ForumsWEPRQuestion for Christians????

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I went to a sunday service at a church (i don't go very much) and for the hour the pastor talk about some finial war and the anti-christ coming in the next 10-20 years. He said nothing about why it would happen or gave any evidence. It felt like he was just saying turn or burn for the whole hour.

  • 82 Replies
13,657 posts


You can be a Christian scientist and study stuff like evolution.

Information Science ftw.

@Educational matters:
I think he just meant that he was tired of getting the same ol' facts slapped in his face, when it does not matter due to his faith, just like it is tiresome to you to get faith slapped in your face all the time. Neither of it will make you change your mind.

@OP: The Bible tells about the AntiChrist and the - evidence or signs of the arrival. Many have found... &quotroof" of several AntiChrists throughout history, but it alls seems to be nothing but conspiracies and twisting facts and looking very alternatively on the facts.
Let the pastor rant, and figure out if you find him to be right. After all, priests and pastors are humans too, and humans do make mistakes. Even the ones speaking the word of God.
3,896 posts

Christians can be moderate or severely believing but they dont have to be uneducated

9,462 posts

Having faith does not equal being uneducated.

I'm sorry I didn't mean my comment in an offensive way. Just Dude replied to "help you understand and be educated." with "cling on strongly to our faiths". I took that as meaning 'rather be uneducated and have faith then to possibly lose faith but be educated'.

... Isn't this thread sorta off topic by now?

The title is 'Questions for Christians' So I guess as long as there are question for Christians being asked and answered then it's on topic.
13,657 posts

Here's a question for you...... Why do all religions believe in the devil but no religion believes in the stars? Strange I think

First of all, is is not all religions that believe in the devil or even in a God, so it might be possible for one to "believe" in the stars.
Some Christians refer to their deceased loved ones to be among the stars/being stars.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Some I don't like about religion:
1) They want us to be stupid things without will, so they can exploit us, control us, manipulate us, fight for them. They want us to be slaves, objects or animals if you prefer, not humans.
Religions have killed, fought and gagged so many person, just because their words could pose a danger to their power and because they were progressive.
They often use methods which usually are frowned upon, but when a religion uses them everything is all right.
The Index Librorum Prohibitorum was abolished on 14 June 1966.
2) All churches have huge wealth, money and buildings. If they are that good why they don't use it to help people?
3) We are born something (for example Christians). We usually don't chose. We should decide as adults or even later if we want to support a religion and which religion.

The religions are not bad, but the majority of the members of the clergy is. The religions provide some values, important for us, but unfortunately nothing more.
Every religion and member is equal. There are no better or worst religion, all say almost the same things (be kind, generous etc.).

An other thing many person say I am a Christian, have you ever asked yourself am I? Do you really follow Christ words? Or the reason you say that you are a Christian is because you are either brainwashed, because of peer pressure or fear of death, cause you have been "bad" or that your life ends there and after that there is absolutely nothing.

2,837 posts

There are no better or worst religion, all say almost the same things (be kind, generous etc.).

13,657 posts

3) We are born something (for example Christians). We usually don't chose. We should decide as adults or even later if we want to support a religion and which religion.

Uhm, talking from a Danish PoV:
If you do not want to confirm your belief in the Christian God, you can refuse to do so at your confirmation at the age of ... 13 here.
Afterwards you can actually resign from being a member of the Christian church.

2) All churches have huge wealth, money and buildings. If they are that good why they don't use it to help people?

Not here, but there is something called "Emergency help of the Church" and "Christian help of people" which collect money to help people in both our country and everywhere else it is needed.

@1) Wars are usually for a stupid purpose anyway. No, I am not proud of the way crusaders and even the church and the believers have acted throughout history, because most of what has been done has been stupid and unnecessary, and actually against the bible.
Religion is what you make of it. And what you make of yourself. And what society make of you... It has been used by the government to control the masses...

Every religion and member is equal. There are no better or worst religion, all say almost the same things

And that is common moral and ethics, which should apply that all of human kind is equal, whatever they believe in.

An other thing many person say I am a Christian, have you ever asked yourself am I? Do you really follow Christ words? Or the reason you say that you are a Christian is because you are either brainwashed, because of peer pressure or fear of death, cause you have been "bad" or that your life ends there and after that there is absolutely nothing.

I asked myself that at my confirmation, and I could honestly answer yes when our priest asked me if I believed in the Christian faith.
I for most parts to follow the words of Christ, yes, but I find the old Testament to be made up of a lot of metaphors and strong rules that I cannot apply to my life, simply because they are what they are. The new testament is good enough.
Of course the Bible has been edited by humans, which makes it quite... Yeah, human.
Here in Denmark it is quite common to not be overly religious, and many does not really care if they are Christians or not. I have quite a few Atheist and Agnostic friends, and I admire them because they made the choice/came to that conclusion, because it shows that they actually have thought about it, and not only went with the easiest solution.
145 posts

There are no better or worst religion, all say almost the same things (be kind, generous etc.).


What about satanism? You worship Satan (replace Satan with any God). You are told how to live. You are told what will happen when you die. You are asked to contribute to your religion.

Sounds like the same old stuff to me... :P
2,837 posts

Sorry about the double post.

Tell them that the Bible says they should not try to spread the faith, as they are not priests.

This is not found anywhere in the bible. On the contrary all Christians are to be witnesses and spread the love of Christ everywhere.
2,837 posts

What about satanism?

You aren't told to be kind and generous, you are told to do whatever the hell you feel like without consequences. If that includes rape, why not?
2,837 posts

You can't even say r ape. Wow.

13,657 posts

This is not found anywhere in the bible. On the contrary all Christians are to be witnesses and spread the love of Christ everywhere.

Religion class said otherwise. It sound to me like what I dislike about some other religions. Guess it might just be the protestantic church.
Sorry if I have said something wrong about that, I am going by my memory. Still, I find it rather offensive to tell others they are doing something wrong with their lives like that, especially if they have been told not many times.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I have asked many religion class teachers and priest one question "do good person who don't believe in Christ go to heaven?". The teachers answered yes, the majority of the priests answered like Pythia maybe, it depends...
Your opinion?

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Judaism and Christianity reject anthropomorphism, but God very often has human emotions anger, disappointment, even lone which is the most important thing in Christianity are human feelings.
There is anthropomorphism in Christianity.

13,657 posts

If a good person who not believes in God should go to heaven? Why would he like to go a place he does not believe in?
Personally I go by the opinion that you go to the place you believe in, if you follow the rules of the faith.
Christianity is a little annoying because Christians have to wait till Judgement Day until they go anywhere, while most other religions have an instant kind of reaction to death. Whether it is reincarnation or 74 virgins or Valhalla or reuniting with the aliens.

Judaism and Christianity reject anthropomorphism, but God very often has human emotions anger, disappointment, even lone which is the most important thing in Christianity are human feelings.

The Bible has been edited and written by humans, it is logical that we have to associate with our God. Just like many think of God as a man, often with a long white beard and so on.
It is just like... Idk, Lion King. The lions are anthropomorphic for us to relate to what is happening, and to associate with the characters, to convey the message.
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