But you athists take the Bible too literally.
Well, to explain this, here's why I took the bible literally when I read it.
Christian belief (and also Jewish belief) is entirely based off of the bible; the former in the old and new testaments, the latter just in the old testament. Now, from the book we are to believe that this is the word of god. I'm familiar that not all religious people feel that way, and that they feel some passages are meant to be not interpreted literally, or that some of the passages don't apply to modern life, but what you're doing here is picking and choosing rather then taking the whole book to heart. There's also the argument that it was written by men, and men can make mistakes when writing down what god had to say. Here's the problem with all of this - if we're to pick and choose, or if we can't trust parts of the bible, how are we to know which parts are *really* accurate and what parts are not? Which rules should we follow as rules, and which are just... mild suggestions? The bible has to be either entirely the true and holy word of god, with what is entailed within as undeniably the tenets of the faith, or... it's not.
But is Christianity really that bad?
At it's core? No. The problem is with the people that practice it & try to force it onto people through lobby groups and the government; or just plain intimidation, violence, & bigotry. If people had faith in a religion privately and weren't so keen on preaching it and forcing it on other people, I doubt I would much care about it. Unfortunately, groups & government leaders try to push a religious agenda with no secular backing on the populace, and that really pisses me off. Either that, or in cases where they have referendums on issues that are basic human rights, and religious voters wind up oppressing the rights of the minority.
Admit it, some of your morals are derived from the Bible.
Morality wasn't around before the bible? Scores of civilizations with no access to the bible developed in their own way & still managed to figure out that murder, stealing, and a ton of other crimes were bad things. There's no morality I subscribe to that could not have been gained from any other facet of human development and civilization without the bible. Sorry, but this point just doesn't stack up.
God created the universe, thus He is outside of it. So, universal laws do not apply to Him (He is, after all, GOD).
1. Everything that HAS A BEGINNING has a cause.
2. The Universe had a beginning.
3. Therefore, the universe had a cause.
Something OUTSIDE and INFINETE outside of the universe had to cause the Big Bang. Something can't just cause itself.
It's a cute idea, but Kalam cosmology just doesn't work, and it all fails on point number 1:
Everything that HAS A BEGINNING has a cause.What you really should be saying here is:
The universe that HAS A BEGINNING has a cause.There are hypotheses that work on a cyclical model, or the Hartle-Hawking state model to name a couple which would argue against this. But, using that same postulate:
The universe that has a beginning has a cause.
The universe began.
The universe had a cause.
So, in your argument, either this means the universe did not begin, or did begin and has 'god' to thank for that. In the Kalam argument theists always turtle on the subject of 'god' needing to be created by having special conditions that exempt god from logic and reasoning and causality, and it makes it a very hollow argument indeed.
So, we have either:
The universe is eternal, and has always been here.
The universe was created by a god that is eternal and has always been here.
Why add the extra step with no evidence for a god? in the OP, even TheDude42 claims:
Truth be told, I admit science is on your side.
And this is where it all boils down to the crucial point:
And while there is no proof of God, I am somehow still sure He exists.
This is faith. This is the reason why people *really* believe. It's not because the evidence leads you to believe in a god; it's not because arguments or hypotheses make more sense, it's plain old faith - belief without evidence. I do have a problem when theists try to use science to justify something that has no scientific justification.
Enjoy the break; take it easy.