ForumsWEPRADHD: A mental disorder or bored children?

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I don't know about anyone else, but when I was younger I had behavioural issues. My parents took me to several differnt psychiatrists (I don't know how to spell it) and every one of them initially jumped on, "I beleive he has a form of ADHD, or ADD" after my mom told them that we had already ruled it out, they didn't seem surprised and moved right onto bipolar disorder. In any case, out of around 6-7 differnt physicians, they all went to ADHD first. I grew up, I never had ADHD, I was just a child, immature like many others, I didn't want to wait, I didn't think what others said was important. I want your opinion on whether ADHD is actually a disorder or just a person who is bored and/or easily bored.

  • 74 Replies
1,720 posts

No I didnt... and neither can you.

I made another point, saying that you don't know everything about ADHD, and I said there that you proved it by saying you didn't. It was redundant, that's all.
1,573 posts

We will get nowhere by assuming its wrong, because what will take its place?

Only true to a point. The best way to learn and change the world is by talking. The second best is violence, only because it tends to have repurcussions. Oh and the eat me beat me comment, that was kinda meaning you were roasting me, giving me jip, chewing on my brain etc... :P

I made another point, saying that you don't know everything about ADHD, and I said there that you proved it by saying you didn't.

Ok I thought you ment for the ADHD thing.
3,896 posts

Well, some people ACTUALLY have it but others just get diagnosed because it makes other peoples lives much easier.

358 posts

I have a nephew that supposedly has ADHD or ADD. Really... I don't think he does. He just does not care about what others say, and is stubborn, much like his uncle. (me if you can't figure that out.)
But whatever the case, I think it's more of a problem with education. Now this is my OPINION. It is not true, or if it is yay.

The way I see it, is that some teachers wants the next geenration to be on top, and surpass us old farts, and be dominant in the world. Basically to make a good impression and prepare them for LIFE.

Then there is other teachers who are teahcers because being a total Cutthroat/ Nazi is illegal in 98% of the world.

PS. The 98% is not proven, just the way I see it.

But the thing is, do these children really have mental disorders? or rather their teachers are just utter annoying, rude, or outright mean.

5,552 posts

So comrade, your beleif on this entire thing is that the kids turn out as to what they see and their major influence is teachers? Interesting, i've never heard anyone argue on how the teachers might influence a child's behaviours/interests, could you elaborate more on that subject and how it could relate to the kids being mis-diagnosed with ADHD or how the teachers point it out, something along those lines would be beneficial to this thread

1,310 posts


I learned to overcome my "disorder"

Many people overcome all kinds of disorders. Some people at some point in time in their life have a speech impediment, also refered to as a 'speech disorder'. Then, they seek help and work on it, and get it fixed.

I had one when I was younger too, just couldn't seem to lick that 'S'.

I have a friend that used to suffer from OCD, but with professional help she managed to get rid of it. Just because it's something you can fix does not mean it's not a disorder.
5,552 posts

Yes, but ADHD isn't able to be "Fixed" The medicine they perscribe is pretty much a tranquilizer. They say that it makes them "calm" Gee, I wonder why, they've got 200mg of tranquilizers in them and they are what, 3-4 feet tall(Exaggeration but still) Those meds they perscribe to "help" you are nothing more than seditives which they then point to and call improvement.

1,310 posts

Yes, but ADHD isn't able to be "Fixed" The medicine they perscribe is pretty much a tranquilizer.

Well, when you live in a health care system that isn't based on profit, you don't always wind up with a doctor obsessed with pumping out prescriptions to satisfy a pharmaceutical company - sometimes they make an effort to improve the problem or work on the real issue.

I didn't say it could be fixed, but it can be managed.
5,552 posts

used to suffer from OCD, but with professional help she managed to get rid of it. Just because it's something you can fix does not mean it's not a disorder.
The wording of your sentence implies that it can be fixed because of the, "just because it's something you can fix does not mean it's not a disorder. Anyways, I never really said that you said it could be fixed until just now, what I said was.
Yes, but ADHD isn't able to be "Fixed" The medicine they perscribe is pretty much a tranquilizer
Generally though, if you have a behavioural disorder, they can be treated and cured like your friend. ADHD however is not curable, it is treatable and like I said earlier they just use seditives and call it improvment. That they can't cure it shows that it is either really hard to cure and really common or there is nothing to cure and they over diagnose it and see that the child or person is calmer than they were and then that reinforces their diagnoses which further makes them more likely to diagnose it again. So on so forth. Sorry for the misunderstanding Hidden.
1,310 posts

That they can't cure it shows that it is either really hard to cure and really common or there is nothing to cure and they over diagnose it and see that the child or person is calmer than they were and then that reinforces their diagnoses which further makes them more likely to diagnose it again.

