I don't know.... If there were a heaven and hell, then I'm not to sure. I'd hope that the sins that I've committed are not as bad as some may make them out to be. Where as, God may look upon them more so with forgiveness then pity. Where, I won't be dragged to hell for things that I, find are not as bad as the things that have been done, and are continued throughout the world.
But, also, in a way, what if there is no heaven and hell? What if, you shut down like a computer, and that's that. No afterlife, no living in heaven or hell. Just, blank. Because, sometimes, my mind wonders, what if this is just a fictious belief created by humans long ago, to have something to hold onto?
I have that too sometimes but what happens then? Is it like when you are asleep you don't know anything and you just comeback? Only as a different person that time but without your memory?
I have that too sometimes but what happens then? Is it like when you are asleep you don't know anything and you just comeback? Only as a different person that time but without your memory?
Same thought here.... I mean, what if we shut down, but is it like deep sleep. Because when your about to wake, you know you've been sleeping. In the back of your mind, you know your sleeping. If you know what I mean.
I wanna ask you atheists why we are here then if we have no real purpose?
Now, I'm not Atheist, but I can redirect that to you as well. Why are animals here, if they serve no purpose?
I wanna ask you atheists why we are here then if we have no real purpose?
I think it's just an artifact of human thought that we think we need a "urpose" in life. Some greater goal or reason for existing. We just do exist, and that's simply a matter of fact. Life is what you want to make of it, but in the end you have nothing. I personally try to decrease the suffering in myself and those around me. Striving for happiness is too broad, I think. But avoiding suffering seems to be a more attainable goal.
I wanna ask you atheists why we are here then if we have no real purpose?
Purpose is relevant. Does a plant need a purpose to grow other than to better ensure survival? No, we do things because we feel the need to, and every person feels a certain need. This is pretty much what I have come up with; religious people feel that there is something missing in their lives, some unknown aspect about who they are, thus, they turn to something that cannot be disproven, but also offers something to work for, being accepted by a god or gaining the reward of heaven.
I just want to know where Atheists think they're going.
Personally? Into a furnace.
I wanna ask you atheists why we are here then if we have no real purpose?
You have to find a purpose for yourself. Some people find it in making art, music, working for a living, having children, finding their soul mate.. whatever. A purpose isn't 'fake' just because you chose it for yourself instead of someone else choosing it for you.
Exactly why would we be here then? What created us?
One hell of a dice throw. Metaphorically speaking.
we're here from some higher force above, altho IM NOT SAYING its a god of some sort. it could be just like stated earlier, a deep sleep, reincarnation, or whateveer. but what ive been thinking is what if every single religion of teh world holds one piece o the puzzle for the big picture that is after death? what if there isnt an after life and you just live as something else? is there such thing as a creature's 'spirit', and what would it be defined as? tangent off topic there...
wait a few generations where scientists fused magic with technology,theres a possibility your answer is there,theres also a possibility that it will never come,and also another thatyou would have been dead by then