weapon+ shield. ^after killing the idiots around you get the magic guy just enough in range so he can use magic orbs.(doesn't work on some enemies.) and try to avoid getting stuck in unneeded fight.
Weapon + Shield is only good at boss fights and the levels with the Revivers and spear guys. Other than that, I like dual weapons with the Hippie Smasher's Mace. The speed at which the maces attack is amazing.
However, I never played hardcore so weapon and shield might be better than dual weapons there.
I can't get past the second boss. It cannot be right that I breezed through most of the first levels and then have to do continuous level grinding to have even half a chance against the b/tard. Yet that's what's happened, and still three more levelups and several of the good items bought does barely anything...
What am I doing wrong? D:
By the time I got to the second boss, I had my dragon at level 4. Pretty much, use a weapon/shield when you get to boss fights due to the fact that they are hard hitting. Also, by the second boss, my sorcerer had level 6 in Nova and 3 in Regenerate.
So, you just deal as much damage as possible and kite him around and let your allies do more damage. Also, even thought it'll slow down your dragon evolving a bit, save up some food items for the second boss.
Love the game, but I'm having the same problem as many of you, the bosses.
My only complaint about the game is the massive difficulty steep between normal levels and bosses. @~@
The boss fights just require a bit off grinding before you step up to them. I personally beat all of the areas then stopped before the boss. Then I'd level 2 or 3 times before I fight the boss. It gives you quite a bit of exp and an advantage.
Also, a tip is on normal mode, after getting level 7 or 8 in Nova on your sorcerer, farm the Blob Bonanza level. This lets you get quite a bit of money as well as a lot of food items since the first cast after you zone into it, the sorcerer will kill a majority of the blobs. Then you just have to kill the boss blob and 4-5 extras around.
Before Facing- Make sure your dragon is max level (duh) and also have that mage with maxed out regeneration and the casting boost thing. Have a shield and a mace (you usually only get one or two hits before running).
Part 1- The first part of the fight is easy enough. The mage dies almost immediately, but luckily the regeneration still works. Hide in a corner with your dragon in front of you, and your dragon should be able to beat them. If the dragon looks low on health, Start running around the field randomly (don't attack) until the dragon has full health.
Part 2- This part is hard, and I can almost guarantee you will die a few times. The prince has a dragon, which is just like yours only with a lot more health, so in a dragon vs. dragon fight, you will lose. What you do is run around the area. The dragon's breath will hit you, but hopefully not too much. If you manage to get behind the dragon, do a few quick slashes and start running again. The key is to regenerate health between runs, and hopefully not die. Your dragon's fire breath, and your quick slashes, should be able to kill the dragon (again, you may die a few times). With the dragon dead, the king is easy.
I disagree with the part about needing a mage with maxed health regen and casting. Personally, my cast rate was at level 4 or so and my health regen was only at 8. I found Nova to be a lot better due to the damage every so often.
The second part is a bit difficult but I had quite a bit of food in my inventory so I just healed my dragon. After the dragon came out, I focused on the king first then worked the dragon down.
*sighs* I just spend 2 hours last night trying to level up over and over to try and max my regen & cast rate... (still haven't beaten the king either)
But my personal problem is my laptop is lagging/making the game stutter (I think that is the proper way to explain it). Say, I tell my guy to walk right. Well...he will go right 15 seconds beyond when I stopped pressing. So, he gets stuck in corners and doesn't make accurate swings sometimes. This hasn't been a terrible issue until this level as you need to keep moving from the dragon. Even with 4 giant foot(s) for health...it doesn't help when you are stuck in a corner and the guy won't move away!
Im level 30, dragon maxed, nova maxed, orb attack maxed, and the cast buff maxed.
I can defeat the final boss without him coming on the screen because the orb attack as further range then him before he attacks. edge right until the orb starts attacking and wait.. it will kill the dragon. edge a little more and it will start attacking the boss.. then wait again.
I just want to throw it out there that I had no idea you could keep your inventory and levels/skills when playing in hard mode. So, if you are in normal I recommend farming and getting the items you want/ level up far before moving on. I totally would have left with an inventory full of giant's feet!!!