Think about it, what is religion? The belief in something that cannot be proven, that has many, many things that as of yet we have found impossible, and in many people, it is unshakeable. Now I am not saying that all religious people are going to go kill someone or end up in an assylum, but think, in every religion, the basis is something that cannot be know, but is only faith. Faith in something that could turn out to be wrong, faith in something that you have absolutely no way of knowing. Also, think how many of these religions started, some person got a message from a "god" that told them what to do. Don't go crazy on me, I just want people to think about it.
Um might I remind all of you that science can be considered a religion, considering the fact that many things (big bang theory, evolotion, ect) cannot be proven?
DACMiester, that may be true, but what's the difference between most religion and science? With science, when someone is told they have no evidence, they usually come back to the accuser with evidence, or say that there is no evidence, it is merely a prediction/hypothesis/observation whatnot. When a religious person is asked, he/she usually just says, "My god told me, so it's obviously correct! You heretic terrorist!" Lol sorry wasn't trying to exagerate just trying to prove a point. Science either does have evidence or does not, and they admit to it and embrace it. Religion depends on twisted tales of skitzophrenic men, usually tales that were conceived thousands of years ago. Once you think about it, you start to agree with George Carlin. Religion is BS. And it works.
Um might I remind all of you that science can be considered a religion, considering the fact that many things (big bang theory, evolotion, ect) cannot be proven?
We've been able to observe evolution.
Also there are major differences between the way religion and science operates. For a visual example...
Insanity is subjective. You are not sane. I am sane. Or perhaps you think differently?
This is true. We, as people perceive each other as sane or insane. That's our human nature.
Now, I'm not going to try and prove religion as being either sane or insane. I only know what my heart can tell me, which is that religion isn't insanity. All I can really say is that religion saved my life, and I would probably be either a really messed up person, or worse, dead right now if it wasn't for religion.
This could be noted as offensive to some (women) and I apologies but here is my story. Also Kind of out of place
Couple of days ago there was a girl talking about sexism and how its so bad...So I butt in and say, "So then the term Mankind must be sexist," she pauses (Shes also very religious)
Then I said "And if the term Mankind is sexist and its used heavily in the bible...then The Bible must be sexist, and If the Bible is sexist, then apparently were not all created equal under God"
She was speechless, Im not Atheist either just adding Logic to a pointless argument...Anyway, Its Mankind Because God and Jesus are men...
But yeah, religion is insanity...of Course I dont believe in that Talking snake and talking donkey BS....
Then I said "And if the term Mankind is sexist and its used heavily in the bible...then The Bible must be sexist, and If the Bible is sexist, then apparently were not all created equal under God"
She was speechless, Im not Atheist either just adding Logic to a pointless argument...Anyway, Its Mankind Because God and Jesus are men...
You could have even taken it further and pointed out the passages where it says women are to be subservient to men.
There are tons of things that can't be proven. Why do magnets attract iron? Because all domains are lined up or something else? We won't know. It is not insane to believe in something like God or Buddha or one of the many Greek, Roman, and Indian Gods.