Can you trust your senses. Do you really know that what you see, feel and hear are true. Iv read books my whole life relating to this topic. Ones that come to mind are Jonathan Seagull, Illusions and the holographic universe. MageGreyWolf also sent some interesting links on this same subject.
One thing that I always wondred, is what our purpose is. Now this is relevant to the fact, do we really exist, as this topic is about that one thing.
Now, Really, my answer, and it could, or can be wrong, depending on how you perceive it, but it is merely a matter of how you percieve it. Its all a matter of Perspective, and then it is not. I personally belive I exist. I personalyl believe what I see is real, because I wouldn't know why someone would keep me as a Remnant of a mind, considering how much a fool I truly am. But then I am not a fool, considering how you see me. It's like asking a blind man if he see's something. Mabye he is the vigilant one, while we are blind. Mabye that blind person has transcended into a deeper thought of Human existance, and mabye we are just too damn lazy to catch up, without making sacrifices.
The real word of our universe, or their or if there really is a universe is mabye. Not no, or yes, but Mabye. Mabye we don't exist. Mabye we do exist. its answer is mabye. Because mabye you see mabye as yes or no... mabye. But in truth, mabye, we all exist, and mabye if you don't want to flush your brain down that toilet that mabye might exist, then I suggest you believe what you want, and dont sqaunder on the will of others, but respect their wills and beleifs, and hold amongst your own, and have a ear open. Mabye if you have a ear that is. It is truly a matter, of who...or what we truly... or mabye are. MABYE MABYE MABYE MABYE. mabye I say mabye too much. Mabye.
Reminds me of that matter shooting experiment, when the matter was observed it went straight thru the two slits and when not observed it acted like a wave. which leads back to this
Thats the one. Why why why why. I wanna know why it changes thru observation. Do our brainz emit something we cant detect or is there a link to the universe we dont quite get. Meh!
Or if a terrorist bombs your home or you get thrown in jail for false charges what would th point of the computer doing that to your brain if we are just brains in jars
Maybe the term "god works in mysterious ways" should actually apply to us and not god, since we put ourselves thru so much uneeded pain. Why do people dig a hole for themselves, slowly dying eating mcdonalds and burger king, while people starve and atrocities are commited. We work in mysterious ways.
And I say again, I AM a brain in a jar. Look up Brainz in Jarz on youtube if you want confirmation.
But that is my answer. Mabye.
At least its honest. Most people wanna act smart by giving a definitive answer. I do the same sometimes.
Maybe science is just another problem we have.
I guess religion was the same as science back way whenever. Now lots of people look to science as absolute truth, and I think its better than religion, but best not to rely on it 100%. Especially when humans are so good at making a fluffball outta things. Meaow!
Thats the one. Why why why why. I wanna know why it changes thru observation. Do our brainz emit something we cant detect or is there a link to the universe we dont quite get. Meh!
I own DVD of the show that clip came from, it has some pretty weird stuff in there.
I heard it once suggested it was the photons interacting with the electrons that caused it, but I don't know how much if any proof there is of that.
I guess religion was the same as science back way whenever. Now lots of people look to science as absolute truth, and I think its better than religion, but best not to rely on it 100%. Especially when humans are so good at making a fluffball outta things. Meaow!
I don't know if it wasn't for the scientific method we wouldn't know we don't know.
I don't know if it wasn't for the scientific method we wouldn't know we don't know.
Lol... that made me chuckle. And I agree, im glad science is kicking religions bum right now. Im just saying dont stop looking forward. Dont rest on scientific laurals. I could think of more analogys but I cant be bothered.
This is a dumb thread. OBVIOUSLY we exist, because we can talk about it. The other people who've said this are quite right. And the simulation thing, that's just paranoid people who shouldn't have any say in what they are talking about because to even suspect whether or not we exist is like going, am I a donkey? Let's make some random test that slants everything we do toward believing this, let's rename the human race to donkey in this experiment so that we get the results we want! Woo hoo. We obviously exist. And anyways, even IF this is some hugh simulation, which it isn't, thats beside the point, the topic is whether or not we exist, not how we exist. Just stop for 10 seconds and think on how if we were not here, then what the hell is all of this? It's what it seems to be. Is a dog turd a pony because we want it to be? Because it smells like one? No. Things are what they are, and nothing can change that.
Let's make some random test that slants everything we do toward believing this, let's rename the human race to donkey in this experiment so that we get the results we want!
What... ???
And anyways, even IF this is some hugh simulation, which it isn't
Do you believe in god, cos that sure sounds like a blind faith thing your putting out there. Either open your brain a bit or leave my thread.
Can you trust your senses. Do you really know that what you see, feel and hear are true. Iv read books my whole life relating to this topic. Ones that come to mind are Jonathan Seagull, Illusions and the holographic universe. MageGreyWolf also sent some interesting links on this same subject.
oh snap i can completly agree. sometimes i feel as if im in a cave and instead of me having a pencil in my hang i have a club and that space is peanut butter and the laws of physics and pycologiy or however it felt doesn't exost!
but then i relize this is reality and i know exatly where the heck i am
true... but then im not keep on people coming in and saying, this is dumb, but then proceed to give me a lecture on the subject. Unlike god, Im not infallible, and am prone to being annoyed by people.
but then i relize this is reality and i know exatly where the heck i am
Like I said before, some people dont like it when you question their reality. Your eyes etc, are mearly a sensory reciever and dont always tell the truth. Im putting to question that which you recieve to your senses. The truth is noone really knows, and as Iv explained before Im quite happy being in this reality, touching solid objects and not going crazy, but I like to think about the world and universe and how it is made. Basicly I like to question the things that we are all taught, if more people did this the world would be a better place. Instead we sink into our TV and games, stuff mcdonalds into our faces, pay thru the nose for electricity and communication whilst passing these little bits of paper around our society... Maybe I should stop questioning my surroundings and be a boring, spiteful and unhappy shopper.
... Nah! sod that. Im having too much fun twisting your brain.
Our nerve endings supply the medium for information transmition. The brain is what interprets it. So if you exist or not is soley based on your perception of yourself :P Haha, but I can perceive you because I can see you(if I were to actually see you in real life, and I can touch you).
i dont know if others agree but i thionk this is a really dumb thread. yes i think we are really here? i dont really know where you expected this thread to go