Can you trust your senses. Do you really know that what you see, feel and hear are true. Iv read books my whole life relating to this topic. Ones that come to mind are Jonathan Seagull, Illusions and the holographic universe. MageGreyWolf also sent some interesting links on this same subject.
Our nerve endings supply the medium for information transmition. The brain is what interprets it.
But without the nerves what would the brain percieve. What would give it the info.
i dont know if others agree but i thionk this is a really dumb thread. yes i think we are really here? i dont really know where you expected this thread to go
Then you didnt read some of the interesting comments other people put down here, crawl back to your TV Paul.
Great question No way to truly answer that. I believe in life and death. Thats all that matters in my world. Maybe we are just spirits not really here. But I am here and I have bills to pay and a family to care for. When I die I will know the answer but until then I care not.
At least you consider the possibility
And I dont think you dont care, more like your not gonna spend your life worrying about what ifs. Leave that to fools like me