Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D
Hahaha bjuiscut...nice one dude but my (SFE) would be Music turned up on blast when i have me headphones on...Fighting people over little things(every guy does that that doesnt count)....Playing games that envolve car, guns, fighting, money, and basically brutal violence and or basic stuff like sk8.
Yep thats all ima say to yall for now *evil glare*
I think guys can be equally emotional, but they just tend to keep their emotions more on the inside/have other passions that they put their emotions into.
I don't know why, but guys have the highest tendency to do whatever gets the adrenaline pumping giggity, and likes to get rowdy, get violent, and other things like that. Any girl that does that I would up and run away as fast as I can.
I could do that but the place where i grew up in you gotta stand you ground...but if a girl was like a guy she'd otherwise be cool to hang out with cause shes one of the guys or shes the chick in the gym who has more pacs on her then you do.
But when im with my friends and they give me the convidence to go up to a girl and hit on her its all good but yeah ive had girls walk up to me and be like hey your coop right and ill be like yeah. then her n i will talk for a while in next thing i know we tight.
But guys just are naturally cool with me im a open guy im cool with everybody.
cause i'm 16 and i've had over 25gf within the past 3n a half years so that maybe a large number but dude could have that many EX'z.
Alright, I know this is a little off topic from what you guys are currently talking about, but I just HAD to put my two cents in on this.
25 girlfriends in 3 1/2 years? You could hardly call those girlfriends, on average, that is a "girlfriend" every 51 days, which isn't even 2 months! Whatever happened to people when they used to have girlfriends for legitimate period of time? You can only conclude that because you had so many "girlfriends", you were only in it for the pleasure. That or you are just lying and trying to impress people on the internet.
Relationships have gone down the toilet, all people are in it for now is the pleasure.