I hate death metal though it is an abomination to the ears give me Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart anyday (what over the top?). The Beatles even at least you can almost understand them (even with their Liverpudlian-ness)
You do realize a lot of death metal bands take arrangements from him, right?
I totally agree with gagamen, you even said you were going to mark as spam those comments that didn't agree with your opinion.
I don't believe in God. The religion that i find interesting is Buddhism because it's all about developing and evolving as a person, not pleasing some hairy old dude in the sky.
I myself oppose death metal it is ungodly. it also leads to being anti god and christian.
It is music. And most DM bands are not satanic. A few are, or have satanic songs, but you cannot stereotype an entire rub-genre of Metal based on those bands. DM is the style, not the content.
Music cannot, unless you are highly weak willed, change your religion. It is art, and meant to be interpreted as such.
Please do not spam forums. I don't see how it was funny, and you didn't back it up.
Don't be a back-seat-mod. That's worse than spamming.
I like death metal and I dont really see anything bad about it. Just another form of music. Also Slayer is awesome
Slayer sings about the Anti-Christ and things like that all the time dude.... Most death metal bands are satanic or at least their lyrics are (I have an encyclopedia of heavy/death metal) but I still listen to some. I do NOT however let it change my religious beliefs.
Death metal...is while to me personally quite disturbing. The song titles of Cannibal Corpse's songs are enough to make me tremble and flee...The lyrics are well...to be it, highly alarming, explicitly gory and downright...well depressing.
Though like what most death metal acts have come forth to say...it's an outlet for one's dark emotions, fetishes and desires...plus it's something you can choose not to listen to, or believe.
There is plenty of "Christian" metal and death-metal bands out there. defining a genre as satanic is unjustifiable. I personally have been to death metal shows that took place inside of church conferrence halls (Besieged. check em on myspace)
Style does not reflect content, and people really need to learn to be accepting and have a bit more understanding.
also, i would say that the lack of acceptance of such christians is more disgusting than the music itself. What type of morals do you preach if you would say that the music that makes someone happy is "ungodly"...
Its just music people. It is these misconceptions that cause problems... not the music.
"A condemning fear strikes down Things they cannot understand An excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within Lies Laying your guilt and pain On people that had no part in the molding of a life That creates its destruction Lies Right before your very eyes A reflection of the mistakes To the end you will deny Your part in the demise of a life Lack of comprehension Thriving on your cliche Compelled by self-resentment"