I believe in USA you are legally an adult at 21 am I wrong? Anyway its just strange because amny people are mature enough to know what ahppens in tehiur country and some dont. It depends in how yo grew up and so. SO shouldnt there be an examn to see if people are mature enough to vote?
There are so many dumbass voters in this country I'm sad we landed them all.
Just look at our recent election. Many of Obama's votes came from young voters. This doesn't mean the voters are stupid, but how they came up with their vote sickens me.
Same reason as drugs: Peer pressure.
Lets make peer pressure a felony while we're at it.
'ts what they did to blacks wayback when... something about grandfather clause, idk.
You had to prove your grandfather was an American citizen, and I think that was just for African Americans just after the Civil War (I could be wrong, though).
A maturity test sounds very appealing. Of course we don't want to do anything drastic, because we might corrupt our system even worse, but a well-thought out test to see whether your voice has as much value as the vote allows would be an excellent way to get the best man for the job.
Not that I'm pretending to know who the best man always is myself, of course. I'm only saying that the immatures vote for who looks and sounds the best, and the matures vote on issues, plans moving forward, and records. It's something to think about, anyway.
Not technicaly actually so I don't know why you put that as a comment
As has been said on this thread, adulthood is an opinion, not a technicality. And that's a very strange thing to say about a comment, and I know some things about strange things. :P