there are alot of atheists and Christians and threads about these so i thought why not create a muslin thread and another reason why i created this thread is because i was wondering if there were other muslims on ag.
just like the other threads we can talk about anything muslim
well it doesnt mater how much u know. it matters on ur bleif.when u say more do u mean how much they know in religous history or bleif
It's overall knowledge of their religion, as well as understanding other religions. Many religious people don't know about the history of their dogma, many of the details, and rarely do they know anything about other religions. I just find it striking that the people who know the most about religion are the ones who don't ascribe to any. Perhaps this is why everyone claims that all the other religions are evil and to avoid them, and why most religions discourage investigation. Knowledge seems to negate faith.
Actually in Islam it's encouraged to learn about the history and the belief. If you want proof here is a list of 49 Islamic schools across Canada.
And I find it humiliating to see a person bash Islam and that 95% of what their saying is utter BS but what I find even more humiliating is Muslims doing the same thing. And on a side note I'm a Muslim
I just find it striking that the people who know the most about religion are the ones who don't ascribe to any.
You have to know them to be against them. A lot of religious people are just "ignorant followers" (people that just go in the religion without question because everyone else do). And of course most of them fall into the stereotypes people say about other religion and don't even bother to learn them. If people would truly understand religion, there would be less religious people and religion would be viewed in an other way.
And I find it humiliating to see a person bash Islam and that 95% of what their saying is utter BS but what I find even more humiliating is Muslims doing the same thing.
Again, this is because the people doing the bashing don't know what they are talking about because they are ignorant of the dogma they are addressing.
You have to know them to be against them.
Not necessarily, but you do need to know about them in order to make an educated decision for or against, and typically when one knows about them they choose not to follow them. Even many theologians, professional students of religion, do not ascribe to any particular dogma.
Hope it works this time http://
Nope, still a fail link. And furthermore, simply because there are schools for Muslims means nothing. Look at how many schools there are in the US alone for Christians. Yet they still are notoriously ignorant of their own dogma and especially the dogmas of other religions. It is the same with Islam.
Not necessarily, but you do need to know about them in order to make an educated decision for or against, and typically when one knows about them they choose not to follow them.
Nope, still a fail link. And furthermore, simply because there are schools for Muslims means nothing. Look at how many schools there are in the US alone for Christians.
There is around 7000 catholic schools, around 8500 roman Christians schools in the US. And i think there are more catholic/Christians then Muslims in the US, because Muslims have a lot of religious rules. (Don't get more wrong, Christians schools are also strict and corrupted). But in a different way. It is hard to explain, but look around you. Look at Muslims how they live and how Christians live and you can see that the US is more fit for being Christians. Of course every country would be more fit to be Atheist, but that is just my opinion
btw there are over 95,726 public schools in the US
Exactly Loloynage, and yet look at how low people score in understanding their religion, as well as the religion of others. Schools based on dogma aren't going to teach you everything about your religion, they are going to teach you what's necessary to keep you in the church. They also aren't going to teach you much about other religions, except to show you why your religion is right.
Of course, they won't brainwash kids with "wrong" ideas xD. Anyways people should be more curious about their religion and others and maybe people will understand each other better