I wouldn't say it has to be one of those two things - my original suggestion in this thread is that it is a combination that seems most likely - that legitimate cases of ADD and ADHD are hard to cure and they are overdiagnosed.
358 posts

I mentioned teachers as a example. Education is more the point.

One note now, I am from Dominican but I have relatives in America. And i've been there well enough to know the education system.

Im just saying, the reason why Kids are being over Diagnosed with this, is because the Education system lacks too many things. In America the education system is boring, And school is ment to be a place of intrest to students. Why not actually make your classes enjoyable, so you can actually survive your day, and relieve stress. I find that in America, society puts too much stress and pressure on kids in work, such as in school, because they are basically cramming their heads with knowledge, And also on the parents, as they are stressing them about a crap load of stuff.

I come from a Military background, The Dominican Armed forces and Naval forces, and I had a mental breakdown because of my job. And I chose that voluntarily, because I wanted to help. However, Parents in America are forced into a stressful spot. Thats my response, and my OPINION. Im not saying any one thing is a particular thing for causing ADHD, or the cause of it being prescribed. So do not be a ravenous vulture to me, but rather explain your reasonings, as I have mine.

Teachers however, are more or not really what their title says. Teachers. But teachers are people, and I have a sister who is one, and believe me, when she says its a stressful job, it is. She lives in America teaching Spanish classes. The thing is, A teacher has a great impression on ones mind, because they are giving out their knowledge to pass onto the next generation/ other person.

Now depending on the personality of the teacher, Whether this teacher, is a kind, supportive, and creative person, or a eccentric, humorous, and oddball sort, or just the outright mean and A total bitch and cruel sort.

The thing is, teachers influence kids, and it can be for better or worse. Who here remembers the day when if you were slouching in class, you would get a wooden rod smashed on your back? I remember those days. Some schools still pursue this practice. Some say this practice is good, it instills discipline and other crap. But back then, CREATIVITY. Oh how I love that word, was extremely limited, and it still is in schools, depending on your teacher or school system.

Not only do we need fun, creative, and humorous teachers, we also need ones that give support. Thats what a teacher is supposed to be, and not some old bitch who can't get it up and takes it on these kids. I remember school. It was not fun for me. I don't want that experience for my kids, and I certianly do not want them growing up like me.

Because of the education system, and all the pressure, advertisements, and henceforth, I got forced into a job I didn't want at all, and I found myself in the middle of corpse ridden battlefeild, and I still remember those faces. I see them everyday crying and screaming at me.
My nephew supposedly has ADHD, and because I supposedly had ADHD as well, in which I knew I didn't, teachers didnt even give me a chance, and now I have a confirmed case of PTSD.
And you never get rid of PTSD. And it can all happen with a stupid mistake such as that.

Im not saying this will happen to kids, but hey, look at me and thousands of others, and you get the picture. It starts with the sheer boredom, or the lack of oppurtunity and attention. Honestly the education system is flawed in many countries. But who says we can't fix it?

47 posts

I have some questions. I was diagnosed with ADD as a child mostly cuz ADHD wasn't termed yet. They wanted to put me on ritalin but my mother refused. She mostly challenged me to do crafty things and made me play sports to use up some of the energy. I want to know what effects ritalin has had on different people. Does everyone have the same general reaction to it or are there many different effects? I have noticed hostility from at least one person what about the rest of you who are or have taken it? Nowadays I can rewire cars, air conditioners and many other devices. I have an Airframe&Powerplant certification, universal refrigerant certification, HVAC certification and an ASE certification. I am always having to learn or do something challenging or I get antsy. Plus I only sleep maybe 6 hours a day if I'm lucky. Anyone else diagnosed have any similar trends?

527 posts

its a disorder. theyve tested kids with it and they're brains is so e what different then those who dont have ADHD

1,310 posts

I am always having to learn or do something challenging or I get antsy. Plus I only sleep maybe 6 hours a day if I'm lucky. Anyone else diagnosed have any similar trends?

Definitely. I've started to learn how to play guitar, I paint tiny miniatures, I'm working on my car, I have my A+, MSCE, Cisco and Novell certifications, and I've been thinking about taking night classes for some engineering/electrical.. just for kicks. I need to stay pretty busy, and generally I have a lot of hobbies/learning things all at the same time because one thing is never enough to keep me occupied. I get really.. fidgety and dissatisfied without ample stimulation.
10 posts

In a class I took a long time ago I was told by a psychologist that the best way to tell if a child has ADD or not is not to watch them doing something they don't like to do (face it, who wants to concentrate on that?) but rather to watch them doing something they enjoy doing. If they can focus on that task then they don't have ADD.

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