It's the President's responsibility to prevent a terrorist attack.
Yes, technically, but what more can he do than say, watch out for terrorists and make detectors a standard? He himself can't physically do anything about it. It boils down to the people searching and if they miss it he gets blamed, that doesn't seem very fair of accusing him.
Besides, if people really didn't want him to go to war, congress could have vetoed it.
I remember when everybody was calling for retribution and going in and killing all the terrorists. He did just that. He eleminated a head of an orginization and forced the terrorists into retreat. It's not his fault that the people in Iraq HELPED the terrorists because they threatend their families. If not for the civillians getting in the way, there would have been far less casulties, quicker results and much less money spent. How can you predict people being angry at the person HELPING them instead of the person killing their families and loved ones?
everyone will receive a certain amount of coverage
That's my point exactly. Everyone receives the same coverage, which means the same resources, which boils down to the doctor's time and supplies. They would not give you a new liver and a new heart ever beacause they would say, "everyone else needs one first before you can get another" while in the meantime that person dies.
you'll have to meet certain requirements
National requirements for health care will be the same as requirements for public schooling, you just have to be a citzen and not immidiately about to die.
Whether it be because they are not eligible for the government program,
If they aren't eligible for the national standard, which would be low, than there's no way they would be eligible for a private company competing with government prices payed by taxes.
The amount of golf played often measures a man success. The more he plays, the better his career was.
Why's that? More time to golf because of less problems? What happend to this statement.
Bush managed to create a national debt out of the surplus Clinton left him. Not to mention the two wars, economic recession, and plethora of other problems he left Obama
Has he fixed the "
lethora" of other problems in 9 1/2 months? I don't think so. So, obviously, all that time golfing could have been spent arguing for the removal of troops as he promised, fixed the national debt and preventing further terrorist attacks.
Republicans who aren't going to support Obama no matter what he does. He could ban abortion, and they'd oppose him for betraying the Democrats. They'd call him a traitor and ask if that's who we want running out country, someone so willing to turn their back on their beliefs.
There's people like that everywhere, be democrat or republican or indian or european or japanese or chinese or spanish or mexican or whatever nationaility you want to throw in. People will be like that no matter what you do, so don't do the splatter all label of how republicans are corrupt politicians who are both hypocritical and greedy, all this shows is that you do not have an open mind to the other side because you are blinded by the political propoganda sent out by the democratic party in order to make themselves seem better, and vis-versa for the republicans.
do you know how many people pulling out of Iraq would piss off?
I thought that was one of the reasons that he got elected to be president, his promise to remove troops. So, obviously, not an extrodinary amount considering he won the popular and electoral votes.
Republicans complain about him not catering to their beliefs
No, republicans argue against beleifs that they think are wrong or can be improved upon, the same goes for democrats. Arguing is the only way that people acomplish anything because that shows that they are both not fighting physically and are thinking about their points in a way to slant people to their beleifs. Full scale war never worked well for diplomacy. The republicans have complained that he doesn't do what they want, but that's where opposing views come in, it's not anything new or critical to how things work, it's the party system and has been so for 250 years.