Thought instead of continuing to thread jack the topic on abortion I would move this discussion into it's own thread.
The question is, are Humans animals? Can we even be compared to animals?
If we are not animals then what are we?
An argument was put forth we are socially not animals. On this I have to ask what is it socially that makes us truly that different? We pursue things just for the sheer pleasure of it? we see this behavior in other animals so that can't be it.
Another argument was we are not animals because unlike animals we have souls. If this is the case then what is a soul? What proof is there that such a thing even exists?
We are better at killing, making tools, making love, making shelter, making things complicated and making uneccessary complicated things. Doesnt make us superior. Other species have better senses and better hierarchal systems.
I guess the next thing is, If we accept being an animal do we say we are better than insects, or plants, or fungus.
I would actually say that we are better than insects and fungus but we need plants but insects just spread disease and fungus well we sorta do need that but whatever
i think we're lower than animals. they kill to live we kill for sport (hunting) somtimes.
Chimps and Bottle Nose Dolphins are also known to kill for pleasure.
Couldn't it be argued that our superior intellect allows us to control other animals; thus making us superior?
yes our intellect does allow us to do this but we again are not the only animal on this planet to domesticate other species. Ants farm aphids in a very similar manner to how we farm cattle.
Humans are animals. But we are more intelligent than other animals such as donkeys. We cannot understand what animals speak because they are a different species. Would a Chinese guy understand French without any teaching?
One thing is, we cannot make other animals as intelligent as us. If we do, oh guess what, cats would be making C4s to blow up metal doors and ****roaches would be invading missile launching facilities.
One thing is, we cannot make other animals as intelligent as us.
We are giving it a darn good try tho. Maybe thats what we should be doing. There was a series of fiction books, cant remember who, that talked about humans "uplifting" munkys and dolphins. The first book was called sunfire or something.
Yes, scientists are curious what will happen if some other animal are as intelligent as a human. But have they thought of the consequences?
Hah! we laugh in the face of consequence, right before it rips our nuts off. Lol. But really, I think most science in general doesnt think of consequence, just results. Cant say if this is really good or bad tho!
We are giving it a darn good try tho. Maybe thats what we should be doing. There was a series of fiction books, cant remember who, that talked about humans "uplifting" munkys and dolphins. The first book was called sunfire or something.
The reason why we have become so advanced is because of one small thing, and that is our thumbs, but! Even though apes have thumbs too it cant reach their palms. That's what let us pick up objects more easier.