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134 posts

Global warming is real right? I mean the green house effect is real but there is so much controversy about if its man made or not, and even if it is man made will it kill us all. I think that it is man made and it will kill us all, but i want your opinion.

  • 253 Replies
5,552 posts

I think that it is man made and it will kill us all, but i want your opinion.

Lol... Do you know how LITTLE we contribute to greenhouse gases? COWS give off more CO2 than the entire human race put together, 1 volcanic eruption puts more things into the air that we can in a year. IF global warming is ever occuring, not much evidence that there is, it's most likely due to the trend the planet goes through, hint, ice age, not ice age, another ice age, it warms up again, then ANOTHER ice age, the pattern is pretty clear. Global warming is exaggerated more than anything else I know of.
1,044 posts

Lol... Do you know how LITTLE we contribute to greenhouse gases? COWS give off more CO2 than the entire human race put together, 1 volcanic eruption puts more things into the air that we can in a year. IF global warming is ever occuring, not much evidence that there is, it's most likely due to the trend the planet goes through, hint, ice age, not ice age, another ice age, it warms up again, then ANOTHER ice age, the pattern is pretty clear. Global warming is exaggerated more than anything else I know of.

Haha! Do realize Cows don't "give off" that much CO2? They exhale a good amount but I'm pretty sure you mean Methane from flatulence of Cows! XD
5,552 posts

Whoops, *CH4... XD Gimme a break, they are both greenhouse gases, organic compunds and they both have CH and are divisible by 2 :O

4,220 posts

I never said it was gonna, and besides Global Warming isn't a bad thing it's just that some are worried that we may not live through it, and some worry that species will change and that there will be a lot of change and land loss. And general fauna as we know it might be renewed or even destroyed. But these are heavy believers and I don't think that will come to be...

Would be no different from anything else. Humans would survive, and really, that's all that we should be worried about. If something like that was truly ever going to be a threat, I assure you it would both take more CO2 than we've got on earth to kill us off. There's a reason we live on every continent. We are extremely adaptable.

I swear sometimes people think that the world is going to end up like Venus.
996 posts

The problem with global warming, if it is true:

It's a domino effect. Plants die off, less oxygen, less protection from sun, more plants die off, even less oxygen, even less protection from sun, even more plants die off, much less oxygen, much less protection from sun, much more plants die off. Sorry for the repetition, but it's necessary. It will kill 98%-99% of species of plants and animals. If even a quarter that amount of plants die, us as humans will not survive. We will suffocate or burn, whichever comes first.
That's if it's true.

I don't want to get into a huge argument over it, just putting out the main points by the reputable scientists who preach global warming.

134 posts

You just probably read about the annual or so meeting of two huge currents of the coast of Eurasia that creates huge clouds of mist that climb into the atmosphere and cause rain and snow, and a temperature drop. It's no "Ice Age", but if there where going to be, the whole world would be affected, not just Europe.

No i was talking about if all the ice in greenland melted the salt in the ocean would go down and the gulf stream would stop.

Plants die off less oxygen, less protection from sun, more plants die off, even less oxygen, even less protection from sun, even more plants die off, much less oxygen, much less protection from sun, much more plants die off. Sorry for the repetition, but it's necessary

Plants wont die off if there's more Co2 plants will do better. And less protection from the sun were the **** did you get that from, Co2 has nothing to do with the ozone layer, thats arisol.
1,720 posts

Increases in temperature are being caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation. How can you not believe in Global Warming from that? When the rain forest is gone, we will die. Deforestation is accelerating our imminent doom as a species. It's all man made.

Global Warming isn't a bad thing it's just that some are worried that we may not live through it

Look, if the temperature continues to rise at a constant rate (and it is) no one will survive. We will not live through it. At this rate we are planning for destruction.

Watch this video. Educate yourself.
1,720 posts

I'd say if you don't think Global Warming is a problem, I think your wrong.

4,220 posts

I'd say if you don't think Global Warming is a problem, I think your wrong.

I'd say if you think global climate change is a imminent threat to humanity, I think you're wrong.

We will not live through it.

Just like 15 billion dinosaurs didn't live through 25C average global temperature, right? We still have a VERY long way to go before that.

no one will survive.

We will survive our next nuclear holocaust, we'll survive 5C increase. Trust me on this, just this once.

Increases in temperature are being caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation.

They've deforested a very small percentage of the worlds rain forests in the past 200 years. I'd say we still have a good ways to go.

When the rain forest is gone, we will die.

We have another 1,500 years. We'll be living on Alpha Centari by then.

It's all man made.

It's 10% man made.
4 posts

I agree with you. Anyone can obviously tell that global warming is happening, mainly because of humans.

8,051 posts

Anyone can obviously tell that global warming is happening, mainly because of humans.

and anyone can obviously tell that humans are mutating into kangaroos. doesn't mean it's true, but you can tell it.

environmentalists do seem to be quite good at scapegoating humans.
4,220 posts

environmentalists do seem to be quite good at scapegoating humans.

I wonder, if they hate humanity so much, why don't they just blast their own heads off?

And trust me, the militant ones do. At least we're saving the justice system money on the capital offense case.
2,837 posts

You people are always so kind to give me so much to work with. Thank you for making my job easier.

The polar ice caps are melting. If your denying that, you must be an idiot. I'm sorry, but that is the truth. Can't except that, then go to another planet.

Actually they are refreezing. Please reacquaint yourself with the present.

Keep that act up and you'll only have the company of yourself to enjoy (meaning nobody will like you.)

That is assuming anyone likes him at present.

The life on earth puts out more CO2 and other greenhouse gasses.

Plants are alive too.

When the rain forest is gone, we will die.

Actually almost all of our oxygen comes from kelp. Nice try.

Watch this video. Educate yourself.

Please keep your propaganda to yourself. Have a nice day.

1,720 posts

They've deforested a very small percentage of the worlds rain forests in the past 200 years. I'd say we still have a good ways to go.

At the rate we're going? No. We have maybe 100 years. Our next generation will be the ones to suffer.

We have another 1,500 years. We'll be living on Alpha Centari by then.

Alpha Centari is a star smart one. We can't live on stars. Besides, I don't even think we have that long.
1,720 posts

Increases in temperature are being caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation.

Let me do the math for you guys

mankind + deforestation = green house gases

green house gases = rise in temperature

to much rise in temperature + happening very fast = doom

Basically, we're producing lots of green house gases very fast so at the same rate it won't be long before we're dead.

Showing 31-45 of 253