I don't. I've lost all faith in America and everything it seems to stand for. All that is a lie. The government doesn't give a crap about you or your life. They just want money, and for you to shut up. Therefore, I will not pledge my allegiance to any nation, corrupt or otherwise. I only pledge my allegiance to God(sorry Atheists, but I gotta have something you know?). I know I'm going to be called a Nazi or terrorist for this but: death to the American government(wait, all it STOOD for is already dead, so haha.).
Yes. I stand for both the pledges, and I only do that out of respect. I don't say either of them most of the time, but I do whenever I hear a report about some deaths overseas (I know that probably sounds weird).
This country's government sucks, plain and simple. What it stands for sucks. And everything it used to stand for is dead and gone.
So I stand for it, but rarely say it.
*buys 5,000 pounds of C4 to blow up the House of Congress*
*buys 5,000 pounds of C4 to blow up the House of Congress*
We all know that wont be enough to kill half of them...more like 10 nukes, the things are like cockroaches they don't die. Cut off there butt and they start talking out their heads it's crazy. Nancy Pelosi can't die I mean the devil usually honors his deals (did you just see that? You know what I just did, huh do ya?)
We all know that wont be enough to kill half of them...more like 10 nukes, the things are like cockroaches they don't die. Cut off there butt and they start talking out their heads it's crazy. Nancy Pelosi can't die I mean the devil usually honors his deals (did you just see that? You know what I just did, huh do ya?)
Nancy can die just fine.
*buys Tsar Bomba*
We shall see what happens when Washington completely disappears, MUHAHAHAHA!!!
My teacher has no problem with me just putting my hand to my heart, and my Scout Master has no problem with me just doing the salute. Apparently, it doesn't matter where I live. I do admit that I would be that one guy hissing at people to say the pledge when I was in grade school, but that was when I believed it was imperative that I and my classmates say it.
I don't say it because I don't think America has justice for all. (Gay rights) I also don't believe in the "under God" part. Oh and all of it seems kinda militaristic to me. I don't have to pledge my allegiance to sh*t.