Think about it, what is religion? The belief in something that cannot be proven, that has many, many things that as of yet we have found impossible, and in many people, it is unshakeable. Now I am not saying that all religious people are going to go kill someone or end up in an assylum, but think, in every religion, the basis is something that cannot be know, but is only faith. Faith in something that could turn out to be wrong, faith in something that you have absolutely no way of knowing. Also, think how many of these religions started, some person got a message from a "god" that told them what to do. Don't go crazy on me, I just want people to think about it.
Religion is a vessel for moral code to exist, not the root. Altruism existed long before religion - in Paleoindian tribes, for example, the strong would hunt and the weak would take care of the strong. IT's a survival technique - religion is just a way to spread a moral code and unify people under it.
If anyone can find one good thing about religion (besides being with other people), tell me. I would be surprised.
The existence of modern Buddhism. Bam.
If there's any such thing as a good religion, it's modern Buddhism. Early Buddhism was as barbaric as early times, but now it's the most benevolent major religion out there.
Same with atheists. If you found out there was a God you would just deny it.
Not me, if there was an ounce of definitive proof of a god I would convert.
Stronger morals and inspiration to make new inventions. Yeah I know, religion has caused many deaths. But without religion people would have no moral code, and they would kill even more people! Although it's hard to see at first, religion has saved more lives than it has killed. Not to mention saving souls.
I have morals without religion, morals are caused by your conscience. And religion has saved no souls.
If anyone can find one good thing about religion (besides being with other people), tell me. I would be surprised.
The existence of modern Buddhism. Bam.
If there's any such thing as a good religion, it's modern Buddhism. Early Buddhism was as barbaric as early times, but now it's the most benevolent major religion out there.
Hmm, you've got a good point there with the Buddhism thing, I forgot about those guys.
Also, the standard for what's actually true is a little too high in my opinion. For example, how do you get things like gravity and evolution and reality itself to be accepted as more than just theories but truth?
I have morals without religion, morals are caused by your conscience.
Yes, but most of your morals were originally started due to religions. No one had morals before they needed a reason to have them. The morals adopted into all religions and are now commonplace.
Yes, but most of your morals were originally started due to religions. No one had morals before they needed a reason to have them
Actually, it seems to me that morals came first, then people went over zealous with them and turned it into a religion. People adapted those morals different ways, and you got different religions.
We fought the Crusades because the Muslims were defiling holy cities and interrupting trade in the Middle East.
Let me guess, you're a christian? I bet the muslims thought that the christians were defiling holy cities while they were there and interrupting trade.
Hey, no one has mentioned anything about the Mormons. Those guys have some weird morals and beliefs to discuss here. *sarcasm* I especially liked their book "Nobody Poops, Everybody Excretes Concentrated Evil"*sarcasm*.
Yet another example of bad religion, everyone knows about how the British colonists moved west and created America, right? Here's something to think about, every last square centimeter of land was occupied by Native American Indians before the colonists.
The colonists slaughtered the Indians in the name of Christianity saying that westward expansion was god's will. And that formed the proud nation that was founded on the belief that all were equal. It's amazing How hypocritical mankind can be.
The colonists slaughtered the Indians in the name of Christianity saying that westward expansion was god's will. And that formed the proud nation that was founded on the belief that all were equal. It's amazing How hypocritical mankind can be.
the mormons are actualy one of the fastest growing religions in amarica (not morman) but the religion that i think is just full of nonsence is sciencetolagy