I do not feel very comfortable around homosexual people, I feel like there out to get my bum haha. I really dont understand why i feel like this, whenever i spot a homo i stay as far away as i can. I feel homophobia is just a natural reaction to something you dont like, for example snakes or spiders its just a phobia. I think that this phobia will never go away in alot of people, just because its natural. Although many people over come their phobias. What do ou all think of homophobia or phobias at all?
Yeah, I wish we could edit posts, that would make me happy. It all comes down to what you, as an individual, like and will do. I am open to a good time and am comfortable with both sexes because I am confident with who I am and what I look like. Those that are more insecure might not be as accepting.
I'm glad I could make you laugh. Of course someone was misspelled lol.
This what I told someone one time in a thread on another forum concerning the same issue. Someone called me a fag and I just gave up and left the thread but I left one last message for the homophobes.
Even you if do not agree with my lifestyle then please just learn to tolerate it. Be good to people even if you donât agree with them. Sexuality is just one issue and it's not even a big one. Even if you donât like homosexuals, it doesnât mean you may not like the person. Homosexuality is just what they are not who they are.
Yes, really we are all individuals. There over 6 billion people in the world and over 6 billion different ways of life. We should just learn to respect each other's differences instead of judge them. We should not group people just because of their race, religion, or sexuality. Wow, if we lived in a world like that, TotalEstelManKrisErlee would not have to come out. Yes Kris, you are added to this awesome group!
I believe the sky is blue. That is a fact. Match. Set. Game. Just say what you believe in and why. Be as specific as you can so we can understand you and maybe show you a different way to think that you might like better.
We should just learn to respect each other's differences instead of judge them. We should not group people just because of their race, religion, or sexuality. Wow, if we lived in a world like that, TotalEstelManKrisErlee would not have to come out. Yes Kris, you are added to this awesome group!
Very nicely said and a very nice sentiment. If everything thought that way the world would be a wonderful place to live. =D
Wow, if we lived in a world like that, TotalEstelManKrisErlee would not have to come out.
If everything thought that way the world would be a wonderful place to live. =D
Yes it would be, yes it would be. It would be too perfect. Good job TotalEstelManKrisErlee, we will help enlighten the world one n00b, I mean, ignorant person at a time!
I'm just arguing my beliefs, I do tolerate homosexuals...
Weeman, you said that you had sex with a male, correct? And you say you have gay friends, correct? Did you not have sex with a male because of them? Is that not because of life experience?
I used to be friends with a gay guy that had sex with lots of girls
There are males who have sex with girls with no emotions. You want facts? SNOOP DAWG, all those other rappers..
And whoever it was that said that they knew a friend who was married to man but found sex with women more pleasurable..
Well who doesn't find sex with women more pleasurable? They have smoother skins and those things.
Not to go in detail, but a women doesn't need much that a guy has. Its just that you don't see lot of women on women action everywhere is because of society. Everyone gets their emotional feelings for the opposite sex through society.
You want facts? Blah blah blah blah.
I really have nothing else to say. Its logic. You cant give facts to why 1 = 1.
Weeman, you said that you had sex with a male, correct? And you say you have gay friends, correct? Did you not have sex with a male because of them? Is that not because of life experience?
When I decided to have sex with a male it was after I moved away from all my friends and didn't make any new friends in this town so I could work on being a better me. So no, while I learned a lot about the gay culture from friends, it was ultimately my decision because I wanted to try it because I will try anything once.
Why did you suddenly decide to assume? He never said that, so don't even say that.
Thanks for sticking up for me, Total, I really appreciate it.