ForumsWEPRADHD: A mental disorder or bored children?

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I don't know about anyone else, but when I was younger I had behavioural issues. My parents took me to several differnt psychiatrists (I don't know how to spell it) and every one of them initially jumped on, "I beleive he has a form of ADHD, or ADD" after my mom told them that we had already ruled it out, they didn't seem surprised and moved right onto bipolar disorder. In any case, out of around 6-7 differnt physicians, they all went to ADHD first. I grew up, I never had ADHD, I was just a child, immature like many others, I didn't want to wait, I didn't think what others said was important. I want your opinion on whether ADHD is actually a disorder or just a person who is bored and/or easily bored.

  • 74 Replies
1,573 posts

Now EVERYONE has something. Even the people that made them up. And why? $$$.

This is the truth.

Psychiatrists/Psychologists have nothing to do with creating or diagnosing disorders, they treat them. there's a huge difference.

Who decides then, if not the learned people we should be able to trust who diagnose us? Who tells these "smart" people who spent the last 20 years in a profession (and really dont wanna change their views) to tell us what we have?

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was younger but my mum refused to give it to me. When I tell people this they are usually surprised because Im quite a chilled out guy, and was NOT chilled out when I was younger.

It is a disorder, but disorders dont neccesserily just appear out of nowhere or for no reason. They are a product of our society and surroundings. Why the hell are we pumping people full of drugs that DO NOT CURE these disorders. Im not saying they cant help, but none of these CURE disorders, mental or otherwise.

I learned to overcome my "disorder" by waking up and realizing this fast paced life is a paper passing farce, and the drug companies just LUUURRVE you to pass these president faced bits o paper right their way. Im not crazy, society is. We dont need drugs we need a change of the way we live and a change in our social structure. And that will be the most difficult thing mankind faces.

*rant rant rage rant spleugh* :P
383 posts

I wasn't diagnosed but my cousin is and he tried to kill me once

5,061 posts

HA! When I was kid all ADHD got you was an ass whooping....know why? Because ADHD didn't exist when I was kid we had this little thing called hyper active.

1,720 posts

ADHD isn't just a short attention span. I know someone who is reasonably normal but has ADHD. He talks a lot, asks a lot of questions, and sometimes says strangely random things.

When I was a child I was pretty weird too. I think maturing has been really good to me as a person. If I were now like I was a child, I'd be hopeless.

1,573 posts

He talks a lot, asks a lot of questions, and sometimes says strangely random things.

Im not saying your wrong, but have you considered that the diagnosis was wrong and he is just like that.
1,720 posts

Im not saying your wrong, but have you considered that the diagnosis was wrong and he is just like that.

Who am I to know if the diagnosis is wrong? I have a life!

Yes, I'm sure he has ADHD. He takes medicine for it. Whenever he doesn't, he gets extremely bad tempered and agressive towards everyone. There is no doubt about it.
1,720 posts

Seriously AnalogMonkey, don't try to act like you know everything about ADHD, because you don't.

1,573 posts

Seriously AnalogMonkey, don't try to act like you know everything about ADHD, because you don't.

Serioulsy valkyrie... dont act like Im acting like I know everything about ADHD because I dont...

You just said there is no doubt. Your saying YOU know. You just said He takes medicine... that proves nothing. So If I HAD taken ritalin that would prove I had ADHD?

Whenever he doesn't, he gets extremely bad tempered and agressive towards everyone.

This could be withdrawl?

I have a life!

Theres no need for insults. I questioned a doctors decision, and YOU get angry. I ask you to consider an alternative and you wanna eat an beat me. Dyou do that to everyone who asks you to see from outside the box.

And I didnt say I was right. :P
5,552 posts

I wasn't diagnosed but my cousin is and he tried to kill me once

If he tried to kill you there's more wrong with him than ADHD. Also, I agree with analog on the withdrawl thing, those drugs are pretty heavy and whenever I skipped taking mine I usually felt all weird at what not. Wasn't comfortable in the slightest.
1,720 posts

you wanna eat an beat me


see from outside the box.

I don't like your metaphors. They amount to nothing.

Anyways, he does have ADHD. By questioning it you made me assume that you thought you had a better understanding of the situation, and I'm sorry, but you don't.

So If I HAD taken ritalin that would prove I had ADHD?

No. But that's not the point. Why would he be taking medicines if he doesn't have ADHD? I know your trying to find a loop hole in this, but ultimately I don't think you will.

This could be withdrawl?

It could. But why would he be taking the meds in the first place if he didn't have ADHD?

And please, for my sake, don't say something weird like "he probably takes the meds because he has some sort of disease," as your rebuttal.

I'm pretty dang sure he has ADHD. You'd have to know him to fully understand.

Also, I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. I'm just not in the mood for people trying to disprove me right now, that's all.
1,720 posts

dont act like Im acting like I know everything about ADHD because I dont...

As a side note, you pretty much proved my own point.
5,552 posts

Valkyrie, this is my entire argument.

But why would he be taking the meds in the first place if he didn't have ADHD?
I was perscribed as having ADHD and I didn't. Now don't go into the, "Well you had some pretty bad doctors" I was reffered to "better" doctors each time and they all diagnosed me first with ADHD. If you had seen me when I was younger, I did not pay attention to anyone because I simply didn't care about what they were talking about because I had either already heard it or was bored.
I was simply just immature as most children are and around age 13 I simply realized that it takes more effort to ignore people than not because they keep persisting on you listening to them and they will not stop until they are convinced that you will never listen them.
1,573 posts

At no point did I try to disprove you. And thinking outside the box is a very well known and widely understood metaphor. I was trying to make you think in a different way about the situation. So my metaphor didnt amout to nothing, it does actually mean something. As for withdrawl, Im serious. Its a drug, maybe he gets withdrawl.

It could. But why would he be taking the meds in the first place if he didn't have ADHD?

The first thing I did was question if the diagnosis was right. Not saying it isnt... Hence the very first thing I said...

Im not saying your wrong, but have you considered that the diagnosis was wrong and he is just like that.
1,573 posts

As a side note, you pretty much proved my own point.

No I didnt... and neither can you.
1,720 posts

And thinking outside the box is a very well known and widely understood metaphor.

Yeah I know that, but it doesn't seem to have much to do with the situation. Seeing as I am not a doctor, there is really no alternative to this whole thing on whether or not my friend has ADHD. He's been diagnosed and is taking meds, there is nothing we can do about it. We will get nowhere by assuming its wrong, because what will take its place? It's not going to be strange behavior, because his parents are fine. His brother also has ADHD, and they act very similarly.

Hence, let's be done with this.
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