Hello armor forums, I just came here to voice my opinions. Before I get started, I would just like to say I am an adolescent and I understand what's happening. I would just like to say that my peers disgust me. They don't appreciate knowledge. Most kids equate being smart and clever with having no friends. Most of those who are clever start acting idiodically on purpose, just because the "cool" kids aren't so smart. I absolutely loathe it. Earlier today, I was thinking: If my peers are the ones to be tomorrow's world leaders, then I may slit my throat because if they don't change, we're all screwed. I don't want someone who automatically shuns the quiet kid or the geek or the not so pretty one just because they are different to be in charge of me. I want someone who will understand people's opinions. I want someone who will care about the people with good ideas. It's time for people of my kind to take the stage and tell people what they are doing. I'm not trying to sound like a complete snob, but I'm afraid there is no one else that is responsible anymore. Kids treat things as a joke, like if they mess up time and time again, it's ok. Again, I'm not saying I'm perfect, no one is, I'm just saying that people do not think about the reprucussions of their actions before they do something.
This is not a trolling, this is not a spam. Please, tell me about how your peers act.
Um i know alot of dumb looking kids who are actually smart. And we have MANY programs to help them such as a little thing called scholarships and honors classes. And ye it sucks but it sounds to me like this is immaturity and ignorance. adolesence doesnt seem to be about what your saying lol
What I was saying was that most kids my age in my area don't care at all. It's not that they can't care, they are presented the opportunity. It is waved in front of their face, yet they refuse it. Also, I don't go to a large school where different classes are offered to fit you. I go to a small parochial school, where everyone does the same classes, has the same teachers and the same classmates. If I went to a larger school, I probably would not be having this problem.
Sometimes, what I post may be too superficial, but I talk that way in real life too since i was 14 and i hate it when people act really stupid too. I've seen a few smart kids that aren't drawn in by the crowd so there is hope!
Then leave them behind man. If people cant keep up ditch em. Not everyone is meant to be a great leader or thinker. <aybe your the one from your school to rise up!
I'm just saying that in high school I don't have to deal with the stupid annoying jerks. I don't have to hang out with them, in high school I'll have a choice.
Um i know alot of dumb looking kids who are actually smart.
Then they aren't really unintelligent are they.
honors classes
Pfft, do you know what those classes are? The school system defines smarter/harder as just more work. More class work, more homework, more projects. It's the same thing, me and my friend last year, I was in an honors class, we got the same worksheets, I just got DOUBLE the amount of work. I transfered out, no way im going to sit there doing 2x the amount of busy work.
If people cant keep up ditch em.
But there in lies the problem, you see, school is designed for learning, and that means ALL people, you can't just ditch people if they are stupid, therefore, the classes must be LOWERED to fit the stupidest person on average.
2 years of torture. 2 years until high school
Lol. You obviously think highschool won't be torture, let me set it straight. You write 2x as many papers, you have accountability for bad grades and you get the added in conversation of how many tickets you've gotton because your a retard.
Personally, im sick of all the people who act that way. Thus, I have become aloof and unbothered, until I get paired with someone in a group, then I have to explain what the teacher said 3 TIMES to the person 3 MORE TIMES. I spend probably 95% of my time in school either reading or sleeping, the other 5% is actually working.
When you are in high school you will say the same about college and when you are in college you will say the same about your career and when you work you will say the same about when you retire and when you retire you will find out that you are just plain screwed when it comes to having to deal with stupid annoying jerks.
The smarter people tend to be quieter and the rest(not necessarily all stupid) are louder, so you notice them more(like they often ask teachers to re-explain something after they just finished explaining it).
constantly ask questions that others can't understand and that teachers have to lookup the answers for
That'd be me, Im always asking the questions that go one step further and my teacher just gives me this look. As for the louder people being not as smart, i'd have to agree with that. All the people I know who are not stupid are not loud, and vis-versa, all the loud people I know are stupid.
It's hard to care about world events when you are younger because it's hard to see connections to yourself. As people get older and more educated, things get better.