I love how you guys minimize death. I'd love to see you guys say the same thing if asked by an interviewer. Until then, shut up.
I understand your sincerity, but people do die everyday. I'm glad this story got some attention, but I, honestly, wouldn't want to hear about it everyday. Oh, and If I was asked by a reporter, I would just say let's try to move on through this great tragedy. Let's not try to drag this on forever, let's let them rest in peace.
P.S. I can see how you got angry at the "F U". lol
I understand your sincerity, but people do die everyday. I'm glad this story got some attention, but I, honestly, wouldn't want to hear about it everyday. Oh, and If I was asked by a reporter, I would just say let's try to move on through this great tragedy. Let's not try to drag this on forever, let's let them rest in peace.
Oh, no doubt. I hate hearing about one story over and over. A simple "that is very tragic" is all that I need to hear, but there is no reason to say "F U" or "get over it".
Just remember, I didn't say to dwell on death, just to respect it.
Im not to sure about all the details about this but here's what I think what happend was. One, either the guy was mentally insane, which they are supposed to screen for, or he was a radical. Im not entirely sure whether or not he was a muslim but from the radio i've heard how he said something in islam and started shooting everyone. All this did was piss people off that things have gone too far. From what i've heard, people are starting to talk about how the war in iraq is turning into a war on islam. If that happens, the same thing essentially is going to happen like in WW2, the persecution of innocents and an open war over ethics. Although we have a better reason than Hitler, the effect will be the same.
Just remember, I didn't say to dwell on death, just to respect it.
I understand. This is sort of like what happened when Michael Jackson died. I was astonished and in shock when I heard it, but after I had heard it for about a month, I was getting annoyed. I just wanted it to be over, and for people to move on with their life.
Although we have a better reason than Hitler, the effect will be the same.
I honestly don't think there's any good reason for innocent killing.
I love how you guys minimize death. I'd love to see you guys say the same thing if asked by an interviewer. Until then, shut up.
Many many many many people die and far worse things happen every day. It is completely ignorant to think 13 people dying is a huge tragedy.
And if a reporter asked my opinions on it, it is exactly what I would say. Im not going to mourn for the deaths of 13 people with the knowledge that 25,000 children die daily, that there is a war in Afghanistan and Iraq, an occupation of Palestine by Israel, death by natural causes, deaths from car accidents, smoking, shooting, murder rape, hunger...
Do you not know at all what is going on in the world to think this shooting was a huge tragedy?
I wouldn't mind, I probably won't be the only one who feels the same.
Well then good for you. I know if that was my opinion I wouldn't say that. Of course in today's media, people might call you a Saint for saying such things.
Back to the situation at hand (the shooting...) On a news channel (I think FOX) they were discussing if this was a terrorist attack. Do you think so? Why or why not?
I think Fox over exaggerates things a little. I think it's kinda racist to say that anyone a Muslim kills is a terrorist attack. Who knows, It might have been a terrorist attack, but who are they to jump to conclusions? If a Muslim man killed his American wife, would that be considered terrorism? lol
Im not going to mourn for the deaths of 13 people with the knowledge that 25,000 children die daily
I'm not asking for you to mourn over! Otherwise every human being would be a very depressed individual. I'm asking you to respect the death of the people instead of just saying "so what".
Do you not know at all what is going on in the world to think this shooting was a huge tragedy?
And I feel sorry for those people, but yes this was a tragedy. What else would I call it? A joke?
The only thing that makes this sad is that they were waiting to go overseas. I've always seen it as: your supposed to die overseas, not on your own front lawn.
But sh*t like this happens everyday around the world. Nothing new.