked. im not saying that 9/11 should be remembered the most or mourned over the most. im just saying that it should of been talked about more than it was
Alright. Guess what, this is a huge event and a minor one in the history of the world.
It is huge because this is the first time since...the FLQ in Canada there has been a terrorist attack on mainland Nrth America. (I think)
And it's minor because compared to many other events in the world, the death toll was quite low.
It's different because it's America. And they aren't used to it.
Then there's the fact that it was on everyones tv's that morning, it was brought right into your living room by the media. This was the first time something of that magnitude was on your tv screen since Vietnam.
im just saying that it should of been talked about more than it was
REspond meters ticking.
9/11 was talked about. ALOT. Every tv station. I mean in newspapers for 8 years now. So don't say it wasn't talked about enough. And it wasn't a worldwide tradedgy you know.
It is really just making me mad how some of you are basically saying, it was only 3000 people, who gives a crap, that happens everyday.
well the point is not to diminish the death of those people. the point is simply, that some people still expect the whole world to hold still on september 11 and do nothing else then remeber the victims. this is clearly not possible.
i really do not get the people who would like to have even more coverage on this topic. it was the top news on every news page i have been today.