As some of you may know, I am a Catholic who has considered, on numerous occasions, the possibility that my religion may be incorrect, and maybe there is no correct religion. In most cases, I will cease debate and turn into discussion mode while I seek some answers. In most cases, personal experience wins me over, and what may appear to be coincidence on the outside appears to me as God showing me he exists. I've looked at every single one of them, and while they seem like improbable and personally moving coincidences, how improbable and moving was the formation of our universe? I've never been a Christian who believed that only through a believer's eyes could the world be beautiful; but now I finally can see the beauty of the world through more atheistic eyes. Like the stereotypical Christian, I am very conservative and reflective, and I will probably continue to be that way no matter what I choose to believe. But I am very concerned with the content of my own Bible. I'm not stupid; I've always known there were mentions of slavery as an everyday thing and women as inferior, but I've always been able to rationalize that the Bible was not written by God. Men wrote it, inspired by God, and the events, not the in-between pre-industrial male attitude, were what I needed to listen to. But even now I wonder why the Old Testament is so foul and cruel, and why even parts of the New Testament are so sexist. Even if Jesus hadn't died for our sins, wouldn't God want to create the world that he hopes to see one day, not smite the world until his son was born?
In this thread, I seek for Christians to justify the Bible. I don't have quotes on hand, but those of you who have read the Bible should know which ones I speak of. I will pop in once in a while with a quote I have a question about. In this thread, I will debate as an Atheist. In any other thread, for the time being, I will debate as a Christian. The reason I made this thread is simple: when I debate with atheists, I get a one-sided view to take in. But if I debate with Christians, I can get an actual balance. I am not ashamed to admit that my faith falters. It won't change my character whether I am right or wrong about religion. But when this much doubt surrounds my mind, I am simply curious.
I am a child, so I am not making any official decisions until adulthood. I want to take in the possibilities for the next few years, officially, and debate with Christians to see if I can win. Anyone is welcome in this thread, but it is mainly for Christians to defend the Bible, not a Christianity vs Atheism thread. I know there are threads on the Bible, but I want to use specific Bible quotes, rather than generalize the entire thing.
We can answer to any question. The problem is are the answers correct?
I know what you mean. That's why, unless there's an answer that actually makes sense, I'm going to debate as an athiest. I kept a tally a few pages back of which biblical verses are still unresolved, so we can discuss those. I don't have anything for you today.
There is no proof that God doesn't exist. And this thread is turning into a wasteland where atheists bark at everybody who isn't atheist. Can't you dudes just make one topic to complain in?
Just so everyone knows, I (BigP08) will not respond here anymore. Nnine hacked my account, and I'm sick and tired of him and others. I'm leaving AG, so farewell.
Just so everyone knows, I (BigP08) will not respond here anymore. Nnine hacked my account, and I'm sick and tired of him and others. I'm leaving AG, so farewell.
Not to be rude, but why are you posting in this topic?
*revives thread and account* Genesis 9: 21-22 When the Lord smelled the sweet odor, he said to himself: "Never again will I doom the earth because of man, since the desires of man's heart are evil from the start; nor will I ever again strike down all living beings, as I have done. As long as the earth lasts, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, Summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."
Oh my goodness. God will never flood the world again, since the desires of man's heart are evil from the start. Translation: I made a mistake; I flooded the world to kill off evil, and just realized I can't ever do that. Oops.
How can God make a mistake if he is omnipotent? If I stick with Christianity, I'd have to believe in an imperfect god; it would simply be a god more near perfect than I am. And out of curiosity, if God is talking to himself, how would the writer(s) of the Bible know?
I'm surprised I haven't posted in this thread yet..
I'd have to believe in an imperfect god; it would simply be a god more near perfect than I am.
If God made a mistake.. doesn't that mean he's human? Humans make mistakes and are flawed creatures, while God(s) are(is) the essence of the divine and are above man. They area above us because they are perfect, there for if a god is not perfect, than he is not a god.
If God made a mistake.. doesn't that mean he's human? Humans make mistakes and are flawed creatures, while God(s) are(is) the essence of the divine and are above man. They area above us because they are perfect, there for if a god is not perfect, than he is not a god.
We were made in his image (according to the Bible). Where did the imperfections come from? They may have been strengthened since we are an image of him. As a Christian for a moment, why does a higher power have to be perfect to have created this world? It would make sense if an existing god was imperfect, because that would explain the flaws. He would simply be more intelligent than us. Back to being an athiest. :P
Where did the imperfections come from? They may have been strengthened since we are an image of him.
I thought we were flawed beings as soon as Adam decided to eat the apple. We are curious beings and yet Adam get punished for it. The ironic thing is... the curiosity that got us in to trouble with God gave us science. Science is built upon asking questions and being curious to as why something works or occurs. Because we have this sinful trait; why are able to feed ourselves and clothe ourselves as well as being able to type this paragraph. so it looks like to me. This Sin has caused nothing but good for us other than the fact we got kicked out Eden
I thought we were flawed beings as soon as Adam decided to eat the apple.
We had to be flawed before that, or Adam wouldn't have eaten the apple; that was a flaw. Do any Christians or people who can debate as Christians have something to say on the Genesis quote. This is pretty big. God admitting that he made a mistake proves he is either imperfect or nonexistent. And the fact that we know what God said to himself also suggests that he was imaginary. How would the writers of the Bible know what God is feeling? The same way JK Rowling knows what Harry Potter is feeling.
On the admitting a mistake I got nothing. If we were to assume God is real for a moment and he speaks to people as a voice in there heads. Then is it so hard to believe God could project his thoughts and feelings into a person he is having transcribe the Bible?