ForumsWEPRAre people becoming smarter or less smart?

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What really prompted this is an add that popped up while I was on this site, it had this IQ test thing, now I know those aren't official but the average was 85. That's 15 points below average. Now, to put this into perspective, your considered to be smart with an IQ of 110, that's just a 10 point change. It seems to me that so many things lately have been caused by, quite frankly, people just being stupid. Like when a person holds up a bank while he has a plastic bag over his head and doesn't cut airholes in the bag. Things like this make me wonder, are we truly getting smarter or are we going the opposite direction. From what i've read, studies show that people are becoming smarter, but is this true? Perhaps it's just that we know how the human mind works better than we used to, thus our education has been changed to fit how we learn. However, even when people pass a test or quiz in school, they forget the information by the next day. I have a very good example of this. In chemistry, we were learning polyatomic ions, and we took a quiz. The majority of the class did well. We retook the quiz the next day because our teacher really wants us to know about them and the majority of the class failed. Is temporairily memorizing something considered learning? Does anyone else have some examples or research that could help on this subject?

  • 77 Replies
773 posts

The IQ tests online arent necessarily right. Theyre created by nigerian scammers who just want your info.

5,552 posts

The IQ tests online arent necessarily right. Theyre created by nigerian scammers who just want your info.

Yes, I know that, but I explained that that is what PROMPTED this thread, hence
now I know those aren't official

I never said they were accurate or reliable, it's just what got me thinking about how it seems where ever I go, I hear about something so ludicrously stupid it's almost hard to beleive. Oh, I thought of another example. You know the show AFV, that show makes a profit off people sending in clips of them being retarted. Some are faked, and some are accidental, but i'd say that 95% of the clips they show on that are just people being stupid.
2,837 posts

Education is far more widespread but that doesn't mean that people are smarter. Classical education has fallen out of use and in my opinion that is a very bad thing. The only way people read classics anymore is in their free time. I doubt many people in my old high school have ANY idea whatsoever who Macbeth is. Teaching students to do well in government testing is all that matters in America anymore which is one reason why I think that education should be privatized.

2,837 posts

Those stupid "IQ tests" even through in color blind tests, like that determines your intelligence. I made a thread about these retarded tests some time ago.

5,552 posts


aching students to do well in government testing is all that matters in America anymore which is one reason why I think that education should be privatized

That's because the government runs the schools, they set the standards, and if they set it higher than what 20% of the nation can't do, then you've got a million people who can't get a job. This is funny, because it's what I was talking about with the government health care in another thread. Anyways, private schools are much better, less students=more time with teachers, the teachers are normally better at teaching, and they have higher standards, which means that they actually teach more. The point you made balerion that stands out the most though is

Education is far more widespread but that doesn't mean that people are smarter

This is what I meant in my op, people can memorize basic things for the day or so and pass the final, but they forget about it later on, so did it really change anything?
543 posts

I think people are getting less smart, there's alot of poison in our food these days.....

5,552 posts

I think people are getting less smart, there's alot of poison in our food these days

This made me laugh. Not at the idea, it's a good point, but it made me think, there's people smarter than all the people who buy that food that isn't food and those people are just exploiting all the people in the world not smart enough to think for themselves and making a huge profit.
543 posts

Those people who are making a huge profit are also probaly poisoning themselves too, almost everything is poisoned these days, the only was to be 100% sure is to grow your own produce.

9,504 posts

The average is always 100, just that 100 gets higher and lower as years go by.

It's an interesting topic though, even more interesting to me because this is going to be my major later on in college.

Think about this though: IQ tests are run by certified professionals to kids commonly in elementary school. Those IQ tests over the internet aren't legit at all, and neither is their statistic that the average I.Q. was 85, because again, the average is always 100.

Some things can change this. Thinking and sorting out certain problems stimulates the brain and keeps it healthy. Certain video games and flash games, such as "Take Something Literally" stimulates the brain. Things like idle thoughts or watching television is just a relaxation for the brain and does nothing for it. This can deteriorate the brain and cause it not to function as well as it should. Of course, this has nothing to do with the I.Q. of a person as a whole, but a person's I.Q. serves as a scapegoat for what really is going on. It's not that you have a low I.Q. , it's just because you're not exercising your brain!

What really determines if we are getting smarter, or 'dumber'?

You cannot really tell for sure that we as humans are getting any smarter or less smart. Back in the 1400s, people really did think that ducks could float, or that if you acted different in a certain way, the devil was inside you. Yes, they really thought that, but really think about this: Religion dominated society, so the populace wasn't allowed to think outside the box of any sort of subject. The Church spoon fed them what they should know, lest they burn in hell. Those that tried to learn died by the Church's hand, so the populace feared to learn. They feared to think anything outside the church, or learned deeper.

Now that the Church doesn't have power at all, people are allowed to think much more without prejudice, albeit little to none. However, things like television and certain video games aren't doing squat for a person's brain health.

