I have been replaying the Stonehenge level over and over. If you barely move Arazec and the dragon will shoot the orb/fire at the enemies and kill them and you wont have to fight or lose damage. It is boring and time consuming...but it's working.
I've only gotten to Valley level 1 so that's why I've been replaying that one. I'm struggling to kill just one scorpion in the Valley (let alone one entire level)! Any suggestions on getting through that section?
I've finished Valley. Here are the gear I used: Cameronâs Battered Iron Axe Ezekielâs Mask Luemasâ Deadly Mace Gauntlets Breastplate of Righteousness War Boots of Kiernan
Although, if you're feeling that you don't have enough HP, you can switch that Ezekiel's Mask for a Full Helm (+400 HP).
The trick to Valley is to always isolate each individual enemy, and get all other enemies off screen. If you fight multiple enemies at once, you will die. The "Oh Snap" level was hard, I admit. If you get there, just run around the entire map until you can isolate an enemy. That level has lots of enemies, so it'll be a little hard; you can fight about 3 Giants or 3 Skeletons on the screen at a time. But for Scorpions, always fight them one on one. Blaze and Arazec may very likely die in that level, but eventually, you'll kill all the enemies.
On Hard mode, once the mace with +70 dmg and +2 to health each hit is available, double wield that and it's cake up to the last boss. For King Saul on hard, just make sure your armor is maxed out to all the stuff the vendor sells, then use the shield. Since it's 70% block, Saul will fall. It just takes a really long time to kill him with just one mace...
What is your priority order for leveling up Arazec's magic? I maxed out the cast rate first, but I am not sure what is more helpful on hard mode out of the nova, orb, replenish or freezing. The freezing doesn't seem too helpful to me and sadly I've almost maxed that out. My nova and orb are lacking. Your thoughts??
On Hard mode, once the mace with +70 dmg and +2 to health each hit is available, double wield that and it's cake up to the last boss. For King Saul on hard, just make sure your armor is maxed out to all the stuff the vendor sells, then use the shield. Since it's 70% block, Saul will fall. It just takes a really long time to kill him with just one mace...
Why is double mace so good? I don't think it's because of the speed, because an Axe/Mace combo is just a tiny bit slower but much more powerful. Is it the +2 life drain per hit? It does heal me pretty quickly, but the Dragon Sword of Nobility also has +2 life drain, so if life drain is all you're looking for, then use the sword.
Do to jfailing's suggestion I've tried it. I really like being able to run really fast away from enemies! You get +2 running speed with the mace and +0.4 with the sword, and I think it makes a difference. I've just unlocked Oh Snap... so we'll see how it goes. It sure takes me awhile to kill the scorpions!
When the guy specifally mentioned the mace with 70 damage and 2 life drain, I think that's the reason he recommended dual mace. Dual mace attacks extremely fast and therefore replenishes your HP very fast, and it can make you run away faster. I guess that's why.
But still, with axe/mace you can kill enemies faster. In Valley you may need to use higher HP drain, but personally I didn't use it.
Bloodshadow - exactly. With a fast attack rate and +2 to health each hit, the trick is to attack big groups of mobs - since you're hitting like 5 different dudes each time, thats +2 to health x 2 maces x 5 mobs, so basically +20 health each time you attack!