The average is always 100, just that 100 gets higher and lower as years go by.
If the 100 were to change, it wouldn't be 100 anymore, or do you mean the amount of people catogorized under the 100 IQ?
Those IQ tests over the internet aren't legit at all, and neither is their statistic that the average I.Q. was 85, because again, the average is always 100.
Again, I never said that they were legitimate, and the average for those test results (Again, not saying they are accurate) could have just been that the people the test attracted were the lower portion of society that brings us down to the 100.
a person's I.Q. serves as a scapegoat for what really is going on. It's not that you have a low I.Q. , it's just because you're not exercising your brain!
This isn't entirely true, but the idea is. IQ is the potential for learning, and your brains capacity depends on how much of it you use. Einstein was theorized to be so smart because he used more of his brain. I have met people who were mentally retarted, my brother is friends with a few, and quite simply, they just don't understand things and learn things or retain as much as the average person. The IQ test is a base line test, although even an "official" test, is not very accurate, as your answers to it can be influenced by education and age, concentration and whether or not you care about it.
people really did think that ducks could float, or that if you acted different in a certain way, the devil was inside you
This was just common thought, no one had yet proven against it. Back when the romans and other cultures were around, they still thought the earth was flat. This wasn't because they were stupid, it was because there was no way yet to really prove it or disprove it, thus public opinion became the accepted idea.
Many generations of intelligent couples passing on traits to children will have slowly, but surely, even more intelligent children being born.
Not if the vast majority of couples are stupid, then general intelligence will decline. Also, it's hard to fit in when you try to make jokes at things no one else gets or when you laugh at something that no one else comphrehends, or when people just plain dislike you for knowing more than them. I've experienced this all in school, I get ostracised because I quite simply don't fit in. I have 2 real friends that I can hold a conversation with about physics or theoretical things without them getting lost. Other people I know I talk to yes, but I don't consider them a friend even if they consider me one because it gets tiresome explaining what im talking about or re-iterating what I just said. Finding people that I can relate to is very hard, thus, I believe it would be hard as well for someone smart to find another smart person of the opposite sex and reproduce and have the human race evolve. I mean, if you have 1 smart person and 1 not so smart person fall in love and have a kid, the kid, genetically, will have a chance of inheriting the "smarter" genes from one of the parents, or the "less smart" genese from the other.
When will the common populace ever need to use high intelligence when information, inventions, and common survival necessities, is being given to us by researchers? All we need to do is work a static job in order to receive pay. We don't need to "survive" in the general sense, like wild animals have to. The current fittest trait you need in a world today is "wealth". There used to be a time when you needed to be smart to survive. This is where we branched off from our common ancestors several million years ago.
Isn't it a proven fact about evolution that over time unused organs change or deteriorate through generations? Our tail bone for instance, what came before us had a need for it, but we don't. Other organs have the same such thing, we have them, but they aren't neccecary. Vestigal organs do happen, so what if our brains are slowly being turned into something that doesn't use part of the brain that generates cognitive thought. We would litterally turn into mindless zombies. Now im not 100% serious, but it's a good example that fits my point.