Then there's this: transportation. A well-known and proven fact of Evolution is that parents mate and then pass on their traits to their offspring. The genes that determine a person's "intelligence" is part of the traits that are passed. Many generations of intelligent couples passing on traits to children will have slowly, but surely, even more intelligent children being born.

When will the common populace ever need to use high intelligence when information, inventions, and common survival necessities, is being given to us by researchers? All we need to do is work a static job in order to receive pay. We don't need to "survive" in the general sense, like wild animals have to. The current fittest trait you need in a world today is "wealth". There used to be a time when you needed to be smart to survive. This is where we branched off from our common ancestors several million years ago.

So, to make a long story short, can't really tell if we are getting smarter or dumber, there can be many ways to explain it, and I have a lot of time on my hands. G'night. :P

2,837 posts

Many generations of intelligent couples passing on traits to children will have slowly, but surely, even more intelligent children being born.

They are just as likely to pass on the "stupid" genes. And if you have watched Idiocracy they show that it is the uneducated that are more likely to have 12 children while 2 geniuses will wait to have kids until it is too late and one of them dies.
5,552 posts

The average is always 100, just that 100 gets higher and lower as years go by.

If the 100 were to change, it wouldn't be 100 anymore, or do you mean the amount of people catogorized under the 100 IQ?

Those IQ tests over the internet aren't legit at all, and neither is their statistic that the average I.Q. was 85, because again, the average is always 100.

Again, I never said that they were legitimate, and the average for those test results (Again, not saying they are accurate) could have just been that the people the test attracted were the lower portion of society that brings us down to the 100.

a person's I.Q. serves as a scapegoat for what really is going on. It's not that you have a low I.Q. , it's just because you're not exercising your brain!

This isn't entirely true, but the idea is. IQ is the potential for learning, and your brains capacity depends on how much of it you use. Einstein was theorized to be so smart because he used more of his brain. I have met people who were mentally retarted, my brother is friends with a few, and quite simply, they just don't understand things and learn things or retain as much as the average person. The IQ test is a base line test, although even an "official" test, is not very accurate, as your answers to it can be influenced by education and age, concentration and whether or not you care about it.

people really did think that ducks could float, or that if you acted different in a certain way, the devil was inside you

This was just common thought, no one had yet proven against it. Back when the romans and other cultures were around, they still thought the earth was flat. This wasn't because they were stupid, it was because there was no way yet to really prove it or disprove it, thus public opinion became the accepted idea.

Many generations of intelligent couples passing on traits to children will have slowly, but surely, even more intelligent children being born.

Not if the vast majority of couples are stupid, then general intelligence will decline. Also, it's hard to fit in when you try to make jokes at things no one else gets or when you laugh at something that no one else comphrehends, or when people just plain dislike you for knowing more than them. I've experienced this all in school, I get ostracised because I quite simply don't fit in. I have 2 real friends that I can hold a conversation with about physics or theoretical things without them getting lost. Other people I know I talk to yes, but I don't consider them a friend even if they consider me one because it gets tiresome explaining what im talking about or re-iterating what I just said. Finding people that I can relate to is very hard, thus, I believe it would be hard as well for someone smart to find another smart person of the opposite sex and reproduce and have the human race evolve. I mean, if you have 1 smart person and 1 not so smart person fall in love and have a kid, the kid, genetically, will have a chance of inheriting the "smarter" genes from one of the parents, or the "less smart" genese from the other.

When will the common populace ever need to use high intelligence when information, inventions, and common survival necessities, is being given to us by researchers? All we need to do is work a static job in order to receive pay. We don't need to "survive" in the general sense, like wild animals have to. The current fittest trait you need in a world today is "wealth". There used to be a time when you needed to be smart to survive. This is where we branched off from our common ancestors several million years ago.

Isn't it a proven fact about evolution that over time unused organs change or deteriorate through generations? Our tail bone for instance, what came before us had a need for it, but we don't. Other organs have the same such thing, we have them, but they aren't neccecary. Vestigal organs do happen, so what if our brains are slowly being turned into something that doesn't use part of the brain that generates cognitive thought. We would litterally turn into mindless zombies. Now im not 100% serious, but it's a good example that fits my point.
9,504 posts

They are just as likely to pass on the "stupid" genes. And if you have watched Idiocracy they show that it is the uneducated that are more likely to have 12 children while 2 geniuses will wait to have kids until it is too late and one of them dies.

That could very well happen as well. So, on the second couple, do they wait until old age, or until an accident? Any way you look at it, whether how much a couple mates doesn't contribute to their intelligence or their survival. Sometimes it is needed to mate heavily, while suggested to wait to have children.
5,552 posts

Hah, this is ironic. My mom just got an email from some of her friends, it's about actual excuses that parents write for their children when they are absent. The ones that are shown are funny, but when you think about it, it's pathetic. They spell things wrong and have horrible grammar and completely misconstrue the message until you aren't sure what they are talking about. Now I know these were selected and compiled, but still, if there's those, there's more.

1,633 posts

well... looking at the stupid things freshmen do...

I say that people are getting dumber...

2,906 posts

people arent becoming less smarter. I have always been this stupid.

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