There is no ignorance nor imperialism in my speech.
Of course it's imperialist. By your logic, before people make decisions about how to run their own countries, the US must intervene to show them all the options. Not to mention the strategic benefits for the US this brings.
Can anyone make a half-decent decision when they have one choice?
They have had a choice. Between the warlords and the Taliban during the civil war. Democracy is not something which applies to their world, nor should it. It's a fundamentally Islamic country. Islam is a theocratic religion. How on earth can wetsern liberal democracy ever work in a country which does not separate the mosque and the state?
There was almost no focus on Afghanistan before.
Oh, so as long as the public don't care about it, it's ok for the US to neglect the Afghan people. Loving your logic considering you seem to be championing their rights as a reason for going in.
Even with communist countries we did not automatically fight, they still expressed hatred against us. Communist countries want their ideals spread throughout the world, too -- it's not just us.
Perhaps they expressed hatred towards you because you had already invaded their allies? Of course both sides wanted to spread their ideals. It doesn't justify either of them doing so, or the brutal methods the US employed.
Raping and murdering of entire villages. That was the US. Using chemical weapons. That was the US too. Indiscriminate bombings? Hm. US there as well.
Well, they're communists, that's pretty horrific right?
If the decision had been made differently, and the Taliban continued gaining support and troops, expanding, etc, there would be ridicule as well.
I said in a different thread a few days before the announcement that either way, there would be people complaining heavily. War and lack thereof are two matters that get ridicule constantly.
How about you Americans stop caring about your own media reputation and care about the lives of the people involved in this conflict. Maybye then world peace really could be achieved.
Simply because I'm not using euphemisms doesn't mean I'm treating them as animals.
Just as we were once unpredictable, they are too.
I never suggested the US was treating anyone like animals. I was suggesting how hypocritical they are. When it suits their agenda, the Taliban are freedom fighting heroes against the evil communist Ruskis. When it suits their agenda to be their enemy, they are evil terrorists.
They have good reason to hate the US.
That does not exclude the fact that they hate the US.
Hating the US is not grounds to invade. Most British people hate the US for dragging them into two costly wars they didn't need to enter in the first place. I guess you should probably invade the UK too. Oh, and don't forget all those who hate the US government living within your own borders. You should probably invade yourself just to be safe.
They've already attracted troops and supporters from almost the entirety of Afghanistan. That continues.
Celary demonstrating the will of the people is not with the US and their brand of democracy.
They have all the resources Afghanistan has
4th poorest nation in the world. Yep. All those resources they have are a real threat to the US.
they hate us,
So invade them right? Great idea that turned out to be.
they can find people with means to hurt us,
Not if you leave the country.
they can harbor and aid those people.
Those can be countered purely using intelligence services and minimal military intervention. An invasion is clearly not the answer.
Then people complain because we allowed something like that to happen.
Something like what to happen? People who hate the US living thousands of miles away in caves being pissed off and sending the occassional home movie. What a terrible outcome that would be.
and the few people knowing the more about the pluses and minuses than anyone else in the country made the decision/helped make the decision.
Yes, it's not like they had a vested interest in the outcome of that decision at all. After all, historically the US' advisors has always made the right decision when it comes to military matters.
I'm supporting the man I helped get elected until the downsides strongly outweigh the upsides or some horrible decision is made.
Afghanistan and Obama are not synonymous. You can support Obama without supporting Afghanistan, as I do. Also, can I just point out your profile says you are 16, which means you couldn't have voted in the 08 election.