I don't know about anyone else, but when I was younger I had behavioural issues. My parents took me to several differnt psychiatrists (I don't know how to spell it) and every one of them initially jumped on, "I beleive he has a form of ADHD, or ADD" after my mom told them that we had already ruled it out, they didn't seem surprised and moved right onto bipolar disorder. In any case, out of around 6-7 differnt physicians, they all went to ADHD first. I grew up, I never had ADHD, I was just a child, immature like many others, I didn't want to wait, I didn't think what others said was important. I want your opinion on whether ADHD is actually a disorder or just a person who is bored and/or easily bored.
Yes, the short attention span is the main thing about it, but here's my question. Is it that they have a short attention span because of the disorder or is that how they are or do they just not care or is it really something in your brain that makes it so you CAN'T focus even when you try? That's the main thing im getting at. Is it just what we call people who are bored/apathetic? Or is it really a disorder? I took ridilan at one point too and all it did was mess me up. Does it really help some people or does it just calm them down?
One, there's too many books on it. My mom still has like 300 in her room from when she got fed up with all the doctors diagnosing the same thing and nothing happening. Plus, that's the whole point. They diagnosed me as with it. 6-7 different people, no contact as far as I know, so by definition, I had ADHD, but yet when I took the medicine for it, it just gave me the side effects. Since there was no improvement, that means there was nothing to improve ON. Which means whatever chemicals in my brain that were supposedly out of wack were in fact how they should be. But yet, I kept getting diagnosed with it. This is where my question comes from on how if that many doctors thought that I had it but I didn't then is it really a disorder.
Yes that's my point exactly right there. When your bored, some people sit there quietly while others mess around. If your the mess around type, and school is really boring, ineveitably you get labeled as having ADD or ADHD just because you don't care about what the teacher is saying or something like that.
Psychologists and Psychiatrists have invented so many disorders that now EVERYONE has something. Even the people that made them up. And why? $$$.
Psychiatrists/Psychologists have nothing to do with creating or diagnosing disorders, they treat them. there's a huge difference.
here, ADD and ADHD are real disorders that are not made up.
unfortunately, doctors often turn to them much sooner than they should, and there is a quite noticeable over-diagnosing of both (especially ADHD), which could come largely into effect due to drugs being prescribed those children/teens may not need (and if there are, we'll probably see that later on some time and it'll be some big issue... still).
let's not overlook the fact that ADD and ADHD are real disorders that are correctly diagnosed every day simply because they are misdiagnosed every day.
Who do you think are in the American Psychological Association? They are the ones that made each of the editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Who the heck diagnoses them if not the Professionals that will treat them?
Is it that they have a short attention span because of the disorder or is that how they are or do they just not care or is it really something in your brain that makes it so you CAN'T focus even when you try?
I remember one of the tests I went through when I received my diagnosis - it had to do with putting on headphones in a soundproof room that was completely black inside with no windows. I was supposed to listen to sounds; to my right was a person that was talking to me; the rest of the headphones were filled with the ambient noise of a subway.
I literally couldn't hear the person talking to me through the right earphone no matter how hard I tried; I just got lost in the cacophony of noise, while others apparently didn't have a problem making out the sounds they were supposed to hear. I have very good hearing, but was lacking the ability to pay attention even when I knew I was supposed to, and was trying to concentrate on it in an experiment.
It is often over diagnosed, but it's a real condition.
Well maybe you had like, a reaction to the ridalan and your body didn't take it well or something
I never took Ritalin. Eventually you have to come off it; my parents felt that if I had to cope with dealing without it at some point in time, it may as well be while I was younger.
I still struggle with focus issues & paying attention to people, and I'm twenty eight in a few days. Hardly a hyper-active child who's been fed too much sugar for their own good.