It didn't seem like the 8th anniversary of 9/11 was very important to people. For example: on the front of the seattle times today, there was a little section on the front pg telling those who read the paper to turn to the 3rd pg to read about the anniversary. Today should of been a day to look back and remember what happened to our country. Does anyone else agree?
If it makes you people any happier, how about I find your relatives, pack them all into a tower, and fly a 747 into it. Then will you understand?
Then will you understand? People to this day suffer tremendously from its' effects. 3000 died, 20,000 are still feeling direct repercussions of asbestos exposer. We've had hundreds of deaths due to cancer and lung and bronchial infections. It's still having a terrible effect on all the friends and families of the poor souls who died that day. My guess is, as Bronze said earlier, you kiddies (now I feel old -.-) were to young to remember it.
This is borderline sad. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. These are you American brethren who died that day.
On September 11th, 1973, the United States secretly outed the democratically elected Chilean president Salvador Allende and replaces him with the militaristic dictator Augusto Pinochet. Over the 17 years of his rule, thousands of Chilean activists and opposition members had been reported missing or killed under suspicious circumstances.
For all those saying more people died in was and such, please remember the saying "All's fair in love and war." I may sound harsh but in war, people die that's the natural outcome you cannot keep whining about it...however the reason the US is so shocked by it, is that it was the first ever terrorist attack of that magnitude in the US. Today my Govt. teacher told us of a school in downtown New York that had a bomb drill and had the children evacuated to the football field...those kids saw there parents die in front of there very eyes as they were crushed by the very buildings they worked in... that exact scene was shown live all over america.
millions are affected indirectly by just about anything. The Butterfly Effect
Unproven theory of BS. While 9/11 as a whole has killed millions, because some a-hole had a grudge against America, and destroyed his own country for it.
And something tells me if New York was obliterated tomorrow by a randomly passing nuke 8 years from now you wouldn't care.
i don't mean to sound cold. it's just i'm looking at this from a logical standpoint.
Can you please clear up what that logical standpoint is? I do realise that 3,000 people is small in the grand scheme of things, but common sense tells me to respect them nonetheless.
that is true. however, i don't like all the hub-ub about this when there've been far worse that people don't even know about.
That is true too, but don't make that be a reason to think of the 9/11 victims as insignificant. Instead, fight for those other horrible events to be recognized as they should be.
And something tells me if New York was obliterated tomorrow by a randomlypassing nuke 8 years from now you wouldn't care.
making inferences off of such small evidence of my caring would prove inaccurate. it's not that i don't care (repeating myself) it's just that i don't see the need for being sad about it.
Okay. Let me go and kill a butterfly and watch 6.7 billion people for a few years, then get my time machine and go back and view the same effect except without the butterfly dying.
See my point?
making inferences off of such small evidence of my caring would prove inaccurate. it's not that i don't care (repeating myself) it's just that i don't see the need for being sad about it.
Sad? How 'bout respectful? All I want is for people to respect those that died. I could care a less if you feel for them, just respect them. I respect all those that die in similar events, all around the world. But I respect my fallen American brethren more.
Enough of my nationalistic and sense of cultural identity though.