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Who likes Obama? He is 4000x Better than Bush.

  • 69 Replies
5,552 posts

Why do people think Bush was such a bad president? What did he do wrong? It's not his fault that terroists attacked during his term. Do you hate him for going to war? What would you have done? Sit there and go, "oh, it's okay, you killed over 3000 of our citzens and destroyed multiple buildings" Besides, if people really didn't want him to go to war, congress could have vetoed it. Obama has already played more golf than Bush did in 2 1/2 years in office. Obama just wants to make healthcare government controlled, that will mean rationing of medical supplies. People will have to wait for a decision on whether they can get surgery by a commitee. People will not have a choice anymore because inevitably the government health care will be cheaper and put private businesses out of business. Obama also said he would bring troops back from Iraq, which he hasn't, in fact more have gone. Obama was just a demagouge, and pretty soon people are going to realize it, in fact they already are.

6,672 posts

ya. people be like i dont want a second bush..... why not he didnt do anything wrong. infact he put sadam husane away... if you ask me thats pretty dang good.

obama hasnt dun shit so far... but then again he hasnt even been presidentt for a year

783 posts

im not a big fan of bush but people should at least cut him some slack and not be haters about everything they dont like


6,672 posts

i know. and you cant even really say much about obama yet anyway. lol no president can just snap there fingers and fix america lol..... and actually thats what people have been expecting of obama seems like

5,552 posts

Obama has already played more golf than Bush did in 2 1/2 years in office

Oh yes, Obama has done something all right, mess around. His wife also has employed by far the most assistants. What does she need over 20 assistants for? The first lady doens't do much besides organize events and meetings.
4,097 posts

What did he do wrong?

Bush managed to create a national debt out of the surplus Clinton left him. Not to mention the two wars, economic recession, and plethora of other problems he left Obama.

It's not his fault that terroists attacked during his term.

It's the President's responsibility to prevent a terrorist attack.

Do you hate him for going to war? What would you have done? Sit there and go, "oh, it's okay, you killed over 3000 of our citzens and destroyed multiple buildings"

How do you justify the war in Iraq? Preemptive action against a country possessing weapons of mass destruction doesn't sound like a smart idea to me. What would Iraq have done with those weapons had they existed? I can envision a very dirty end to the conflict, had that been the case. I don't even have the slightest idea why we're still in Iraq, aside from the fact that we represent the majority of troops in Iraq, so pulling out would abandon the other countries.

Besides, if people really didn't want him to go to war, congress could have vetoed it.

Does Congress always represent the views of the people? Also, during times of conflict, people look towards a leader and can be swayed much easier than normal.

Obama has already played more golf than Bush did in 2 1/2 years in office.

The amount of golf played often measures a man success. The more he plays, the better his career was.

People will have to wait for a decision on whether they can get surgery by a commitee.

You believed the "death panel" lie? Health insurance will be the same as it is now: everyone will receive a certain amount of coverage, and if their operation isn't covered, they'll have to pay partially out of their pocket. Isn't that better than being denied coverage out right, due to a pre-existing medical condition?

People will not have a choice anymore because inevitably the government health care will be cheaper and put private businesses out of business.

To even be eligible to receive government regulated health care, you'll have to meet certain requirements. It's not going to run the private sector out of business, as many people will still be forced to/choose to purchase it. Whether it be because they are not eligible for the government program, or they want better coverage.

Obama also said he would bring troops back from Iraq, which he hasn't, in fact more have gone.

He's never going to get a bill passed that pulls out all troops, due to Republicans who aren't going to support Obama no matter what he does. He could ban abortion, and they'd oppose him for betraying the Democrats. They'd call him a traitor and ask if that's who we want running out country, someone so willing to turn their back on their beliefs.

Also, do you know how many people pulling out of Iraq would piss off? Republicans complain about him not catering to their beliefs, then complain when he doesn't uphold promises that they oppose in the first place. It's a horrible double standard.
5,552 posts

It's the President's responsibility to prevent a terrorist attack.

Yes, technically, but what more can he do than say, watch out for terrorists and make detectors a standard? He himself can't physically do anything about it. It boils down to the people searching and if they miss it he gets blamed, that doesn't seem very fair of accusing him.

Besides, if people really didn't want him to go to war, congress could have vetoed it.

I remember when everybody was calling for retribution and going in and killing all the terrorists. He did just that. He eleminated a head of an orginization and forced the terrorists into retreat. It's not his fault that the people in Iraq HELPED the terrorists because they threatend their families. If not for the civillians getting in the way, there would have been far less casulties, quicker results and much less money spent. How can you predict people being angry at the person HELPING them instead of the person killing their families and loved ones?

everyone will receive a certain amount of coverage

That's my point exactly. Everyone receives the same coverage, which means the same resources, which boils down to the doctor's time and supplies. They would not give you a new liver and a new heart ever beacause they would say, "everyone else needs one first before you can get another" while in the meantime that person dies.

you'll have to meet certain requirements

National requirements for health care will be the same as requirements for public schooling, you just have to be a citzen and not immidiately about to die.

Whether it be because they are not eligible for the government program,

If they aren't eligible for the national standard, which would be low, than there's no way they would be eligible for a private company competing with government prices payed by taxes.

The amount of golf played often measures a man success. The more he plays, the better his career was.

Why's that? More time to golf because of less problems? What happend to this statement.

