Can you trust your senses. Do you really know that what you see, feel and hear are true. Iv read books my whole life relating to this topic. Ones that come to mind are Jonathan Seagull, Illusions and the holographic universe. MageGreyWolf also sent some interesting links on this same subject.
omg this is so dumb if everyhting is a lie how are we typing? are we sittin in a cave peckin our fingers on a rock this is the dumbest forum topic EVER!
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Just saying, did you even bother to think about this topic on a philosophical level, instead of a literal one? Seriously, useless post.
Either way, I don't dwell on the subject much. It's just interesting to think about sometimes.
Of course if everything is fake or everything is real, would you change the way you act? I certainly wouldn't. The knowledge that the entire universe is fake would drive some people insane and everyone else would ignore it. because what's the difference between a perfect simulation and a "real" world? Not much, that's why it's perfect.
Well i honestly think that i am the only real person in the world and everyone else is sent by god to teach me lessons and have experiences to prepare me for the afterlife.
Philosophy is merely endless speculation that wastes time that could be spent on more important things.
Aha... but without philosophy many of the great sciences may have never gotten started. Einstein may never have followed up his dream of ridind on a sunbeam. Imagion he said "there is no solid basis for my dream and therefore I will not make E=MC2 for the good people of earth to put in an atom bomb"