I've had the most success to date with the Sheriff class. I'm only playing casual though. I'm a big fan of the standard shotgun purely because you can do the reloading trick where by you reload after every shot yet can continue to fire at the maximum firing rate of the gun due to a single shell reload being quicker than the rate of fire of the weapon. Using Doc Holiday, high Cool and Accuracy levels and Anti-Armour and Accuracy mods, I've been able to get to level 80+ so far and still going strong. Having lots of sisters helps too
im lvl 19,day 20 and im stuck,i got auto reload and increased fire rate(both lvl 1)on my shotty(lvl 1)and roux(lvl 18 sniper)has a standard lvl 1 rifle(cant find a better one lol) and perry(lvl 16 duelist)has a pistol with ammo mod lvl 3.*too lazy to type the skills*lvl 6 wall lvl 1 sandbag lvl 3 storage lvl 3 looter lvl 2 repairman lvl 9 sister lvl 43 chickens.thats everything ive baught but i got ragnarok,i used it,it killed me,restarted the round,didnt get the award so i sold it(i needed money)and ha-na-bi award gives you 25 fireworks.wtf that do?
The importance to this game is FIRST: get as many medals as you can. The extra benefits will help later on to easily surpass day 50+.
NOTE: this is not a game where you can expect to get a ton of medals in one save file. Just focus on getting those medals first.
My personal game is Level 149 Noble on day 197 with 72 Perfect games scored. Have an auto-shotgun-mk 30 modified with Damage3, Ammo3, Leech3, and Anti-Armor3. For teammates i have a level 238 Noble, a 195 Ranger and a 166 Militia all armed with a gravity gun-Mk 18 modified with Damage lv. 3 and Leech lv3 For my town i have Looter lv 16, Trainer lv19, repairman lv9, museum lv38, chicken lv389, sister lv 66, and villa lv 22.
Never lost a game past day 60 and never used henchmen! I did have to restart multiple times around day 20 because none of my teammates had gravity guns but they all had awesome chain guns.
Make absolute sure that among your teammates you have the following abilities or as many as you can: ACTIVE, accountant, breeder, scavenger, leadership, taunt, cook, negotiator and love. The absolute necessary are active, breeder, accountant and negotiator.
Your main source of income will be chickens+breeder shared ability in the rounds from 30- 100. After day 100, loot from boss rounds and your high looter level+scavenger will supplement your income. Accountant will lower the wages and negotiator will raise your standard castle income to balance off the castle upkeep.
Another way to build your main character NOBLE a small gun user = lazer gun, or rifle gun user = rapid bowgun. I chose the shotgun route because the auto-shotgun is extremely powerful. Right now my shotty has 78x10 damage. That's 780 per shot and it have 38 ammo. INSANE damage that can easily match the rapid bowgun+bow master.
Do not get teammates that are all one type as it will be impossible to get the shared abilities that are available to certain classes.
Regarding classes: many people say that hunter and rouge are the easiest to play. Well that is true, IN THE EARLY GAME. Past day 50 these 2 classses don't have the firepower, nor the ability to effectively kill all the mobs that come at you. Especially when the dragons+ tanks mob.
I highly recommend noble because of the base ability of having extra experience gains with damage and accuracy bonuses. If you have a noble teammate armed with gravity gun, YOU WILL see him SHOOT up in levels. At one point my teammate shot 15 levels in one day. (It was a boss day plus I used ragnarok)
I don't recommend the mod "Bosses always drop MODS" because although this may be very useful in the early game when weapons are easily bought, LATE game the weapons that the bosses drop are the cheaper way to find those gravity guns and auto shotguns.
Once you are positive that you will win with your 3 teammates and their gravity guns, set your main character off manual mode and to attack in weapon range. I noticed that your character should (with leadership shared skill) AIM EXTREMELY FAST.
Oh and remember that aside from the big gun skill, reloading is very important to have for all the teammates because it's needed to balance out the LONG reload time.