Bush managed to create a national debt out of the surplus Clinton left him. Not to mention the two wars, economic recession, and plethora of other problems he left Obama

Has he fixed the &quotlethora" of other problems in 9 1/2 months? I don't think so. So, obviously, all that time golfing could have been spent arguing for the removal of troops as he promised, fixed the national debt and preventing further terrorist attacks.

Republicans who aren't going to support Obama no matter what he does. He could ban abortion, and they'd oppose him for betraying the Democrats. They'd call him a traitor and ask if that's who we want running out country, someone so willing to turn their back on their beliefs.

There's people like that everywhere, be democrat or republican or indian or european or japanese or chinese or spanish or mexican or whatever nationaility you want to throw in. People will be like that no matter what you do, so don't do the splatter all label of how republicans are corrupt politicians who are both hypocritical and greedy, all this shows is that you do not have an open mind to the other side because you are blinded by the political propoganda sent out by the democratic party in order to make themselves seem better, and vis-versa for the republicans.

do you know how many people pulling out of Iraq would piss off?

I thought that was one of the reasons that he got elected to be president, his promise to remove troops. So, obviously, not an extrodinary amount considering he won the popular and electoral votes.

Republicans complain about him not catering to their beliefs

No, republicans argue against beleifs that they think are wrong or can be improved upon, the same goes for democrats. Arguing is the only way that people acomplish anything because that shows that they are both not fighting physically and are thinking about their points in a way to slant people to their beleifs. Full scale war never worked well for diplomacy. The republicans have complained that he doesn't do what they want, but that's where opposing views come in, it's not anything new or critical to how things work, it's the party system and has been so for 250 years.
6,672 posts

now its a party debate.... nice

2,837 posts

[quote]Who likes Obama? He is 4000x Better than Bush.

Wow. Nice OP

You are both idiots.

Bush managed to create a national debt out of the surplus Clinton left him. Not to mention the two wars, economic recession, and plethora of other problems he left Obama.

Since when was trillions of dollars in government debt a "surplus"? The national debt hasn't been paid off since Marshal sold off huge tracts of Federal land.
527 posts

i agree with kasic, i dont know why people think bush was such a bad president. he did a lot more than act like a celebrity and try to continually push a health care plan that no one wants like obama

2,837 posts

Meh the socialists, communists, and welfare exploiters want it.

Death panels here we come.

1,714 posts

Since when was trillions of dollars in government debt a "surplus"? The national debt hasn't been paid off since Marshal sold off huge tracts of Federal land.

We had a debt, but the government WAS making money. Under Clinton the government debt was shrinking, therefore its a surplus. Bush, however, spent trillions that no one had and was way more than the gov't was getting from taxes.
2,837 posts

Sorry, I didn't see the >.> after it. Regardless its no reason to get hostile.

1,633 posts

, i dont know why people think bush was such a bad president


were you living under a rock for 8 years!!!

Under Clinton the government debt was shrinking, therefore its a surplus. Bush, however, spent trillions that no one had and was way more than the gov't was getting from taxes.

That's exactly what happened. Hurray for deficit spending! We won't be in so much debt if Bush decided to raise taxes to sponsor the War. But in the Republican playbook, it says that"the economy will improve and things will get good if you cut taxes." This is true under certain circumstances; but not during war.
9,504 posts

Why do people think Bush was such a bad president? What did he do wrong? It's not his fault that terroists attacked during his term. Do you hate him for going to war? What would you have done? Sit there and go, "oh, it's okay, you killed over 3000 of our citzens and destroyed multiple buildings" Besides, if people really didn't want him to go to war, congress could have vetoed it. Obama has already played more golf than Bush did in 2 1/2 years in office.

Congress may have the power to declare war, but Bush was the Commander-in-chief back then, and so was able to take the matter into his own hands...which he did. In fact, it was aaal his doing. Clinton was a supreme diplomat, while Bush...was the opposite. His attitude towards the foreign nations is what caused this whole thing.

In fact, he did worse than any other president could have done with the war that he created before congress. We all had Bin Laden all in a trap, we had him right there in our control, ready to take him prisoner. What does Bush do? Left him to his own subordinates. What a smart person I say...

Obama may have been on several occasional spots of vacations, but Bush spent a proven, record 2/3 of his 8 year term of office in vacations. During each national crisis, he didn't do a single thing. Where was he during Katrina? Did he help, or did just the National Guard and Red Cross? No, he did not. A president is Chief Citizen and Chief Administrator, he has the power to send loads of help to those in need, yet he didn't do it. Some president he was.

And apparently, none of you really know what this health care thing is going to do. Say a man has had histories of previous heart attacks. He will now go to the insurance company to get insurance on his heart. What would have happened previously is that the insurance company would have covered most everything BUT his heart attacks. Well, Christ! That's what the guy came there for, was to cover his heart problems! The NEW PLAN will make sure that the health coverage will cover EVERY SINGLE problem you may suffer and more, plus make sure that no American will be denied any coverage of health insurance.

The real problem is the method of payment. One is to have it government paid. Another is to have the cost of health insurance drop tremendously, but then to have the government place heavy limits on how much the health insurance companies can charge. I honestly hope its the second one. The companies are evil, and so are the people that are running them. For the first one, a majority of you can probably figure out that government-paid health insurance will come in the form of taxes, and it will.

So, all these "Republican Scare-Tactics" about various rhetorics aren't true, and right here is why. LEARN SOMETHING.
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